The day after: dazed and confused

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Bandit99, Nov 9, 2022.

  1. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    I cannot believe what happened. Most of these races were very close and in some places like New York and Pennsylvania, the Democrats won even though their candidates are pieces of shit. It makes no sense to me. My point here is given the problems that has been caused in just the last 2-years, serious problems, democrat voters seem not to care so I think we need to reevaluate the situation and start from the beginning because it simply isn’t adding up. To say, I am shocked that that POS got elected in Pennsylvania is putting it mildly, more like I am floored! He's now a Senator. Unbelievable! So, what gives? What would move these voters to vote for a POS plus ignore all the problems caused by their candidates?

    This seems to me as troubling a question as why the majority of the German population followed Hitler down that path of destruction which took me 14-years of actually living in Germany and asking hard questions to get the answer, but I think we are seeing about the same thing here. We really need to rethink things as what we got is a very large portion of the population that truly supports the Democrats even when they are not problem solvers but problem creators – meaning – right or wrong, logical or illogical, honest or corrupt, they simply do not care.

    Assuming that the elections were fairly honest, and as much as we heard, they seemed to have been, then we must finally accept that a large portion of our population simple will vote Democrat, against the Republican party, no matter the situation because they had every possible reason, from crime to inflation to corruption, to change their vote and did not so. We need to stop kidding ourselves and accept the reality of it. Nothing is going to get changed by voting – nothing! Why? Because we simply do NOT have a big enough majority of the population and no matter what happens, even if the Democrats invade Russia, bankrupt the country, or bring the nation to a halt for want of energy, the democratic voters will not change. They just won't. And, the few million here and there that they let in illegally via the open border pads their voter base and acting as replacements for those that die.

    I am having a very difficult time accepting this as it is so illogical, it's like sticking yourself in the eye on purpose but to me, it is now perfectly clear, voting won’t change things so that leaves secession which will probably lead to civil war. This country is definitely lost and cannot be saved. I hate saying this, but it seems pretty clear to me for if ever there was supposed to be a showing of solidarity from the American populous it should have been in this election…but it wasn’t there, not even close. We are divided, completely, and, I believe, forever more, and all we'll see in the future is things getting worse until we actually crash. I am now totally convinced we will see this in our lifetime and very soon, and it is not reversable.

    Your thoughts?
  2. Dont

    Dont Just another old gray Jarhead Monkey

    My thoughts on this are a bit conflicted. However, lets ask the right questions to clarify the situation.
    Are they evil? Do they have the well being of our fellow man centered in all they do?
    Do they use any and all means to further progress to their goals?
    Are they willing to sacrifice anyone if it furthers their progress?
    Are they willing to act in a dishonest, corrupt and hidden manner?
    Are we righteous? Do we value and respect our fellow man?
    Do we conduct ourselves in an Honorable manner?
    Do we believe in fair play and respect fair outcomes, Yet, speak out boldly and without fear against cheating?
    Are we open and honest about ourselves and our conduct?

    Given the times we are living in, Do they reject God and align themselves with the adversary?
    Feel free to add to the questions.
  3. johnbb

    johnbb Monkey+++

    Totally agree with you. The country is lost and I feel my kids and grandkids are in for a very rough time. The fact that they are white will not bode well for them in the future. the demoRATS know how to pander to their ignorant base playing up the abortion issue. Saying those republicans will take your right to choose is equal to the Nazi saying those jews are the cause of all your problem. Once again the conservatives shot themselves in the foot handing the demoRats an issue they could rally around --abortion. All the problems created by the demoRATS matters not to the over 50% who pay no taxes and are on the government tit. As Ben Franklin said "We gave you a Republic if you can keep it" Clearly we can no longer keep it . As I told a buddy mine we lived during the best of times but its over
    Gator 45/70, CraftyMofo and Ura-Ki like this.
  4. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    Uncle Festerman was an obvious machine 'candidate'. Victory was all but guaranteed -.
    Union support plus a good dose of mail in fraud sealed the deal.
    Festerman will vote as he is told, so long as he gets his cut. Don't be surprised if he is a multi-millionaire in 6 years. (safe prediction)

    The Senate Republican Committee (Mr Turtlehead) put big money behind Lisa MurKowSki - a well know RINO. Add in ranked choice voting and the results are almost assured. We ight get lucky and Lisa will get tossed, but don't hold your breath. He also pulled $$ from very close races.

