So the way my mind works, her husband gets busted for DUI and embarrasses her. So she hires an assailant to break in, while she's away, and beat his azz. Blame it on right wing extremists. A win win for her. Or it's just the crime wave in SF. Who knows. But don't ever let a crises go to waste. Watch for the "threat" of MAGA extremists to be hyped ad nauseum. Statement: Nancy Pelosi’s Husband Hospitalized by Assailant Who Broke into Their Home Statement: Nancy Pelosi's Husband Hospitalized by Assailant Who Broke into Their Home
"The assailant is in custody" and not a peep about the hammer person. Is this another "Kari Lake made someone break into my campaign HQ?" load of crap? Paul is a well-known drunk and womanizer. I suspect a pissed off husband delivered the beat-down. At some point, the facts MAY come out. Ref Harry Reid getting a beat down by his own drunk-ass brother (exercise equipment malf)
I think this it is wonderfully ironic Nancy gets to experience first-hand with what she helped to create. Does anyone think this will change her position on crime? I also found disturbingly funny she has already prepared her plan of what she will do when the Republicans take power in November: Ambassador to Italy. How nice an end to an infamous career, nothing but the best for our elite privileged class!
I bet that Worthless Elite Fuckhead Paul wished he had a Gun! The MSM is reporting the attacker busted into the house shouting "Where's Nancy, Where's Nancy" if they are to be believed, then this attack was supposed to be against her! WHERE WAS THE SECURITY????? Gotta say, somebody didn't do jack squat intel gathering to know Nancy's travel habits or if she was even home, or any of that, something super easy to do! If this was a random "Aw, Shit, I'm gonna go kill that elite lying Bitch and her worthless cuck husband" he surely failed! Stupidity at it's finest!
Boy, the MSM is sure hammering this along, and if course, their spouting off about gun control and what the attackers political motivations might have been! What a bunch of tools!
David Depape born in Canada Big time "conspiracy theorist" All that is missing is a Trump tshirt or maga hat IF this is a real pic i note the cops say they pulled the dude off of Paul - must have been around corner to get there that fast....huuummmm
My thought exactly. The report states the PD was on a welfare check of Pelosi. Since when does the PD do an unrequested welfare check? All I can figure is that there was an intricate alarm system on the house and a donut shop around the corner.
Yeah thats pretty much the ONLY story that makes any sense. She is 3rd in line to the presidency. They definitely have a lot of security. There is no way in hell anyone got onto those grounds unless they were let in... just like the capitol on 1/6.
If the Klinton Kriminal Kabal was involved, Mr. Pelosi would be dead by.... self-inflicted gunshot to the back of his head. Likely one of The Zombie Queen's druggy constituents, trying to steal something ftom a One-Percenter to sell for drug money.
Illegal alien from Canada, druggie, mentally ill, long criminal record including a couple of felonies AND wait for it, a fan of Nan as SF is a sanctuary city. Can’t make this stuff up. No security, probably so that the guards wouldn’t see the girl friend. Also, hammers aren’t the best choice of self defense weapons against a younger stronger mentally ill attacker but then ask me if I care.
They are worth millions and they don't have security? The cheap stupid bastards deserve what they get!
Maybe it was a "lovers Spat" between Mr. Piglosi and Mr. Caunck, maybe Piglosi Didn't spit or swallow! IDK Dude was in his Osh Gosh B'gosh when he hammered the Pig, how it is he made it into the hood un noticed,, he didn't, Pig brought him there for a little tumble!