Bad boys are very popular these days. This will propel Donny to a level that’ll be off the charts I predict.
Normally I am a wait and see what direction things go. This one crosses the line instantly and does not need a wait and see approach. This is the kind of shit I saw in South and Central America back in the 80s and 90s when I worked down there. It was the same shit the guys that worked in the middle east, eastern Europe, SE Asia and Africa saw and very often participated in to advance or protect US interest in a region. The would be regimes that needed the support of a strong majority of the population had no problem destabilizing their own Government and Nation and pointing to the opposition and saying see what they have done! "They oppress you but I am here to set you free!" and a large segment of the population falls in line following the the person or organization that will truly oppress them. Hugo Chavez once said "Out of Chaos will come order and we are going to make a lot of chaos." his 1992 coup failed and in 1998 he was elected President of Venezuela and during his terms he took Venezuela from a thriving and prosperous nation into a 3rd world shit hole Marxist Nation with 56-61 percent of the people supporting him. (Questionable support given his manipulating of voting and interference in the electoral process. He directed raids on political rivals and dissenters having them killed, imprisoned or exiled. Like many would be dictators he could not be worked on directly because it would make him a martyr and instantly blow a tense situation up. In hind sight I think a lot of folks that made those calls back in the day regret not making the call to let it play out rather than blow the situation up. He was not executed and was pardoned for the coup a couple of years after the coup attempt for the same reason..... and the cancer of marxism grew and consumed Venezuela. Does that all sound similar to events happening in the USA for the last several years up to the present and increasingly getting worse? It should! A lot of same enablers and financial supporters of Chavez early on are still around and manipulating things right here in the US, COugh......... Klintons.........Soros......Pelosi.... Waters.... Schumer......Schiff........ The Puppets Obama and Biden......... A whole host of lifelong government insiders that were never elected but call the shots. The first real taste of violence came in the 2020 summer of love and mostly NOT peaceful protest.... that were supported by the above manipulators (Remember Out of Chaos will come Order and we are going to make a lot of chaos!) The leftist Marxist here in the USA have been using the Chavez play book for a Long Time now and playing the Long Game. We have simply entered the next level of that game and despite all of the chest pounding on the Free Folks part we are losing that game big time. The Marxist out number us by millions and fortunately those numbers are centralized in dense urban areas in the Blue States. Even that is changing though and is part of the larger game, over the last several years there has been a mass migration of leftist from the blue strongholds into the red States and the demographics of key voting areas have been changing. If you pay attention to the Leftist Marxist media, you will regularly hear about the pain and sacrifice we have to make in order to transition to a better world. A LOT of people swallow that bullshit and ask for a second and third serving of it! Need I explain what that dystopian better world they envision looks like? We have been seeing those who dissent against the Marxist targeted and often imprisoned under very questionable circumstances. Raids on former Government officials homes, Raids on alternate media offices and homes, Now Raids on former Presidents homes........ With the media always just happening to arrive before the raids in mass to portray the Victim of the political raids as a criminal in the worst way in the court of public opinion. I find it interesting that several years back I posted about the USDA and FDA inspectors and compliance officers I had to deal with, that one day started showing up armed. One that I was always friends with that later quit his agency in disgust over the policy changes taking place. That over the years since I have became very good friends with explained it all to me. The FSMA Under Obama authorized the hiring of thousands of new employees, mandated a large swath be armed, and receive tactical training and authorized the funding and purchase of very large numbers of 9mm sidearms and mountains of ammo. My friend spoke of one tactical training where the purpose of arriving armed with the sidearm clearly displayed, would put the agent in control of the situation and compel compliance. Two formerly unarmed agencies with no arrest powers or authority now have thousands walking around armed to deal with food processors, brokers and farmers that direct market. LOL I remember a couple of folks here telling me that I was nuts, and why would a USDA Agent need to be armed to look at cows and meat........... Guess I was not so nuts Several other agencies most recent with the Inflation Reduction act AKA The Climate and Obamacare expansion bill also authorizes the hiring of 83,000 new IRS agents that you guessed it many will be armed and receive tactical training. That bill btw that won't raise taxes on the middle class and poor....... raises the taxes directly on 93% of the middle class and poor and even more indirectly by the increased taxes on businesses and corporations that will simply