Keto diet with intermittent fasting

Discussion in 'Survival of the Fittest' started by Big Ron, Nov 2, 2018.

  1. Big Ron

    Big Ron Monkey+++

    I was thinking on how much I needed to lose weight and how this would help my high blood sugar problems. I found two videos that I think are helpful. A fellow going by the name "Butter bob" who talks some good stuff in a plain understanding kind of a way. It was very useful. Next was a Dr. Fung who also talked in a normal common sense kind of way. He talked about fasting, in various ways and how this and the Keto diet help burn belly fat and help your health improve.
    I watched a program years back on how a procedure that makes your stomach smaller made diabetics stop being diabetics after awhile. Dr. Fung equates this with losing weight and eliminating diabetes. He says Diabetes is a dietary thing and is reversible. I recommend anyone with weight or sugar issues check these guys videos out. I have just started my Keto diet with exercise and fasting from noon until six am. So, i am eating twice a day. I drink a bulletproof coffee at six pm that helps hold me over. Wish me luck!
    Alanaana, Dunerunner, Brokor and 5 others like this.
  2. SB21

    SB21 Monkey+++

    Good luck . An 18 hour fast time sounds kind of hard , but its all in what you get used to . About 2 years ago I did a juicing diet , ate minimal salads and steamed veggies , and oatmeal for breakfast . Drank fruit smoothies . Once I got used to it , it wasn't bad , took about 2 weeks . Did it for about 2 1/2 months or more and lost close to 50 lbs . Been seriously thinking of doing it again , its a little time consuming , and the cleanup on the juicer is a pain , a dishwasher may make it easier tho .
    I wish you luck and success .
  3. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Well, the Nobel Prize winner (from Japan, 2017? or 2018?) pretty much proves fasting is a good thing and works, in moderation of course but it jives with how primitive man lived, eating well one day and slim pickings the next. I sort of stuck my toe into the waters last week and actually really liked it. I intend to fast 3 days a week starting next week and the rest of the week eat what I normally eat. We'll see what happens...
    Zimmy, Motomom34 and SB21 like this.
  4. runswithdogs

    runswithdogs Monkey+++

    You might want to check out Dr. Ken Berry to, hes got a channel on youtube with tons of info.

    Ive lost about 35lbs doing keto and only eatting when im hungry (wich a few times has been not for several days, but usally 1-2 times a day)
    And my DH is no longer diabetic so I can vouch for both
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2019
  5. Hanzo

    Hanzo Monkey+++

    Good luck. Years ago, kept a buddy company on his ten day fast. Lost about 20 pounds. But it all came back. Think his did too.

    Now I still eat whatever, but try to reduce it by 10%. And I started running a few months ago. Lost 20-25 pounds, depending on when I weigh myself. The weight loss has been gradual and consistent. I do two short runs a week and one long run. Sprinkled in between are walks, hikes and tai chi. I end up averaging about 2 hours of some kind of exercise a day, not including the hikes.
    duane, SB21 and Wild Trapper like this.
  6. Big Ron

    Big Ron Monkey+++

    I don't find the fasting to be that hard. Getting past bad old habits of eating snacks and stuff that is bad for me has been slightly tough. I don't count calories and most KETO foods can be eaten with no problem. It sure helped cut back on storing carb kinda foods.
    Zimmy likes this.
  7. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    I've been KETO for two weeks now. This is my routine:
    1. Wake at 23:00, go to work. Eat nothing, drink only water or unsweetened tea.
    2. At 4 A.M. during lunch, I drink a collagen/fiber/or meal shake. Only twice per week. Other days I have nothing except hot tea from my thermos that has some MCT oil and Stevia as sweetener.
    3. At home, I work out for 5 to 20 minutes on the elliptical with no meal or snack before or after.
    4. Later that morning at home I prepare my meal at around 10 A.M. and eat from 11:00 to about 13:00
    -Rinse and repeat-

    ZERO SUGAR ALWAYS - LOW CARBS (under 30g daily) - Not counting vegetables because you want the fiber offset.

