Vance and hines big radius, someone did a terrible paint job over the factory job, in the process of stripping it down!
My tattoo guy convinced me to rattle can the old gal. Layed some primer tonight, found a few spots that need sanded a little more.
Knew a guy a few years back ,, he kept his bike rattle can flat black ,, kept it shiny with Pledge furniture polish ,, he said the bugs would wipe right off ,, and was cheap and easy to touch up the paint job. If you're going to put some high dollar paint on it ,, make sure your Clear coat is compatible with your primer . I found out the hard way . I primed mine with rattle cans ,, sprayed all my pieces with a high dollar black gloss . Went to start spraying the clear coat ,, figured I'd start with the oil bag ,, good thing I did ,, as soon as I got a good coat on it , the whole damned thing started wrinkling up like I'd sprayed it with paint stripper . I've got 3 of'em I'm gonna start redoing as soon as I finish this job I'm on and get home and get my shop back in order . Thanks for taking us along with your rebuild . Are ya gonna do the motor as well ??
Terrible photo but got the base coat on, metallic silver. Gonna get a old school panel paint job, some lace and endless lines or something of the sort.