Have plenty of autos but there is something satisfying about a revolver. In a sticky situation they won't let you down. A good revolver is a silky long pull. Once you have shot one like that you might get addicted. BEWARE!
as long as you never need rapidfire, nor a fast ccw draw, an SA revolver can be made to serve ok, It's too bulky and heavy for me. and it doesnt offer the fantastic speed of ccw draw that the "hand-in-pocket" draw offers. The .45 cold does not have twice the power of a 357, even if it's hot-loaded and you dont need more power in any case. All such stuff does is slow down your repeat shots and yes, you DO miss when you're being shot-at and your attacker CAN have armed friends, too. So spare us the bs about you only need one shot, ok?
One who has been in Combat, knows the truth of @kven ‘s statement above.. there are very very few folks that can truthfully say they are capable of “ One shot, one Kill”… especially when in a stressful situations.. This is why I giggle a bit when I hear Dudes, who come out to Bush Alaska on their Once in a Lifetime Dream Fishing Trip, and show off their brand spank’en new 44Mag pistol, and claim he got it for “Bear Protection”… When the truth is, it was a good line to feed his wife so she would let him buy it in the first place… Alaska has many different types of fishing terrain, and most do not lend themselves to seeing more that 20 yards, thru the brush, or woods… so as to catch a glimpse of a stalking Bear.. Much better to know the critters that habitate the area, and give them free space, to follow their own paths, than make yourself into his next meal…. Just say’en
Not all guns people buy are for defense. Before my tragic boating accident I had plenty of defense options. Sadly these are now all at the bottom of the mississippi river. I was thinking, as someone without revolver experience, that they look fun to target shoot with. Maybe some of that cowboy action shooting. Like the guy who said the 44mag pistol was for bear defense, he just wanted it. Back before my boating accident I had a nice little 9mm that I used to practice with and carry all the time. It is what I felt comfortable with and so it was easy for me to practice with it. When I practiced I emptied the magazine and reloaded because anything worth shooting at is worth shooting at multiple times. I am not sure where Kven thinks we are talking about us only needing one shot for self defense situations. Maybe I will get myself a cute little revolver for plinking with. Not a giant hand cannon though. I am a small person. As far as self defense goes the .gov told us we don’t need guns for that so I will just carry a cop!
Mrs Krap likes the Rock Island .38s not hard on the wrist at all and very accurate. She does not like the Pythons or Blackhawks even a little bit. She got attached to a old Llama .380 auto I used to keep in my desk that has found its forever home in her purse. Another friend of smaller stature loves her .22 Mag 8 shot revolver which is a nasty little round in its own right. For just plinking a .22LR is cheap enough and fun to shoot. Now if you do want a hand cannon with limited to no practical use..... I bought a Taurus Raging Judge quite a few years back .454 Casull or .410 shotgun shells. I got it for handgun deer seasons 10" barrel with what on the surface or rather in the barrel appeared to be decent twist and rifling. The Rifling is in reality is to shallow IMO and does not do a great job of stabilizing the bullet thus = not the accuracy I want for hunting when the shots might be 10yards or out to 40 yards. .454 Casull is not cheap to pop off. For self defense loaded with .410 buck it would be OK in function and very high in psychological intimidation. But not very practical. So it fell into a mantle piece beside my old Damascus steel shotguns that can't handle modern higher pressure loads. You only carry one CC??? Don't see where anyone said the .45 colt has twice the power of a .357 just more power. Thank you for advising what other folks need You might be shocked to learn but some of have no problem drawing a wheel gun FAST. There are three kinds of people in combat Those who become melted butter, those who are semi firm, and those who get cold and hard and get so desensitized and remain so cool that they pee ice cubes. Keep in mind most interpersonal ballistic conflict resolutions take place within 6 feet and the outcome is determined with the first shot and a bit of luck coupled with skill. Odds are if it is me......... I will just shoot the aggressor with the Derringer in the coat or jacket pocket at the second I can reasonably say I feared for my life and be done with it. Of course I avoid conflict as much as possible because Mr Murphy and his damned law are always present and have a potential role in every conflict. I don't spend a lot of time out in the fake world so the bulk of my carry is open carry on the hip with a back up in the armpit, a rifle in the truck and another