    My one and only meal consists of about 6 to 8 cups of leafy greens/salad/vegetables as a starter. I generally either go with a full salad topped with copious amounts of extra virgin olive oil (yes the real stuff not the many kinds of imitation olive oil out there) and some quality balsamic. (vary toppings from peppers to mushrooms, cheddar cheese, goat cheese, olives, onions, etc) I get the veggies in first because the fiber and nutrients are the most important and I have to get it into my system. Some days I will blend my veggies by using carrots as the carrier juice. It's just better once in a while to drink my vegetables and the greens superfoods powder is really good to add as well. Next, I prepare my protein and other fats. An avocado goes a long way. If I don't use avocado oil, I will usually eat an avocado on my salad or with a snack in between the salad and protein. Next, about 4 or 5 eggs hard-boiled often or a steak roughly the size of the palm of my hand. Sometimes it will be a lamb chop or two in place of steak, and sometimes it will be grass fed ground beef or bison mixed with goat cheese and onions in a coconut or egg wrap and a heap of bacon. Maybe I want to eat a whole pack of prosciutto and drench it in olive oil and that's fine, too. Finally, I finish with a few strawberries blended with almond milk, stevia, and heavy whipping cream as a treat. I might even decide to make a hot chocolate with baking cocoa powder, almond milk, and Stevia. Leaving myself 2 to even 3 hours to eat is important because I really need to get all the calories and nutrients. Where do I shop locally? I have only one word: ALDI - Also, buy frozen whenever possible. You will keep food longer and the broccoli and cauliflower will last and be perfectly fresh when you need it.

    SNACKS: Ordinarily, snacking is not a good idea, you want to intermittently fast every day if possible. But, if you go with two full meals, you don't want a snack in between. What I do is use my snacks while I am cooking my one meal, but I am careful to not overdo it and spoil my appetite. Pork rinds, keto crackers, seeds or nuts that are dry roasted, that sort of thing. Just a little, not much at all.

    Some supplements I take routinely are Zinc, Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium citrate and gluconate, B complex, and elderberry with vitamin c. I don't take these every day all at once or together, I spread them out in groups of two or four per day and rotate.

    MCT oil is your best friend. Always buy organic if possible, and grass fed as well as grass finished for animal proteins. Remember to get some healthy fats, some protein, and plenty of leafy greens into your diet each day. Probiotics are very helpful to assist in maintaining a healthy gut-biome. I drink some Kefir each day before bed, or after my meal if I can. The dry type can be mixed with your choice of dairy, but I often buy mine fresh from the local grocery. Usually I only take a few gulps. Some days I will add a serving (1 scoop) of prebiotic fiber soluble to any drink like water or tea or almond milk, and it's made by Gobiotix.

    I don't adhere to a strict regimen aside from the times, I eat different foods on different days and mix it up. I make meal time at home a bit of an adventure, and try new keto recipes like baking "bread". One of my favs thus far is Tahini and PB mixed with baking powder, salt, and 5 egg whites. That's literally all it takes, keto bread done -and it tastes great with melted butter. Since I only eat once per day, and perhaps on two days I will have a meal shake in between at work, I usually just push away any cravings (which are quite weak) and within a few seconds I am no longer thinking about it. Honestly, the MCT oil and diet gets me through just fine. The first few days are rough, but after that it gets much easier.

    I test my glucose daily for the first two weeks. I am now at the point where I am at what's called "Adaptive Glucose Sparing", and my body is efficiently burning fat instead of sugar. Generally, my insulin levels are stable and do not spike very high, but it rests slightly higher in the 90's due to my body not having a need for it to use sugar as fuel. Two hours after a meal, my glucose will measure a little lower than pre-meal/resting/fasting levels and climb back up later to stay within the same zone as before. Total average levels are at 99, with the highest spike about 111 and lowest at 90.

    If you look down and see belly fat, you have insulin resistance. We all deserve to be healthy, and a high sugar and carbohydrate diet is no way to live for me anymore. :cool:
    Alanaana and Dunerunner like this.
  8. Jaybird

    Jaybird Monkey+++

    I had to back off of my Keto diet, not stop, just back off. I was eating three meals a day, keeping carbs very low and fats high. Two days a week I would do a 24 hour fast on top of that. Doc said the aggressive Keto was causing tachycardia. My heart was beating rapidly and I was feeling out of breath. He said the diet was good and was working, but for my age I needed to slow down a little with the Keto. We will see how it goes.
    FVP likes this.
  9. mrghostwalker

    mrghostwalker Monkey+++

    As I've mentioned several time on different forums-
    I was diagnosed with Type2 in 2017. Since I know diabetes is a progressively destructive illness I knew I didn't want any of it. So after leaving the doctor's office I immediately cut out all carbs, sugars and starches. I put myself on a strict diet of protein, fats and vegetables. I ate until I was full and never went hungry. I eventually added wheat toast with jelly (sugar free) for breakfast, so that my body got some carbs in the morning. No carbs the rest of the day, or rather, not enough that you could count. Yeah, I know there are carbs in some vegetables and good carbs as well. I avoid vegetables with high carb counts (carrots for example.)
    I ate very healthy and I never went hungry. Within a year I had lost 50lbs. After 2 years I was no longer diabetic. M blood pressure dropped to very healthy and blood work couldn't be better. My doctor was thrilled!
    I started adding things like nuts and sweet potatoes once I got things under control. A lot of low carb foods have been added since 2017 so I can eat a lot more than I used to. If I need to lose a few pounds I go strict again. I usually only need to do this for a week or so. (I recently had a tear in a tendon and had to stop exercising. As a result of my inactivity and my high calorie diet I put on a few extra pounds)
    I never really fasted other then now I only have a few cups of tea with 1/2 and 1/2 in the morning (not a coffee drinker) and don't have my first meal until about 12:30. This helps use up any left over carbs from the night before. I suppose it's a form of fasting since I stop eating the night before and go at least 12 hours before I eat again (not counting the 1/2 and 1/2 in my tea)
    Brokor, Dunerunner and CraftyMofo like this.
  10. jefferson

