Alex Jones gets his cumupance…

Discussion in 'Tin Foil Hat Lounge' started by BTPost, Aug 4, 2022.

  1. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    Just in case you're wondering about the default judgement in one of the Alex Jones defamation cases. It's not as if Jones was denied procedural fairness; but by his own actions, he tried to deny the plaintiffs their procedural fairness, and was sanctioned for doing so.
  2. enloopious

    enloopious Rocket Surgeon

    Alex Jones was just ordered to pay nearly $1 billion in a second defamation trial Just like deplatforming, This isn’t about Alex Jones, it’s about silencing political enemies The regime is setting a precedent that if you speak out, they will come after you & try to destroy you.

    I've started to look at the details of the court case and there are a lot of real problems with it. This is the first time in the history of US courts that they've allowed something like this to happen. SO MANY violations and irregularities from the jurisdiction, to political judges and lawyers, to forcing him to produce evidence against himself, demanding things that don't exist. The list of things is extensive. For anyone to be happy about this shows ignorance on a massive scale as well as self hatred.
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2022
    oldawg likes this.
  3. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    Not really, Libel, Defamation, and SLAPP lawsuits have been going on for years. Very effective in tying up the defendant.
    Usually the SLAPP gets dropped sometime after but the defendant has expended huge sums of money to play the game.

    This time though, it did go to the plaintiffs. and for righteous bucks. I am not sure but this could one of the biggest defamation judgements i've heard of.

    Guess if they don't like you and rub the jury pool the wrong way .. you are kinda screwed.

    I also wonder if they plantiffs will ever collect.
  4. enloopious

    enloopious Rocket Surgeon

  5. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    Yes...a lot of handwaving opinion there in post #42 and rather short on specifics....Which violations? What irregularities? Which political judges? and which political lawyers? What evidence was he forced to produce against himself? Which things was he asked to produce that don't exist? A vague non specific 'extensive list''s sounding like a TRumpian 'everybody knows' kind of argument.
    Who would be happy that a lying scoundrel whose defamatory rantings have caused compensable harm to the plaintiffs of both lawsuits got away Scott free without any consequences? Not only should justice be done, but it should be seen to be done. As to self hatred?? You wouldn't be projecting would you?

    Last edited: Oct 20, 2022
  6. enloopious

    enloopious Rocket Surgeon

  7. enloopious

    enloopious Rocket Surgeon

    I hope nobody actually listens to malarkey like this because your understanding of the law is really bad. The audacity with which you assert your incorrect opinions is not really surprising (considering the source). Nobody is going to support a totalitarian dictatorial opinion like yours no matter how much you scream it in their face. $2.75 trillion dollars, which is what was awarded with out a trial, is also MORE THAN THE GDP OF CANADA. That you are trying to justify this absurdity shows, with out a doubt, that you are nonsensical and think that your feelings should be the rule of law. Please explain to me more how your feelings are the only thing that matters. :rolleyes:

    I'm sure you wont understand how this lesson applies to your argument, but for others:

    Last edited: Oct 22, 2022
    Brokor likes this.
  8. enloopious

    enloopious Rocket Surgeon

    One of your dumbest responses to date. I would feel insulted if I were one of your followers on these forums who called you 'smart' at some point. No I am not going to do your research for you. You are commenting in complete ignorance and I feel that doing that speaks volumes for me.
    Brokor likes this.
  9. enloopious

    enloopious Rocket Surgeon

    Please post some more lies from a biased source to support your feelings like these because I feel you are really making your point.

    Last edited: Oct 22, 2022
    magicfingers likes this.
  10. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    I agree. And as for Chello, I think he momentarily forgot about the Bill of Rights in America, in particular the 1st Amendment which enshrines freedom of speech. We are the only nation in the history of the world to have Citizens with the power of a Monarch, which is one of the reasons why we are so detested. More on the subject itself, it's hard to imagine any person with an IQ above room temperature directing others to concur with them while scowling at Jones for daring to profess his opinion to a few million listeners. You see, the problem is not so much what he said, it's that he's free to speak openly to countless numbers of people and quite popular at that. When Jones backed Trump, tremors went through the media because he had far more persuasion than they did. The fact or myth surrounding Sandy Hook isn't even the issue as this is an assault on free speech, and Jones is so reviled by the radical Leftists it's a sure bet it will strum all the notes which makes them giggle and feel warm all over. But, the rest of America isn't fooled by this witch hunt -we are watching and we know there will be a reckoning. You cannot suspend Constitutionality just to grand stand on your Leftist agendas. This will be appealed, this isn't over (despite the corporate media never covering anything else) and justice will prevail in the end...

