And this is why I don't like people helping me!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Thunder5Ranch, Sep 23, 2022.

  1. Thunder5Ranch

    Thunder5Ranch Monkey+++

    Loading RR ties on the trail this evening and the dumb ass just dropped his end and crushed the end of my right middle finger. Popped the tip like squeezing a grape and crushed the bone. Also a rupture under the nail that is still bleeding 8 hours later out from under the nail. LOL employee comes out and tells me I can't load them my self "It's Not Safe! You might hurt yourself! " Guess the look I gave him after I rolled the tie of my finger and blood spurting out of the prolapsed meaty stuff sticking out of the blow out hole skeered him. He left as fast as he came out. Had a Doc appointment at 4:15 and it was 3:30 when I finished spraying blood every place and put napkin over the end of the finger. Docs office was only 6 blocks away. Doc took me right back and looked it over said the rupture under the nail we should just leave alone. Nothing to do about the broken bone but we can sew up that nasty ass rupture on the tip and 20 minutes later all the meaty stuff was back in and the hole sewed up. And the actual reason for today's visit could wait for a week. Every damned time someone *Helps* Me when I don't need help I seem to end up with a very annoying injury of some kind. I have blown out tires now and then........ First time blowing out a finger :)


    LOL swollen up to about 3x its normal size right now. And still plenty of blood seeping out from under the nail. Do believe that nail will be falling off :) Doc is pretty good at sewing things together.
    Just annoys me, if I needed help I would have asked for help and I had already waited 45 minutes for a pair of employees to come *Team Lift them* Sigh they only weigh like 250 pounds each and not that difficult to lift and hip toss onto the trailer! But TG I had someone come help and team lift with me so I wouldn't hurt myself!!!
    flex, Homer Simpson, natshare and 8 others like this.
  2. sec_monkey

    sec_monkey SM Security Administrator

    [biggrouphug] [biggrouphug]
  3. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    Sorry to hear of your injury, T5R, and share your frustration at the help who are harmful rather than helpful.
    Hope the damaged digits heal quickly...cheers from Chell.
  4. enloopious

    enloopious Rocket Surgeon

    Yeah that happened to me quite a while back but with my large toe. Lost the nail all together. Not fun. Crazy rules and over regulation by bureaucrats who have no idea what we or they are doing caused mine.
    flex, Thunder5Ranch and SB21 like this.
  5. johnbb

    johnbb Monkey+++

    Wow that must hurt hope it feels better soon
    Thunder5Ranch likes this.
  6. CaboWabo5150

    CaboWabo5150 Hell's coming with me

    My finger started throbbing just from looking at it.. Had something similar happen moving a 12ft bar of steel. It got away from the guy on the other end and smashed the tip of my middle finger. Ended up having the nail fall off during the healing, but now I have to think about it to remember which finger it was. That was 30 years ago. That one's gonna be sore for a while.
    SB21 and Thunder5Ranch like this.
  7. Thunder5Ranch

    Thunder5Ranch Monkey+++

    Have you ever noticed that when you actually need help there is not a soul to be found. When you don't need help there are people offering to help left and right? :)
  8. Thunder5Ranch

    Thunder5Ranch Monkey+++

    at least I don't have to expend effort and thought to give people the bird now! And yeah my bandage job this morning sucks, hard to wrap it up pretty with just the left hand!

    LOL just noticed I caught my old Pyre Koda in leg hike getting ready to take a leak on his front leg. Old boy has seen better days and while still healthy suffers from Doggy Dementia more often than not. He was a hell of a Dog in his prime and has earned the right to eat, sleep, bark at ghost and pee on his own leg if he wants to ;)
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2022
  9. johnbb

    johnbb Monkey+++

    HA HA there is always a bright side
    Gator 45/70 and Thunder5Ranch like this.
  10. jimLE

    jimLE Monkey+++

    Sorry about the finger.and nothing funner then giving someone the finger and getting away with it.

