Video on fox news "investigative team" being threatened and bribed to cover up the BGH /Monsanto their own management.
There is a segment on this in the docu/movie "The Corporation". Highly recommended viewing, Tango. Rent it, you'll like it. Of course you will want to go out afterwards and destroy all things corporate. It gives a historical perspective on the rise of the corporation into the evil entity it is today, from it's roots in the 14th amendment that gave corporations the status of "persons" (with no soul to save, nor body to incarcerate).
Why am I not surprised of the outcome. Money is the root of all evil <object width="425" height="373"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="373"></embed></object>
What gets me is that when I mention things like this to sheeple I'm told it's a conspiracy theory. What it all boils down to is that the mass public believes everything (and only) what is broadcast on the national media and anything that they didn't hear from Fox or CNN is automatically a "conspiracy theory."
A good argument could be presented that Monsanto is the direct cause of most of our loss of freedoms in the United States. They contributed greatly to the demise of the small American farm and created the concept of the corporate farm. They have bred the flavor right out of fruit, grains, and vegetables to grow more on less land. They have chemically and genetically changed the ability for a small farm to exist with their hybrid seeds. I'll bet the demise of the native honey-bee can be traced to them indirectly.