    Or the whole damn country will burn.

    (That's not a call to arms, it's not a threat of any kind. It's a very obvious warning.)

    FOREIGN PEOPLE - FYI - Americans do not possess the right to NOT be offended.
    Zimmy, mysterymet, CraftyMofo and 3 others like this.
  11. enloopious

    enloopious Rocket Surgeon

    I think this point in particular is the reason for so much hate and envy. People around the world do not realize how this works and are very quick to support the opposite point of view. Freedom is not easy to hold on to and weak people don't feel comfortable with that kind of power. They crave and need a monarch or dictator to tell them what to do, to set the rules. When someone can be jailed in a country for saying something that is not liked by the powers that be, they will naturally want to appease an authority figure to avoid pain and it is easy to think that it applies to the rest of the world. People who feel powerless crave and want a central authority because being responsible for your own life and actions is not easy, for example, in Australia they had every opportunity to be a sovereign country and they chose to keep the queen because the awesome power of being responsible for your own actions is intimidating. In fact out of all the countries and colonies that England has ever had ONLY America has chosen sovereignty. That is saying something. This point of view is so prevalent through out the world that they are importing millions of illegals from anywhere to America, giving them free money, the power to vote, drivers licenses, plane tickets, cell phones, etc. just to make the voting majority want to be subjects, but it wont work. We can teach them faster than they can import them.
    Brokor, CraftyMofo and Minuteman like this.
  12. Cruisin Sloth

    Cruisin Sloth Special & Slow

  13. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    Brokor, Seawolf1090 and enloopious like this.
  14. enloopious

    enloopious Rocket Surgeon

    Here's a comparison for you
    The war in Ukraine is up to $80 billion and that is a war to fight the country of Russia. Alex Jones is up to just under $4 trillion. That is enough to buy actual countries. If that contrast doesn't make an impression on you then you just might be brain washed.

    mysterymet and Minuteman like this.
  15. oil pan 4

    oil pan 4 Monkey+++

    Alex Jones: "If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine".
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2023
  16. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    What can I say: There are 10+ million American idiots who seem to like the smell of Alex Jones's $h!t, if the polls' truthfulness and reliability are to be trusted. Maybe Dumba$$ Jone$ will learn that neither popularity, nor a digital bully pulpit will save him from unlawful @$$hattery if he ignores his legal obligations as a defamation defendant.

    Yes, the First Amendment Free Speech Clause provides individuals, and business entities in the United States with a number of broad protections against governmental interference of free speech, but such protections are not absolute. Criminal, and civil defamation are some aspects of public discourse, which will bite those who fall afoul of the relevant statute laws, on the @$$, BIGLY, as Donalds tRumpet has found in the E Jean Carol Case (and elsewhere).

    The list is not exhaustive.

  17. SB21

    SB21 Monkey+++

    " 10 million plus that likes his shit "

    And yet here you are , expecting the few here to like yours ,,,

    Just busting your chops there Chelly ,, carry on sir ,,,,
    Yard Dart likes this.
  18. oil pan 4

    oil pan 4 Monkey+++

    I don't care for him. I do like how he freaks out the wantabe commies and he Appears to be more reliable than any main stream news outlets.
    The way I figure it if the dude was just crazy they would let him talk. Deplatforming and suing him for a billion dollars means they want him silenced and made an example of because he was either getting too close to the truth or getting too many people to question the bullshit narrative.
  19. Cruisin Sloth

    Cruisin Sloth Special & Slow

    He's back on X
    Elon reinstated Him and the InfoWars site as well.
    SB21, Brokor and mysterymet like this.
  20. oil pan 4

    oil pan 4 Monkey+++

    Alex Jones fed information by CIA to get him to say stuff about sandyhook so that the fbi could investigate him.
    Cruisin Sloth and Zimmy like this.
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