Hog Hair removal? Last night we caught him in a snare. Soon we will have fresh meat to share!

Discussion in 'Back to Basics' started by Alanaana, Jan 14, 2023.

  1. Alanaana

    Alanaana Monkey+++

    Good to know! Thank you
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  2. Hanzo

    Hanzo Monkey+++

    Aloha @Alanaana! Nice catch.

    Skinning may be simplest. I have also seen folks pile vegetation on top and burn the hair off. That way, you can save the skin and crackle it. If you are on the Big Island and want to do that, I can save you a truckload or two of dry cane grass. Won't cook the pig, but will burn off the hair.
    Gator 45/70 and Alanaana like this.
  3. Alanaana

    Alanaana Monkey+++

    Aloha @Hanzo! Thank you!
    This time around we tried newspaper and wood shavings and it sort of worked, but the vegetation and dry cane grass is a brilliant idea! I am on the Big Island and I have a horrendous amount of that prickly grass. I have wrecked some of my favorite garden tools trying to uproot it. Do you have any suggestions for getting the grass under control here? I try to pull and mow it before it turns into a skyscraper, but it is very resilient
    Hanzo and Gator 45/70 like this.
  4. Hanzo

    Hanzo Monkey+++

    We just cut and pull. We use a sickle and/or machete. Roots pull out better when they are dry.
    I’m in HPP. Where are you?
    Dunerunner, Alanaana and Gator 45/70 like this.
  5. Alanaana

    Alanaana Monkey+++

    Very nice! The seeds spread remarkably fast! I was trying to cut and use as mulch, but I think I spread more seeds.
    Really? I'm in HPP too and praying for rain! Have you been able to keep your rain catchment hydrated? We replaced our gutters in October and didn't have issues, but this last week we had to get a water delivery. They've raised the price. Clever business model on their part.
    Gator 45/70 and Dunerunner like this.
  1. Alanaana
  2. Alanaana
  3. Alanaana
  4. plumberroy
  5. Benjamin A. Wood
  6. Benjamin A. Wood
  7. chelloveck
    Rabbits beware! [MEDIA]
    Thread by: chelloveck, Jul 1, 2018, 5 replies, in forum: Back to Basics
  8. Zimmy
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