The day after: dazed and confused

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Bandit99, Nov 9, 2022.

  1. apache235

    apache235 Monkey+++

    There is a bright side to all of this though it will take 15-20 years to get here and that is the pole shift and planet tilt. After that politics will be a moot point. I probably won’t be here for that but my kids and grandkids will be and I’m betting they won’t do well as they think Gramps as fairly far out there with his normal doom and gloom crap. Oh well. If for some reason it doesn’t happen soon, then the US is truly fuc***. Just like Europe, we have met the enemy and he is us.
    Gray Wolf, oldawg, Bandit99 and 2 others like this.
  2. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    IMHO, I think the vast majority of voters that actually vote, really don't vote based on facts. I believe they vote against the other party and what they stand for in their eyes. Vote D if you hate guns, lust after the same sex, want to kill babies and protect the environment and drive a Tesla or just hate Rs. Vote R if you hate gun control, know there is only two sexes and you shouldn't kill babies and love gas/diesel for your big ass SUV that never goes off road oh and you eat road kill or you just hate Ds.

    That is what the media and the political parties boil this down to. Beat the war drums. louder and louder. The silent majority in the middle are like WTAF is wrong with people and give up. That is what we saw with this election, The fringe on both sides screaming at each other to get the vote out (D's did a better job) or the other team will take away your rights/freedoms/privileges.

    Welcome to the punch. Someone pissed in it but if you are thirsty .. you know you might just have to swallow.

    Yep, I predict more helicopter money when the economy crashes, gas is going to get really expensive and life is going to suck.

    Just remember you can tell the other side that when all is lost, and they don't have a job nor any money nor skills. They've always got a butthole to put some food on the table.
  3. Dont

    Dont Just another old gray Jarhead Monkey

    My belief is that they are doing what their nature leads them to be doing, ie; a dog guarding it's bone. Not all the voters that swing to the left are aware of the consequences to their actions. (They are blind). Those are the ones that want to be part of the pack that will do away with the oppressors.They, the gullible leftist, are just the cannon fodder to be used and forgotten. Not necessarily evil, but just as culpable as the true evil ones and deserve to be swinging from the tree's just as their masters.

    We are the good guys, We are fair, honorable and truthful. We are the opposite of the leftist and the true evil ones can not stand that. They want us dead! They want us dishonored! They want to tell the world that they are better than "WE".
    Gator 45/70, Ura-Ki and Bandit99 like this.
  4. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    @VisuTrac Maybe you are right or at the very least it's as good a theory as any I have heard all day or that I came up with myself. I do think I have had enough because I have lived my life and made my life decisions based on facts; however, what I saw today confirmed my greatest fear in that Americans are truly and completely fucking insane fine. Good. If that is a fact, then I can accept it. They base their lives and the lives of the people they love on emotions or some idiot spewing BS into their ear. So be it. I fought against people that I considered insane because their religious ideology was so extreme, they couldn't accept tolerance or even moderation but now I question if I was the one that was wrong. Maybe insanity is a condition of mankind, all depends on where they draw the man's insanity is another's extreme commitment.

    So, if that is the case, and using your theory, basically it doesn't matter one way or the other - I mean - it is quite obvious what will happen to this country in the near future, what happens to most 3rd-world, banana republics,, the best outcome probably is if they burn it down; unfortunately, I doubt if we'll be coming back from it as there are those in the world that obviously doesn't want a strong USA.

    Well, I would say that they got their message across loud and clear today by agreeing to continuing flay themselves and their families rather than discontinue their support.
    Gator 45/70, VisuTrac and Dont like this.
  5. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    @DKR …. I just checked and we kicked Lisa Murkowski out on her Fat Ass… Same with Sarah Palin…
    and reElected our Governor Dunlevey…. Not bad for a bunch RedKnecked Sourdoughs…
  6. mysterymet

    mysterymet Monkey+++

    We need Desantis in 2024.
    Gator 45/70 and Ura-Ki like this.
  7. stg58

    stg58 Monkey+++ Founding Member

    If DeSantis runs, one thing the Ds will have going for them is con-man-don's EGO he already has a name for him
    "Ron DeSanctimonious" and “claims” he has something on him.
    Ura-Ki and VisuTrac like this.
  8. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    As long as we don't have Desantis and Trump on the same stage debating each other to get the nomination of their party.
    If both of them are up there exposing the dirty laundry and why the other isn't fit to hold the office. Neither one of these guys are going to back down from a fight and will go no holds barred. They will have just handed the election to the democrats.

    They need to decide who is going to be top dog without airing any dirty laundry. If they both are up on stage, beating the hell out of each other. Then they will have armed the entire democratic party with the goods they need to defeat the republicans. Hell, Joe could probably win another term at that point.

    You want Desantis to win? Let the democrats indite Trump and convict him of some crime. Republicans will unite like you wouldn't believe because of the 'witch hunt' and overreach by the DOJ or whomever. You might even get some democrats to wake up to their teams dirty politics and independents as well.

    Yeah, they duke it out, it's not going to be pretty in 2024 and the Rs are going to have to sit out of the big chair for another 4 years. Only hope at that point would be to win the legislative branch to gridlock the government.