rifle on the tractor. Bottom line is it really does not matter which weapon you choose, what matters is that you develop the muscle memory and control to use the weapon that best fits you efficiently and with accuracy. No one knows what consistency of butter they are until they know. Most people will fall in the semi soft category, a lot fall in the melted pool and few will develop in to cold hard very firm butter. Of course most people will never have the opportunity to find out what style of butter they are and that is probably a good thing. I do agree that in a all out fight one shot one kill is rare even among the best, and it is more of a mindset that than a actual practice. LOL if it were a practice and reliable I would not have 50-100 round drums for rifles and shotguns. A state cop that is also a regular customer pulled me over one day and says "I know you are a CCL and are armed, could you please put you gun on the tailgate?" I asked "Which one?" him "All" ended up with 9 guns and 5 knives on the tailgate Him "WHY!" me "Gotta have a good selection and the right tool for the jobs that may arise." I mean doesn't everyone carry a derringer in each jacket pocket, one under each armpit, 3 around the waist line, and one on each ankle when they go out among the unclean masses in the fake world??? And it would seem a bit unreasonable to not have a knife in the beard, one in a pocket, one on the belt another on the belt buckle and another or two in the boots. Also does not hurt to have a half pound of lead sewn onto the back rim of your hat to slap someone with if needed.I figure if I can't resolve any issue with the 66 shots available on myperson then I will no longer be allowed to have a opinion in the dispute. I am To Each Their Own kind of guy and talk about MYSELF and What I Like and What I am best with. Won't ever find me telling anyone else what they need or should do. One size fits all is just not my way of living or thinking. Hell one size fits all does not even work for me individually Another cop friend that was at the time the head of officer on a drug task force got ambushed by someone in a car wash in the middle of the night. His attacker fired 40+ rounds at the officer and made lots of holes in his car. The officer fired ONE shot to the center of the attackers chest and ended the conflict. Soft butter VS Cold Hard Butter a little luck, a lot of skill and experience.
I have a couple of friends that ARE “One Shot, One Kill” qualified after a decade of Elite .GOV Training and a million dollars of .GOV money spent on them… One is a ReTIRED Seal from the Vietnam MEKONG Delta era, and at 85+ lives far out in the Alaskan Bush, cuts his own firewood, and hunts all his meat supplies. The other is still working in the SpecOps Community, but as a planner, as he is to Old to still go out with the Teams, which is a young mans business… These both are the nicest folks you could ever want to meet, but when the Cold Gray Steel Glare comes across their countenance, it is time Duck & Cover, because all that Training is kicking in and it is best to stay out of the way…
Get that revolver mysterymet, you'll enjoy the heck out of it. As for defense, I'm 76 years old and due to nerve damage in my left hand I am finding it sometimes becoming a bit of a problem charging my 45 autos and never know when it will strike so a 38+P is a viable option. As for the one shot one kill even a supersonic telephone pole can miss. That's why my revolvers have six rounds.
I read an article in I believe Guns And Ammo, it quoted a study that showed that a person facing the business end of a revolver were much more intimidated than a semi auto. Due to the fact of seeing the bullets in the cylinder. Makes since.
Wyatt Earp got famous with a revolver ,,, ain't nuthin wrong with'em ,,, just know how to use the tools ya got .
Service Match today. Shot the 4inch (also have a 6inch both are -3s)….don’t feel at all under-gunned with an L Frame !
Except many scumbags don’t know what the sound is. Racking a 12ga has been made recognisable by pop culture but many many less know what a Colt/Glock/SIG etc sounds like going into battery.
Sticking with wheel guns, I kinda like the 4 clicks of a Colt SAA being cocked, especially if you are behind the perp (3 clicks if you keep it on the safety notch)
Some folks like Semi Autos, Some like Double action revolvers, I just happen to like single actions with doubles being a close second and semi autos being a distant 3rd. At the end of the day its not about the weapon but the person behind it.
Revolvers are great fun. I would try both double action and single action, although I would lean towards the double action if you ever decide you might want one for carry or as a nightstand gun. Sass has a S&W model 66 .357mag that was her father's when he was on the local PD way back when. I did an action job on it and it's in her nightstand. Do yourself a favor and dip a toe into the six shooter world, betting you'll like it!