    Had someone drop his end of a 20+ foot angle iron.that caused me to drop my which it landed on my foot,and it felt like it almost broke it .and that was after he got a friendly reminder, not to drop his end on account they bounce. that's what caused me to drop my end.
    SB21 and Thunder5Ranch like this.
  11. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Damn! That looks like it hurt like hell! I suppose if we look at the 'glass half full', you can be glad you didn't have to lift them over your head! You'd be walking around looking like the mummy instead of giving folks the finger! LOL!
  12. Thunder5Ranch

    Thunder5Ranch Monkey+++

    Could look at this on a more serious side. IF this was SHTF or End of modern society stuff . A simple injury like this could very well prove to be Terminal or result in a unpleasant amputation of finger or even the hand. I am a decent field medic but even so a simple infection in a wound like this without the proper ointments, sterile bandages could easily take root and go septic or the green rot set in.

    I have found among the folks I associate with IRL most are well prepared with everything. With one exception, medical supplies! Do you have a suture kit and know how to make the different stitches for various wounds? Do you keep a gallon or 10 of Iodine, Peroxide and alcohol? Do you have scalpels, clamps and forceps? Do you keep potent antibiotics, pain killers and sedatives? Do you know where to source those controlled substances and how to properly store them for maximum shelf life? Do you know which wounds to keep dry and which ones to keep in a moist but sterile healing environment? Do you know basic anatomy and surgical techniques to say fix a hernia or remove an appendix? Or do you have just a basic first aid kit and plan on relying on it?

    Medical is IMO the single most neglected aspect of the prep world. I get a lot of practice with the live stock in particular the pigs. Human anatomy and Hog Anatomy have a lot in common. You get pigs born with hernias, you find hernias when castrating. Have two options really, head knock them and compost them, or fix the hernias. I opt to fix the hernias, vet gave me good lessons in it many years ago and it is damned good practice in basic surgical and suturing. NOPE I will not dispense advice on where to get the controlled medical supplies, other than to say there are 3 primary sources for relatively safe drugs and medications of a controlled nature.

    So you are going to rely on the herbal medicine and remedies, Might keep in mind that there are graveyards full of people that did just that because there was nothing better ;) It has its place and somethings are very effective others semi effective at best. Worth having knowledge of the things that are time tested and proven to work. It may very well be the best thing available in the future. Personally I will run with the more modern and more effective things and reserve the old school herbal remedies knowledge and practice for the minor things and for when the modern is not available.

    I have no intention of losing a finger, a hand or my life from a crushed finger tip and nasty meaty tip blow out. Not when I have abundant sterile bandages, triple antibiotic ointment and if infection should set in more powerful and appropriate antibiotics in the Medicine locker.

    This injury was a stupid one! I should have just said fine you get another employee and load them and I will watch. Instead I made the mistake of moving heavy stuff with someone I didn't know and certainly didn't trust. LOL Brand New Creosote soaked RR ties are HEAVY and when the guy on the other end just drops his end and you are lifting from under with right hand and pushing and guiding with the left hand......... and the tie goes up and slams back down with you finger between the tie and the trailer rail...... yep its gonna HURT and do Damage. Guess the guy didn't get the memo that you lift at the same time and drop at the same time! Point is no one, well at least no one that is sane plans for a injury but it very wise to always be prepared for a injury...... Because SHIT HAPPENS :)
    Homer Simpson and Bandit99 like this.
  13. oldawg

    oldawg Monkey+++

    Sorry about the injury TR. As I have noticed my left hand dexterity has waned over the decades I have discovered vet wrap to help a bunch and with the use of my teeth I can make it look almost presentable enough Mrs. Dawg will let it pass. I would suggest that you pass on stringing and stretching bobwar for a while though.
    SB21 likes this.
  14. Thunder5Ranch