    As long as some States have leftist SOS (like AZ) you will not see a straight election.

    Now, back to digging the hole I am going to pull in behind me.

    Gator 45/70 and Ura-Ki like this.
  5. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    If we can trust the results of all this, a couple things rise to attention that we need to have a long hard look at!
    1) Only around half this nation even bothered to vote, ( Which is actually better then the mid term average, but pathetic) depending on the state/area, those numbers vary, but seem to average out to around 50%!
    2) It is fact, Only the Major Blue cities vote Hard Core Democrap, the ret of the states generally all vote Republican!
    3) Trump actually Hurt several key races by simply showing up to indorse the candidate, the TDS is so strong with many folks, that him simply showing up was enough to swing votes!
    4) Major Cash was spent in the Deep Blue areas to support the Dems, the ratio is something like 100 to 1 toward Dems in every race! We all know who those donors are, and what they want, so it's no secret to try and hide! THIS is a KEY here,, those Megalomaniacs are buying all the races and all the bills and measures and stuff for their own agendas which are very contrary to the greater good of this nation! The Very fact that such fuckheads as Mike Bloomberg spend so much money in other states is quite telling, and should be stopped! If you don't live in a state, you cannot donate or otherwise fund or support anything outside your own state!
    5) There are a great big bunch of people who will only ever vote Democrap, no matter what, no matter the quality of the candidate, the issues, whatever, they are rabbid democraps and nothing will ever change that!
    6) There are a whole bunch of WokeTards who are so stupid and so easy to sway that it's no wonder we find ourselves where we are today!
    7) Mail In Ballots are a sure fire way to screw the system and get the results you want, this is a well proven method and needs to be stopped! Same with the Electronic Voting Machines, it's super easy to "Change" the vote around 3:00 A.M. to "Find" enough votes to win for the Dems!

    This is the short version of why we are so fucked! Long story short, not enough folks VOTE, many believe it doesn't matter, or that it isn't counted correctly, or that everything is predetermined anyway, so they sit it out! Right, Wrong, Indifferent, it puts us where we are!
    Tully Mars, Bandit99, johnbb and 3 others like this.
  6. stg58

    stg58 Monkey+++ Founding Member

    Only commenting on Oprah's Doctor OZ...
    How many would vote anyone who never lived in your state and only moved in to run for Senate.
    Was born in Turkey still holding Turkish citizenship and claimed he would only give up his Turkish citizenship after he was elected to the United States Senate.
  7. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    @Dont For those of us still in too much shock to think clearly, please put it into simple terms...are you saying that these millions that voted are evil, devil worshipers or what?

    @johnbb "The country is lost and I feel my kids and grandkids are in for a very rough time. "
    I think 'rough time' is greatly understating it. Nightmare might be better and, think what this will do on the world stage...a bigger nightmare which will drag 'kids and grandkids' indeed through hell.

