The day after: dazed and confused

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Bandit99, Nov 9, 2022.

  1. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    I've often mentioned the new "City-State" where a single metroplex out rules the rest of the entire state - example NV

    Clark Co (Las Vegas Metroplex) rules the State.
    AZ - Maricopa Co.
    WA - Seattle
    New York State - NYC.
    CO- Denver
    GA - Hot-lanta metroplex and so on.

    Candidate spending can be tailored by Zip code now, with the big money going to the big cities. Rural residents can just suck wind I suppose.

    Wonder if an 'electoral college' setup would make a difference....
    Ura-Ki and Bandit99 like this.
  2. johnbb

    johnbb Monkey+++

    PA not only voted Fettermen in they voted in a guy who has been dead. One of the founding fathers big mistakes was letting everyone vote. It was proposed only people owning property should vote unfortunately I don't think the founding fathers imagined over 50% of the population would pay no taxes and suck off the government tit paid for by we who work. As long as the majority of the population is on the dole this country is on the road to ruin and there ain't no U turns on this highway of destruction.
    mysterymet, Ura-Ki, oldawg and 3 others like this.
  3. CraftyMofo

    CraftyMofo Monkey+++

    Except now you have a second round since nobody got 50%. All the Ds will show up for Murkowski.
    enloopious and Ura-Ki like this.
  4. Dont

    Dont Just another old gray Jarhead Monkey

    All I have to say about the Orange Man is I do not quite trust him. He is far to "charismatic", But the left and the rhino's are terrified of him, that could be a good thing.
    Ura-Ki likes this.
  5. enloopious

    enloopious Rocket Surgeon

  6. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    You should read how it works.
  7. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    Not to mention the nearly 8 Million the Dems are pouring into it now!
  8. CraftyMofo

    CraftyMofo Monkey+++

  9. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    Just number crushing now

    In the first round, all the 1st choices are counted, if a candidate wins 50% of the vote plus one then the counting stops and that candidate is the winner. If not, round two begins.

    In round two, the candidate who received the fewest votes in round one is eliminated. If a voter chooses that last-place candidate, their vote goes to their second choice. If a voter's first choice was not eliminated, their vote stays with that candidate. The votes are now counted again.

    If after round two of counting no candidate receives 50% of the vote plus one, then round two is repeated and the candidate with the fewest votes is eliminated.

    This process continues until two candidates are left and the one with the most votes is declared the winner.
  10. stg58

    stg58 Monkey+++ Founding Member

    Old Joe and his folks are loving con-man-don.
    Putin, XI, and the Iranian's are ordering extra popcorn to watch the con-man-don show.

    Even Murdoch's papers are joining in.
    Trump demands 'average' DeSantis duck 2024 run in post-midterm tantrum

    Trump demands ‘average’ DeSantis duck 2024 run in post-midterm tantrum
    Former President Donald Trump broke cover Thursday evening and insisted that Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis rule himself out of the race for the 2024 GOP presidential nomination, describing his potential rival as an “average REPUBLICAN Governor with great Public Relations.”

    “Ron DeSanctimonious is playing games! The Fake News asks him if he’s going to run if President Trump runs, and he says, ‘I’m only focused on the Governor’s race, I’m not looking into the future,'” Trump said in a tantrum issued from his Save America PAC, reprising a nickname for DeSantis trialed at a Nov. 5 rally in Pennsylvania. “Well, in terms of loyalty and class, that’s really not the right answer.”

    The 45th president, who was lampooned as “Trumpty Dumpty” on the front page of Thursday’s Post after his handpicked candidates struggled in the most crucial of Tuesday’s midterm elections, took credit for DeSantis’ rise to the Florida governorship and suggested that weather was the real reason for the 44-year-old’s popularity.

    “Governor Ron DeSanctimonious,” the former president said, “an average REPUBLICAN Governor with great Public Relations, who didn’t have to close up his State, but did, unlike other Republican Governors, whose overall numbers for a Republican, were just average—middle of the pack—including COVID, and who has the advantage of SUNSHINE, where people from badly run States up North would go no matter who the Governor was, just like I did!”

    The former president, whose divisive intervention in the midterms is being blamed for independents turning decisively against Republican candidates, alleged that DeSantis “came to me in desperate shape in 2017—he was politically dead, losing in a landslide” in Florida’s GOP gubernatorial primary.
    “Ron had low approval, bad polls, and no money, but he said that if I would Endorse him, he could win … I said, ‘Let’s give it a shot, Ron,'” Trump said. “When I Endorsed him, it was as though, to use a bad term, a nuclear weapon went off.”