    Thunder5Ranch Monkey+++

    I am still doing tractor work. The Lake turned into me building a big pond above it and now working on a small pond between the pond and the Lake. Terraced bodies of water :) Not to bad running the tractor since I steer with the left hand control the 3pt up and down for the box blade with the right hand, just have to remember to only use the pinky and ring finger of the right hand pulling and pushing the 3pt lever and keep that middle finger off the lever! The tractor vibration transferred through the lever with the middle finger on it feel like grabbing a fast pulse electric fence! I am almost done with that 3rd much smaller dam just another day of dirt work and getting the over flow pipe cut to length and in its cradle and another foot of dirt on top of it. And have to get the spots for the two new containers raised up and those RR ties laid out before Wednesday morning when the containers arrive. I am in a full blown race now with Rain and the Mud Season starting, gotta get those containers in and that dam finished and the over flow pipe in before any significant rain shows up. Finger is just going to have to understand its feelings are less important than getting these last two jobs done ;)
    Bandit99, johnbb and oldawg like this.
  15. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    "I have found among the folks I associate with IRL most are well prepared with everything. With one exception, medical supplies! Do you have a suture kit and know how to make the different stitches for various wounds? Do you keep a gallon or 10 of Iodine, Peroxide and alcohol? Do you have scalpels, clamps and forceps? Do you keep potent antibiotics, pain killers and sedatives? Do you know where to source those controlled substances and how to properly store them for maximum shelf life? Do you know which wounds to keep dry and which ones to keep in a moist but sterile healing environment? Do you know basic anatomy and surgical techniques to say fix a hernia or remove an appendix? Or do you have just a basic first aid kit and plan on relying on it?"

    ^^^^^^^ IMPORTANT ^^^^^^^ especially in the coming days. Get off your butts and get it done. And, if it is already done then revisit it and ensure you got it covered. This is exactly what I am doing right now.

    @Thunder5Ranch " to properly store them (antibiotics) for maximum shelf life?"
    Please elaborate. How do you store yours? I was wondering about storing them in the fridge, in Milar bags and O2As...

    I normally store my antibiotics sealed in airtight bags with all the air removed. Since my wife is going to visit her mother on Monday (overseas), she will bring us back a new batch as one simply buys them over the counter there (they're cheap!) but this time, I will store them in Milar bags along with a O2 absorbers (O2A). I do know antibiotics are good for 5+ years (maybe as much as 10 years) after expiration date.

    EDIT: The hardest thing that I have found is to figure out exactly what to stock in the way of antibiotics. Currently, I stock all-purpose antibiotics like Augmentin and Amoxicillin and of course some Ciprofloxacin. What would be nice if there was a doctor or nurse out there that could give us a small list of what is they believe is necessary, say 6 or less. hint-hint!
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2022
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  16. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    Paint the tip red, Will have more meaning
  17. oil pan 4

    oil pan 4 Monkey+++

    Let it bleed at least you know there's circulation, even if it's only one way.
    Gator 45/70 and SB21 like this.
  18. Thunder5Ranch

    Thunder5Ranch Monkey+++

    Depends on what you stock. A few drugs freezing actually breaks down faster than keeping in 65-75. Short list of dope For Antibiotics Cipro is a good one to have, Beyond that I run just Sulfur based antibiotics. Both of those I vac pac and you can find them between the Ribeyes and Porterhouses :) I avoid almost injection type medications most require refrigeration and have short shelf life. Topicals are the most valuable as they are the first line and its better to prevent the infections than to treat an infection. Neosporin, neomyacin, Iodine (Also can treat water in a pinch), Peroxide a lot to be said for boiling out a puncture or deep cut.
    Bandit99, Gator 45/70 and SB21 like this.
  19. Thunder5Ranch

    Thunder5Ranch Monkey+++

    LOL I will take a pic tomorrow of the shirt I wore today, looks like a took a blast of bird shot to the side. Red blood dots all over the side from the tip of the bandage. Cradled my hand up against my side when going over rough patches.
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  20. Cruisin Sloth

    Cruisin Sloth Special & Slow

    I also fvcked up 2day
    I;ll show pix when I stich me up , need a hard drink to ease the pain ,, its deep as well
    Cut sloth
    edit add:
    Log splitter , and kid hit the control , went half way into the bone. I stitched it last night and puked..
    Looks better today . Still feel queasy at times.
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2022
    Gator 45/70, SB21 and Thunder5Ranch like this.
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