    @Ura-Ki Yes, I understand all your points but some of them still just don't compute for me. I think the best phase I heard that sums it up is these people 'voted against their best interest' like they want more crime, higher inflation, $8 a gallon gas, etc., etc., it simply makes no sense to me, biting their nose off to spite their face. No matter how I look at it, it absolutely makes no sense to me. We need to really start looking at this differently - completely. The country is indeed lost and will not be returning, it's divided and will NEVER reconcile - period. So, how do we make the best of that in the near and far future for our families because it is not going to change. My niece was going to try again to immigrate to here but frankly I think she could do better elsewhere, and I intend to tell her so...sad but true.
    Gator 45/70 and Ura-Ki like this.
  8. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    I think your main question can be answered by the combo of "NEVER TRUMPERS" and "DEMOCRAP at ALL COSTS" mentality!
    You could also add the Woketards to that, and you would cover most of those people who did this to us all!
    My ONLY hope is in SCOTUS and what they seem to have planned for the 2nd, THAT will make it impossible for the lefties to do what they want when the time comes, and when it does, WE have the guns and ammo, not them! The 2nd is what will save this nation, though it will be an absolute blood bath, and it will take years, the lessons will finally be learned and the body count will be staggering!
    Bandit99 and Gator 45/70 like this.
  9. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Well, Hillary for one plus I can think of a few others, some even on the Republican side. Also, dual citizenship is not unusual. My wife holds it and most people that immigrate to the states hold it. Personally, I don't agree with it, but I don't make the rules. As far as giving it up....IMHO, Oz offered to give it up if he won, and I think that is fair. I imagine like many immigrants he has family still in Turkey and dual citizenship simplifies many things. Frankly, I would expect it would be required to give up any foreign citizenship if elected to the Senate, but I don't know if that is the case or not. I hope so. Anyway, dual citizenship is not unusual, far from it, it is the norm, ask any Brit, German, Irish, Turkish, etc. they all keep their old country passports.
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2022
    mysterymet and Gator 45/70 like this.
  10. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Geez Ura-ki, you are talking millions upon millions that believe in this crap fanatically, believe so strongly they would destroy themselves and those around them rather than change their vote! It makes no sense. They are defining examples of zealots, "a person who is fanatical and uncompromising in pursuit of their religious, political, or other ideals." We must think of them and this entire situation completely differently. First the damn Islamic hardliners and now these nutjobs. I wonder if they will be strapping bombs to themselves next....

    As far as the 2A, remember they can have guns and ammo too and they just proved that they are more than willing to harm themselves to keep their whacko ideology and politics. We would do well to not underestimate them because there are truly millions upon millions of them as was just proven.
    oldawg, Gator 45/70 and Ura-Ki like this.
  11. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  12. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    Dare we say secede in the very near future?
    oldawg, techsar and Ura-Ki like this.
  13. natshare

    natshare Monkey+++

    Honestly Oz wasn't the best choice of candidates, for the GOP to support. I believe he carried the extreme right vote, but probably lost from lack of the moderate votes. The fact that he did so well likely is due more to the fact that he ran against a potato, than any viable candidate.
    The GOP also hurt themselves, badly with the mad rush to pass anti-abortion legislation, as soon as Roe-v-Wade was struck down. I personally know a couple women, neither of which plan to have any more kids, but who voted for Kathy Hochul (speaking of potatoes), SOLELY because of that issue. The right shot themselves in the foot, this election.
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2022
  14. enloopious

    enloopious Rocket Surgeon

    Dunerunner and Ura-Ki like this.
  15. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Hillary, RFK, McCain, on and on and happens all the time and it's legal. Not saying I like the idea, but I would have voted for Oz over this nutcase simply out of self-preservation for me and mine and others. However, they will get what they voted for...that's for certain.

    I did do some googling, but I can't find anything specific stating if elected to Senate one must give up dual citizenship. You would think so, but I believe that is not the case. Frankly, even if one did give up their dual citizenship that has no bearing on whether they would tell security secrets to foreign powers...Hell, we got Congressmen sleeping with known Chinese spies and even a President that has ties to China and what about old Mitch, the minority leader, and his Chinese ties? Anyway, the fact that one holds dual citizenship or is a naturalize citizen doesn't seem to me to be showstopper to holding elected office or at least it shouldn't be because a native citizen loyalty has shown to be no better. I suppose the founding fathers realized this as the entire country was based on immigrants. Anyway, that's my thoughts on it...
    oldawg and Ura-Ki like this.
  16. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Yeah, I agree. However, to quote Heinlein, "there might not be someone to vote for but there is always someone to vote against' and they damn well should have voted against the 'potato head.' For example, here in Idaho our Governor Little won the Republican primary to get himself back on the ballot. I dislike the slimy SOB for the crap he pulled during the Covid lock downs but now it is vote for him or the Democrat. I suppose I could vote for an Independent but by doing so I basically am helping the Democrat as I know the Independent cannot win so... I voted for the slime bag.