    Prior to Trump’s June 2018 tweet, in which he issued his “full endorsement”of DeSantis, the former congressman was trailing Florida Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam in numerous polls. The endorsement propelled DeSantis ahead of Putnam in the polls by as much as 19 points less than a month later. DeSantis won the primary by a comfortable margin in August 2018.

    Trump went on to claim that he had “stopped” DeSantis’ first election win over Democrat Andrew Gillum from “being stolen” before complaining about the Florida governor’s noncommittal answers about a potential White House run. There is no evidence that ballot theft occurred in Florida’s 2018 governor’s race.

    “Ron DeSanctimonious is playing games! The Fake News asks him if he’s going to run if President Trump runs, and he says, ‘I’m only focused on the Governor’s race, I’m not looking into the future,'” he said. “Well, in terms of loyalty and class, that’s really not the right answer.”

    DeSantis, who won reelection by almost 20 percentage points Tuesday night over Democrat Charlie Crist, had no immediate response to Trump, instead tweeting a warning about proper generator use as Tropical Storm Nicole lashed the Sunshine State.

    Trump-backed candidates didn’t perform nearly as well as DeSantis did on Tuesday night, or even as well as other Republicans in their own states without Trump’s seal of approval.

    In Georgia, Trump-endorsed college football legend Herschel Walker, unable to muster 50% of the vote, appears to be headed to a run off in his Senate race against incumbent Democrat Rafael Warnock. Gov. Brian Kemp, however, decisively defeated Stacey Abrams in the Peach State without a Trump endorsement and even after the former president’s super PAC spent $500,000 attacking him in the primaries.

    In New Hampshire, GOP Gov. Chris Sununu, who earlier this year called Trump “f—ing crazy,” easily won his reelection bid, by more than 15 points, without a Trump endorsement. In contrast, Don Bolduc, a pro-Trump former general who has expressed skepticism about the results of the 2020 election, lost his Senate race to Democratic incumbent Sen. Maggie Hassen by 9 points.

    “Coordinated effort across Fox News, WSJ and NY Post”: Rupert Murdoch dumps "biggest loser" Trump

    “Coordinated effort across Fox News, WSJ and NY Post”: Rupert Murdoch dumps "biggest loser" Trump

    Last edited: Nov 10, 2022
    chelloveck likes this.
  11. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    Well, Oz had TRump's, he had that going for him. :LOL:

    Whatever Oz was as a cardio surgeon, he was carrying baggage from his past as a celebrity booster of quack 'supplements' which, under examination, he had to publicly and uncomfortably disavow.

    of course, John Oliver had Oz pegged 8 years ago.

    Oz's quackery apart, Dr. Oz Shouldn’t Be a Senator—or a Doctor
    Dr. Oz is running for US Senate in Pennsylvania. Here are 8 times he's made false or baseless medical claims.

    there are a number of things that make him a GOP candidate difficult to sell to ordinary Pennsylvanians.

    Oz is not readily relatable by many ordinary Pennsylvanian citizens...I mean to say, how many average Pennsylvanians go shopping for 'Crudités' for their evening meal, and referring to them as Crudités on their shopping list?

    Oz resembles the privileged elite, more so to your average voter, than Fetterman does.

    Oz doesn't seem natural / authentic in his political advertisements. The advert of him spruiking his 2A credentials looks very contrived, one wonders whether Oz hit his own clay pigeon and knock down target, or whether that was done by stand in shooters?

    Oz was parachuted into an electorate that he only has very tenuous links to...he hasn't actually lived in the electorate that he was a candidate before his GOP parachute jump...his palatial home is in NJ and for appearances sake kept a crib at his mom's house. does he know what are the issues of the ordinary folk, other than the briefing sheets that his flunkeys prepare for him?

    Oz's religious affiliation probably doesn't probably sit well with a number of Christian nationalists in PA, putting them in the horns of a dilemma, whether to vote for a G*damned commie, or a TRump endorsed G*damned muzzie...hard choice for someone who hates both kinds of infidels. Dr. Oz could make history as a Muslim senator, but his faith isn't a big part of his campaign
  12. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    Yes @chelloveck You have correctly pointed out that the American political system is rife with con-artists, megalomaniacs, narcissists, shysters, hucksters and criminals. Granted this type of person can be found throughout our society. It seems they collect and condense at the top of society.

    We are so stupid that we think .. hey, they are popular, rich, look like us and are saying exactly what i want to hear.
    Imma vote for them!

    Yep, we will do it every single election. We have a very short-term memory. Hell, we (general population) will probably vote for Biden in 2024.

    I kind of wish we had a no-confidence tool, we'd be using that sucker every year.

    Doesn't matter who wins, we lose.