    jefferson Monkey

    I lose my body weight, but not very quickly ...For weight lose goal, I take more than 90 days. I never follow any keto diet, I always following natural food diet in my daily life. I also doing more hard work in my daily life. I also drink plenty of water in my daily life. These simple methods are supports to keep my body fitness.
  11. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    I fast from ~4 or 5 PM to noon the next day. I do have a cuppa in the AM.

    Don't feel hungry. Do need to work on cutting carbs.

    B/P is 110/70 which I suppose isn't too bad for an OF.
    Dunerunner likes this.
  12. Dunerunner

    Dunerunner Brewery Monkey Moderator

    I really have to start this although I'm not overweight, but my blood glucose runs in the 140's. I need to cut out the alcohol and sugars, sweet pastries in the morning and cut out the lattes.

    Tuna salad for dinner tonight, with a homemade champagne and garlic vinaigrette and no sodium water canned albacore. But, that glass of wine probably offset the benefits. This isn't going to be easy, there is bread, pasta and candy everywhere and they are SWMBO's staples.
    Alanaana likes this.
  13. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Yes, it's hard and I have a few friends starting as well and they are not having as easy of a time as I did. One thing I always kept in mind is the fact that you have to get healthy first, and to do that you need to change your gut biome. The little creatures (bacteria) in our gut that feed off starches and sugars will have to go, and you will need to have the right critters processing your food so you can absorb the nutrients and not be so hungry. Prebiotic and probiotics are essential, and eating leafy greens will help promote a good gut biome. I mentioned Kefir, and it's a great way to introduce healthy bacteria to your system. Any yogurt will do, and naturally you want unsweetened. I found a great fiber boost prebiotic called GoBiotix and it's pricey but also a game changer. All of this will depend on whether or not you stick to your diet, so no cheating. Veggies, protein, and fats will get you through until your next meal 12 to 24 hours apart. Real extra virgin olive oil and avocado oil along with MCT oil will be your staple. ;)
    Alanaana and Dunerunner like this.
  14. Dunerunner

    Dunerunner Brewery Monkey Moderator

    I am approaching the end of an 18-hour intermittent fast, something I have read that helps jump start Ketosis. So far, so good and on Day three of little or no carbs.
  15. Alanaana

    Alanaana Monkey+++

    I did keto / low-carb twice in the past few years and lost a lot of weight and felt so good (I lost 50 lbs). I would eat within an 8 hour window. The first two weeks was challenging, but after that my energy was high and it felt good to have that level of structure in my life.
    Since then I have "fallen off." My work is very sedentary, luckily, I am fairly active, but I want to clean up my nutrition for health reasons.
    Lately, it has been challenging for me to start again, but I would like to at least do IF and cut down on refined sugar. I feel so inspired by all of you here. Wish me luck!
    mysterymet, Dunerunner and Brokor like this.
  16. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Definitely! Hey, I was once a staunch supporter of everything sugar until it kicked my ass. If you do ONE thing in your life to become healthy, just stop consuming any and all sugar. Intermittent fasting is also very important to maintaining a healthy body!

    I use Splenda with Stevia, order bulk boxes from Amazon. Best sweetener ever, no calories, nothing artificial. Also, check into "Skinny Me" chocolates, they are amazing. :cool:
  17. Alanaana

    Alanaana Monkey+++

    Oh my goodness, thank you! I think this is exactly what I needed to hear. I'm always on the fence about quitting sugar because it is so darn addictive, but seeing your message is inspiring me. Today I managed without it for the first time in ages.
    I'll stock up on Splenda and Stevia and look into those "Skinny Me" chocolates.
    Brokor and Dunerunner like this.
  18. Dunerunner

    Dunerunner Brewery Monkey Moderator

    When I hear the “C” word I have a Lord of the Rings moment where I begin searching the house for it like Gollum!!
    Alanaana and mysterymet like this.
  19. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    It took me a full minute to figure out what you meant by the 'C' word. And it's time for bed.
    Alanaana and Dunerunner like this.
  20. Dunerunner

    Dunerunner Brewery Monkey Moderator

    I do not speak it’s name. In a weak moment, I bought a 1lb bag of M&M’s yesterday while shopping for necessities…
    Alanaana and mysterymet like this.
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