    That's my 2024 prediction if the two take it to the mat.
  9. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    I agree completely! I WANT Trump to sit down and STFU, and NOT run for POTUS! Any ticket he end up on will absolutely kill the chances of any kind of republican white house! We absolutely NEED DeSantis, as POTUS, Not the Orange Man, despite the good he did, he hung himself with his own hands! Ideally, it would be DeSantis and Lake, a Serious double whammy for the repubs, and a fighting chance to destroy the dems and undo everything they have managed to fuck up since potato took office! For the Dem's, it would be political suicide to try any funny stuff with DeSantis, and that's exactly what we need!
    mysterymet and Gator 45/70 like this.
  10. Cruisin Sloth

    Cruisin Sloth Special & Slow

  11. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  12. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    I completely agree with you on this point. Let's hope they are not stupid enough to do this and instead do what is best for the country. I do feel Trump could act as a wrecking ball destroying whatever he could of the Democrat legacy while at the same time draining as much of the swamp within a four-year span of his second Presidency and then let Desantis have it for 8 more years. That's my dream scenario. Let Trump do the heavy lifting and make the enemies then move out of the spotlight and become toothless and harmless leaving Desantis in a much stronger position. Of course, this won't happen, but we can dream... My only concern for Trump as President is his age for after Biden I am seriously concerned with electing officials way past retirement age.
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2022
  13. enloopious

    enloopious Rocket Surgeon

    Neither one has announced they are running. The only reason DeSantis has all the support he does is because the Dems are pushing him to knock Trump out. Seriously, he is the first R to win Miami Dade since 2002 when Bush fixed the election. There is also a very good chance he is corrupt.

    The elections are all fixed. The media is fixed. You are all victims of blatant propaganda and brainwashing and mass formation psychosis and everyone swallowed it whole. Seeing these responses gives me 0 hope for the USofA. It doesn't matter what side you are on everything has devolved to 'the louder you are the more right you are.' The Q conspiracy is part of it. The people who are still functioning mentally need to have some kind of hope to keep them from taking matters into their own hands. That little 'Q' was the only thing that has prevented violent revolution from starting... and they are still using it.

    Inside Operation Mockingbird — The CIA’s Plan To Infiltrate The Media

    The country is over. Does it really matter who you vote for to be the captain of a sinking ship??? Oh we can still save it? Yeah we can by pulling out the guillotine and leaving no prisoners and getting rid of paper money forever. In fact we did that. It is STILL in the Constitution but yall are still using paper. What is everyone going to do with hyperinflation? What are you going to do when it costs $6000/mo to heat your home THIS WINTER??? Oh you think that's an accident? It wont happen? It IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW. You think inflation and prices just magically change? I guess there is so much brain damage in the world it doesn't matter. How can they wake up and realize they have been duped when they can't even see the walls of the Matrix. Maybe some day people will wake up and realize they don't need to vote in some phony election for a dictator to rule over their lives but then it will be too late. It almost is already. Civilization is a lie. Civilization ALWAYS ends in war and death. The bigger the civilization the more war and murder and death you have.

    mysterymet likes this.
  14. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    OMG enloopious ... we actually agree on something.
    mysterymet likes this.
  15. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    Yeah man I like Desantis and the wheelchair dude in Texas on the same ticket.
    Its going to be a stampede to the border if these 2 get elected. Boom, There it is!!!
  16. enloopious

    enloopious Rocket Surgeon

    That's because you know nothing about me. Posting a link doesn't mean I am for or against something. I post things because I feel that they are information that needs to be shared. You may be for or against it. I may be for or against what I am posting. I just feel its worth sharing and 'news worthy' if I post it here, not that I support it. Usually there are 2 sides both screaming their heads off and I will post both usually with some sarcasm thrown in to make me laugh.

    For example, this guy. He is a comedian and biased but its a run down of the mid terms and his point of view. He's not claiming to be unbiased MSM news so I know its not propaganda designed to influence my opinion and provoke an emotional response, just some dude telling how he feels. I get different 'data input' from these types of videos than most others do as they have an emotional response (for the children). NONE of it is to help me decide if I want to be on their 'team' or not.

  17. oldawg

    oldawg Monkey+++

    Secede from what? A land mass or state? Secede from a political philosophy? Secede to where? Look at my state, Abbott won by a lousy 10 points over a completely open socialist and proven liar, SJ Lee got 70% of the vote in her district,every major metro area went above 85% blue along with 60% of our southern border, and yet people still call my state one of the more free. The "Great Experiment" may just be about over and the Republic of Texas is turning just as purple as any other. I don't think soap box or ballot box will get us out of this. The socialist have said they will take us out and their ranks of armed useful idiots swell more every day and Texas is already over run by fifth columnist. If anyone wants to come to Texas thinking it is still a bastion of liberty at least bring your Hawken and plenty of powder and ball because we ain't what we once were. General Antonio Lopez De Santa Anna was a pacifist compared to some of the liberals in power now. Yeah, I'll still drag my crippled and wrinkled old ass to the lines but I don't think it will do anything but buy a little more time.
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2022
  18. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    In Michigan we have Detroit, Lansing, Grand Rapid and Marquette and to a lesser extent MBS and Flint vote democratic just about every time. And the rest of the state goes Republican. And we are a blue state. Those metro areas give us the D for gov, state legislature and DC representation in most cases.

    Yep islands of blue surrounded by red. At least, if there is an uprising they are contained. Unfortunately, we may never recover from this financially (at least in my lifetime).

    img - 2022-05-19T220339.062.
  19. stg58

    stg58 Monkey+++ Founding Member

    Stealing a bit from a movie, con-man-don's EGO is writing checks that conservative Americans can't cash, but D's may cash in on.
    chelloveck and Ura-Ki like this.
  20. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    enloopious and Ura-Ki like this.
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