    I'm glad you are enjoying the show. It is quite entertaining watching our 'leaders' antics and even better the reactions of the voters.
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  13. CraftyMofo

    CraftyMofo Monkey+++

    I could be doing this wrong, but as it stands right now there’s about 20% of the vote uncounted, so this is probably just conjecture.
    94,138 44.22%
    In 91,205 42.84%
    20,265 9.52%
    6,244 2.93%
    If Tshibaka got 100% of the votes for Kelly, she would still not have 50%. At that point, they have to distribute Cheesebro’s second choices.
    Gator 45/70 and DKR like this.
  14. oil pan 4

    oil pan 4 Monkey+++

    Another example.

    It doesn't make any sense, no one knows how it happened but it did.
    mysterymet and Gator 45/70 like this.
  15. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    If the folks that voted for Kelly as 1st and Tshibaka second, those votes would transfer to Kelly T..

    The whole damn thing stinks - all to avoid another primary election where Lisa would get tossed again, and then would run as a write in (I) and buy another term.

    However - this setup sidesteps that scenario, and we still wind up with Kelly T and Lisa takes a hike.
    It does require honest counting and that is now an open question all across this great land.

    I would prefer that the assholes in Juneau would have passed a Sore Loser law, but since that crowd is mostly liberal, not going to happen.

    Alaska has turned into a shithole state with the influx of Califlowers chasing the $$$ up here.
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  16. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    charismatic: exercising a compelling charm which inspires devotion in others.
    I have heard other people say the same thing about President Trump but I never understood it because, frankly, I don't find him charismatic in any shape or form. Physically, he's looks normal for a guy his age and he's certainly not a great speaker. Hell, in truth he doesn't inspire me, but he demands and achieves high performance and excellence without excuses. I like and support him because 1. He's not a politician 2. He proved he will do what he promised to do unlike all the other politicians in my lifetime. 3. He is extremely good for business and economics. 4. And, most importantly, he always does what is best for the country - again - unlike all the other politicians in my lifetime. Yes, like all humans he has bad points like his temper which directly connects to his mouth; however, his performance as a President was amazing, and more so if you considered even the Republicans were against him because he wasn't in their cliche and showed that most of them are simply empty suits.

    So, all can say what they will, but President's Trump record speaks for itself. He killed the myth of America's foreign oil dependence plus proved without a doubt what was suspected for decades that there is indeed a 'Deep State' and it includes even our FBI, DOJ and all branches of the government. Whether he runs or not in 2024, he still has my deepest respect and thanks.

    People wish to compare DeSantis and President Trump and obviously the Democrats are praying (wait - they don't believe in God!) no, they are hoping there is a runoff between the two so that both are dirty and bloody. In my mind, I believe DeSantis would make a fine President as he has made a fine Governor but in all honestly, DeSantis has only done what a decent governor should be doing. We have become so use to Governors and politicians in general, under performing and supporting party lines or special interest groups, that our expectations and benchmarks is very low. Again, I repeat, President Trump record speaks for itself with not only the entire Democratic organization and its massive funding against him but a HUGE majority of the Republican party also. They both did everything possible to derail and discredit his presidency and yet - he still performed as his accomplishments and record shows. No, he didn't make friends. No, he didn't play nice. No, he wouldn't stand still and be a punching bag for his enemies. Why? He simply wasn't a politician, and he was focused on accomplishments for the country, getting things done which he did.

    Anyway, I am "America First' and one of those that believe the 2020 election was indeed stolen and should Trump run in 2024 he will have my vote simply based on his proven record. Yes, he is flawed and human but makes a damn fine President, best I have ever seen. I am hoping, for the good of the country, Trump and DeSantis do not run against each other. Yes, I would like to see DeSantis run for president someday but not against President Trump. I am hoping they will come to an agreement, perhaps Trump supporting DeSantis bid or vice-versa, or perhaps running together and tightly unite the people of the Right.
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2022
    oldawg and Tempstar like this.
  17. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    This assumes Donny T will still be alive and kicking in 2 ore years. He is no longer a spring chicken...

    Not wishing ill to anyone, but the Big T needs to learn to control his mouth as does Rick Scott..
  18. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Yes, he does. Frankly, I am surprised about his 'DeSanctimonious' comment. I don't think it was received well by any of his supporters including me, actually disappointed. DeSantis has done a damn fine job for Florida, especially during the storm, and should be praised for his efforts and successes. We need unification not dissension. Trump's age certainly is a concern, especially when you look at our current president which should be a wake-up call to all of us.
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  19. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    Yeah, I just wrote it off as him being shit-faced drunk...'cause that is how drunks talk.
  20. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    LOL! You know, I never even considered that... LOL! We seem to forget that even world leaders, scientific geniuses and even billionaires can and do get drunk upon occasion. Let's hope you are correct and, if so, let's hope he was ashamed the morning after.
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