Marine Corps Birthday

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by OldDude49, Nov 10, 2022.

  1. OldDude49

    OldDude49 Just n old guy


    Marine Corps Birthday
    From the halls of Montezuma, to the shores of Tripoli, our Marines remain the Few and the Proud.

    Marine Corps Birthday
    Seepalaces, techsar and SB21 like this.
  2. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    Happy Birthday! When we needed you, you were there!
    Seepalaces, techsar and SB21 like this.
  3. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    Happy Birthday Deck Apes,[tongue],................Uncle Sam's Misguided Children, when you absolutely need to break shit and kick ass, only Marines get the call! [flag]

    Do yous guys celebrate with special Birthday Crayons or what? [LMAO]
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2022
    Seepalaces and oldawg like this.
  4. SB21

    SB21 Monkey+++

    As long as I get 1 of the grape flavored ones ,, I'm happy ,,,,,:D
    Seepalaces likes this.
  5. OldDude49

    OldDude49 Just n old guy

    off course we go with special Birthday Crayons... look at number 7!!!

    8 Marine Corps birthday survival tips - Tactical Sh*t
    Seepalaces and Ura-Ki like this.
  6. OldDude49

    OldDude49 Just n old guy

    thought I said dibs on the grape???
    Seepalaces and Ura-Ki like this.
  7. SB21

    SB21 Monkey+++

    Awight ,, I'll settle for the Orange ,,
    Seepalaces and Ura-Ki like this.
  8. OldDude49

    OldDude49 Just n old guy

    well there is the cherry n maybe strawberry???
    Ura-Ki, Seepalaces and SB21 like this.
  9. Dunerunner

    Dunerunner Brewery Monkey Moderator

    Respect from a Snipe! Happy belated birthday, Marines!
    Ura-Ki and Seepalaces like this.
  10. natshare

    natshare Monkey+++

    Shared this with my Marine buddies, yesterday! ;)
    marines crayons.
    SB21, Ura-Ki, Seepalaces and 2 others like this.
  11. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    Happy Birthday crayon dudes and dudettes
    SB21, Ura-Ki and Seepalaces like this.
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