    I never could understand all the hoopla about Roe-v-Wade being struck down as all it did was put the decision back into the hands of the States where it belongs...I mean, it didn't outlaw abortions but I admit many folks don't see it that way but that's how our Constitution is written.
    Ura-Ki likes this.
  17. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    I'm gonna piss some people off but, you can probably blame Mr. Trump for the failure.

    Hear me out. He didn't need to convince any single republican to vote for any republican candidate over their democratic challenger. By coming out and touting the republicans were going to crush the democrats and take control of both chambers, all he did was act like Obama being the best firearms salesman for 8 years running. He convinced. Every. Single. Democrat and a bunch of independents to hit the polls to resist the republican menace.

    The dems were already coming out for abortion, gun laws and lgbtq2ia issue. And it was a softball for the democrats to demonize the Rs based on this and that they all needed to get out. And they did.

    This loss was telegraphed months ago and trump on monday night just blew the horn again to remind the voters.

    If you are surprised this happened, I mean this with no malice or ill intent, but you need to spend a little more time outside of the echo chamber and listen to opposing views on the state of our nation.

    I am by no means pleased with the results of the election. Hell, I've got the evil witch in Lansing until the next election, and it's going to suck. But, the only landslide was the ground falling out under the feet of the republicans.

    Remember, we don't get the candidate we elect, we (the entire voting body) get the representative we deserve.

    Sorry, but I'm not surprised that we the voters can be promised the moon but we are only going to get mooned by the jokers heading off to DC and the State Houses in January.

    Welcome to Part Deux of Socialism Trial Run A. Hopefully, just hopefully, the Rs can turn it around in 2024 but if they fuck up again in the next cycle, there might not be a need for Trial Run B as they'll just call it good and make it official.

    JMO. Time to make the best of it, profit where you can, save what you may need and protect what you got.
  18. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Yeah, this is really, REALLY bugging me.... I mean, why even talk to the Democrats if they will not cross the line when it's greatly to their benefit to do so. They showed they would rather suffer than change their vote so you can bet the Democrats will not be changing anything anytime soon. In fact, I bet we will see a huge increase in gasoline/diesel soon and no more dipping into the reserves since there is no election on the near horizon. Some are saying "Yeah, but we won, la-tee-da..." but they are not seeing the big picture. This should have been a landslide because there was no reason for it NOT to be. Screw it. This will never make sense to me, so I need to let it go...I hate it when things aren't logical. Time to have a drink but realize that the problem we face is much, much bigger than we thought...and will not be resolved. Ever.
  19. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    That dude reminds me of a slickster RINO I wouldn't vote for him
    chelloveck, Ura-Ki and Dont like this.
  20. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Well, I don't agree with you...but what the hell do I know. I thought it was clear as day the reasons needed to vote these idiots out given what was done in just 2-years! But, no.... Anyway, if you say it was Trump or the Man-in-the-Moon, it doesn't matter because whatever it was they didn't based their decision on the clear facts before them. For me, I think I am done. Screw it. Screw the Democrats, the Republicans, Trump, the House, the Senate and certainly our worthless President. I never thought I would hear myself saying this but I am not sure I will ever vote again. Screw it. I mean, why bother because it doesn't really matter because this is not going to change - ever. They just prove that....
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2022
    Gray Wolf, Ura-Ki and VisuTrac like this.
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