pass the cost of the tax increases on to the Middle Class and Poor consumers. But where is the Rage and Focus of the general population being directed? To the Republicans that blocked the Insulin cost cap amendment.......... It is all great to say "They can't do that! It is not Constitutional!!!" If folks have not noticed the folks over throwing the Representative Republic and its Democratic Principles...... DO NOT GIVE TWO SHITS ABOUT THE CONSTITUTION, the Constitutional Rule of Law or Due Process. The sheer volume of unconstitutional things they are pushing ensures little of it will receive a judicial Constitutional Review and what does will go before the most Leftist Leaning judges that can be shopped. If something actually makes it to the supreme court, heard and overturned it amounts to about 1 victory for liberty to 30 losses of liberty. Again refer back to Chavez and how he became the God of Venezuela. How it all plays out in the end? Can't say as there are too many wild cards still in the deck that will come into play eventually. Most likely outcomes I see is a Civil War very similar to the Balkans that degrades into a war of total annihilation of one side or the other. Or a more pleasant alternative being breaking the USA into 2-5 distinct Nations under a Confederacy of cooperation in trade and mutual defense with no Nation or Body having authority over another Nation beyond the mutual trade and defense agreement. Sorry but the USA as a whole has became to big, to bloated, to centralized, to corrupt and unaccountable to the people. Each State was meant to be a individual Nation bound together under the Constitution for the greater good of everyone. There is a reason the States were given broad powers of self rule in the Constitution and the Federal Governments role heavily restricted to a handful of things. States Right and Powers have been either directly or indirectly eroded and pretty mush tossed in the toilet and are currently waiting to be flushed. If there is no amicable separation or very bloody civil war then the question is......... Will we look more like China, The Soviet Union, Cuba or Venezuela when it is all said and done? The Trump raid was fairly predicable given the number of other raids leading up to it. It is simply a orchestrated progression of the game and a maneuver to eliminated a dangerous opponent from the board. Not really much conspiracy stuff going on here since the Marxist are acting openly and brazenly now days.
I started watching that poll knowing it was bullshit. The most overt bias thing i have seen was when trumps approval went down after the first jan6 prime time hearing almost in real time, then after the later hearings when the dems showed their hand and it was a giant nothing burger the poll didn't update for at least 11 days, as his approval rating went higher. The administrator of that pole will jump on any decrease in approval but will slow roll any increase to the tune of a week or so. It's one of the most overtly biased polls I have ever seen. I think the actual numerical value is useless but it can be used as an indicator to up and down trends.
If this kangaroo court spent half as much time investigating Killary, Bidumb(daddy and son), the Odummbos, Piglosi, and the rest they would all be in jail.
A tidbit I ran across that will add to clearing things up a bit. Don't Forget, Trump Has An ACTIVE Lawsuit Against Hillary Clinton!
this seems an opportune time to remind you folks that the 17th Amendment removed the representation of the States and perverted the Senate into a second House. States have no authority in DC until that is repealed.
The Inflation Reduction Act giving $80 BILLION to the IRS to include 87,000 new federal employees is by design the stake through America's heart. It will indeed finish the job to make America completely helpless by destroying what is left of our economic muscle and the new agents are necessary to ensure that any individuals, group, or organizations can be dealt with either by financial ruin or by other means... The ONLY problem they have is to get through the next election and while they can and will probably steal it (like they did the last Presidential election) they need to do everything possible to ensure the outcome is in their favor so...Trump. One of the last pieces of the puzzle is to ruin Trump and ensure he cannot run for election but, even more so, ruin him so that he cannot unite the population. They will bury him now. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if they killed him! I think the ONLY reason they haven't is they would be making a martyr. Sadly, at this point, I see no other means to redress our grievances and bring the country back into the Constitution framework besides a general uprising demanding a return to the Constitution and the resignation and departure from the country (or incarceration) of a long list of these criminals and, yes, a civil war if it went that far. There can be no longer any doubt to anyone, what we have now is a Banana Republic - not America - so really what is left to lose? Their intent is to break us economically and rule as they dictate for poor and hungry people are much easier to control. Everything that has been done since the thief of the Presidency has been to weaken this country and they have succeeded greatly. Seems to me their intent is very, very clear now and our options are less and less.
Where in Gods name are they getting all this money from 80 billion here, 40 billion there, trillion over there. OMG the federal printing presses must be running at 100% 24/7.