Any simple night food for body weight loss?

Discussion in 'Survival of the Fittest' started by jefferson, Nov 18, 2022.

  1. jefferson

    jefferson Monkey

    Right Now US
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  2. mysterymet

    mysterymet Monkey+++

    Usually people in the US give their weight in lbs not kg.
    You want weight loss tips there are some diets where you basically eat according to your ancestry. That and intermittent fasting as well as plenty of exercise and you will be fine.
    jefferson and Gator 45/70 like this.
  3. Andy the Aussie

    Andy the Aussie Monkey+++ Founding Member

    So around 167cm.
    jefferson and Gator 45/70 like this.
  4. jefferson

    jefferson Monkey

    167 cm yes you are right.
    Dunerunner and Gator 45/70 like this.
  5. jimLE

    jimLE Monkey+++

    Eat a reasonable and filling supper.and if you get hungry between supper and bedtime.then eat something in small portion.i buy saltines,Ritz and club crackers,in what I consider as individual packages.12 to 16 to a pack. One pack makes a good snack before bedtime for me.this way I don't go to bed hungry.
    Dunerunner and Gator 45/70 like this.
  6. Dunerunner

    Dunerunner Brewery Monkey Moderator

    You're near 190 lbs and 5'5"! :eek: Do you know your percent of body fat? What is your age? What would you say is your fitness level? Do you have a doctor you can talk to?

    Cut out or severely limit anything made with flour or masa like crackers, pasta, breads, beans, sugar and alcohol. Eliminate beer, sodas and anything sweetened with sugar. Avoid anything cooked in oil or deep fried. Eat plenty of leafy greens (salads with olive oil and vinegar dressing), proteins like fish, chicken, beef and pork broiled or roasted not fried, Brazil nuts, Almonds, and walnuts are good, avoid peanuts and cashews, fats are not an issue, but sugar and starches are. Snack on fresh raw vegetables, fried pork rind, or healthy nuts. Some fruits and vegetables are very high in sugar and should be avoided completely or limited like grapes, melons, and corn. Put the juice of a whole lemon in each glass of water you drink and consume 8 16oz (454ml) every day. Walk at least 30 minutes continuous every day.

    Keep us posted
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2022
    Alanaana, chelloveck and Gator 45/70 like this.
  7. jefferson

    jefferson Monkey

    Thanks for your reply comment .... Really useful information. Yeah, more than a month, I'm doing my walking exercise in the morning time. I will also try to be following the lemon juice method in my daily life.
    Dunerunner likes this.
  8. Dunerunner

    Dunerunner Brewery Monkey Moderator

    It isn't easy ditching the sugar. That stuff is addictive, especially when mixed with chocolate!
    Alanaana and BTPost like this.
  9. Alanaana

    Alanaana Monkey+++

    Some of my late night staples are: cottage cheese, Greek yogurt (the lowest sugar content) w/ a few nuts and some fresh berries, whey protein. If you are sensitive to dairy though we can think of other things.
    If I need something more substantial I'll make tuna salad with a can of tuna, chopped celery (for veggies and volume), mustard or mayo, or olive oil, salt and pepper. You can spice it up with different seasonings like lemon pepper or smoked paprika.
    I know that generally it's better not to eat too close to bed, but I drink too much coffee and I'm a night owl.
    I'm wishing you the best of luck on your journey and cheering you on!
  10. Dunerunner

    Dunerunner Brewery Monkey Moderator

    No such thing as too much coffee! I roast my own coffee. Coffee is life!

    Alanaana, natshare and Gator 45/70 like this.
  11. Alanaana

    Alanaana Monkey+++

    I like your style! I don't want to imagine life without coffee. I'm trying to start some new coffee plants from my coffee tree. Btw, what's your favorite brewing method? I'm always trying to find a better way to make a better cup.
    Gator 45/70 and Dunerunner like this.
  12. Dunerunner

    Dunerunner Brewery Monkey Moderator

    As you can see from the pic, I have a Thechnovorm drip machine and a Rocket Apartamento Espresso machine. I roast a blend (1/3 Brazilian Natural, 1/3 Guatemalan and 1/3 of what ever I have) that lends itself to both drip and espresso. The Sette 270WI is my espresso grinder and over on the left is my Encore grinder I use for the drip machine. Both are adjustable bur grinders made by Baratza in the USA.

    Generally I'll use the espresso machine over the drip, due to the fact that my wife does not drink coffee and brewing an entire pot is a waste.
    Gator 45/70 and Alanaana like this.
  13. Alanaana

    Alanaana Monkey+++

    Okay, I am now convinced that you are a coffee connoisseur / expert! I could tell that your setup is very fancy and you keep it in such clean and orderly condition. I want to start roasting my own coffee. I have a plant that started producing the coffee cherries and I've watched some youtube videos, but I have yet to do it. Do you have any tips for a beginner?
    Dunerunner and Gator 45/70 like this.
  14. Dunerunner

    Dunerunner Brewery Monkey Moderator

    To keep this thread from going completely sideways I’ll start a thread on coffee roasting.

    We now return you to the original discussion.:D:D:D
    Alanaana likes this.
  15. Alanaana

    Alanaana Monkey+++

    I'm glad that you're starting a dedicated coffee thread. Thank you!
    Gator 45/70 and Dunerunner like this.
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