I went to the local HEB today and the price of 18 Ex Lg eggs was 8.06! To add insult to injury, the little tag at the shelf bottom stated that the eggs were .34557 each. But 8.06 divided by 18 on my calculator works this out to be .44777778 each. Only a dime off eh, no big deal. Crooks! jim
And I love the meat packaged so as to hide 1/2 pound of fat on the tray side, or the bacon pumped full of some kind of fluid to make it weigh more. Just paid nearly $5 for a gallon of milk. And did I hear right that rail workers are asking for a 25% pay raise?
Nearly all meat sold in stores has been pumped with fluid to increase weight. It's an indtitutionalized racket.
It's a never ending circle fuel prices increase --cost for goods goes up, increases wages --cost for goods go up, devalued dollar government printing ---cost for goods goes up, etc etc. The cycle begins all over --workers demand higher wages to pay for increased cost of goods-etc.etc----- you get the picture $15 dollar living wage now they want $30 I remember when a dollar was worth a dollar. Value of a dollar in 1800as a starting point (clarify I was not around in 1800 I'm old but not that old) $1 dollar in 1800 $23.65 dollars today Notice how things have become smaller but cost the same or more now It's only going to get worse
The demoRATS don't know or care how the system works all they care about is giving out free stuff to get votes and staying in power. Then blame the rich and tax the hell out of them Standard DemoRAT MO
A Republican House could, if they do their jobs regarding control of funding, mitigate a lot of that crap.
I know, let's buy oil from Venezuela, that's the ticket! What a crock of shit, that country is a failed State, yet we're now going to prop them up and buy their over priced oil to boost our capacity yet we were energy neutral when we produced our own, and we were set to have a surplus with the Trans-Canada Keystone Pipeline, but thanks to the Pedo in Chief and his Democrap Cronies, we're now spending more then double on our energy! That worthless Fuck and his administration have left us standing on the brink, and there is only two choices we have in dealing with it, ether one is gonna Hurt!
Speaking of oil from our enemies, how does that help the environment? You still poke a hole in the planet to extract the oil so at this point, what difference does it make? I heard that somewhere...
Oh, it is the new meta for saving the planet: Buy foreign oil and burn even more oil to ship it here. Stops the global warming ya know.
The DemoRATS in power know what they are doing placating their dim wit minions who don't have the brains to see they are being lied to. Oh look at us we are saving the planet we have shut down evil coal and evil domestic oil all the while buying oil for our enemies. On top of that the demoRATS sell our oil to the chicoms truly no friend of ours.
Ever hear the term Strategic Oil reserves? The USA's strategic oil reserve's are not necessarily ''stored'' in some salt dome willy Nilly across the nation. There be certain blocks of Fudzilla controlled land and water that drilling is not allowed. The thought process behind this. Burn the other guys crude, Save ours to keep the military machine and continuation of gubberment rolling. and there you have it.
IMO the problem with that line of thinking --burn the other guys oil is by doing so there is a tremendous flow dollars out of the USA as well as jobs in the oil industry. All that moneys taken out of circulation in the US economy. We are financing the very dictators who possibly one day we will fight or be victims of their sponsored terrorism
the US sold off those salt caverns they once owned for oil storage - I'd guess some favorable private company got a deal and using them as was >>>> the "Strategic Reserve" is now calculated by what's immediately US available to be confiscated - the GOV doesn't actually own that oil barrel tally that gets reported - I understand that foreign tankers within a grab even get counted .....