Excellent idea! That way, Duane has an even chance of being harassed by a Trumpist MAGA zombie anti vaxxer for wearing a mask, or harassed by an antifa tolchock merchant for wearing a MAGA hat.
[Severly and profoundly retarded] public officials say "New strain of bird flu can kill half of humanity". But no one has died from it yet and people who supposedly caught it don't even feel sick. Now where have we seen that before?
Looks like SCOTUS isn’t likely to back SloJoe’s Vaccine Mandate… Exactly why I voted for Trump, and in a similar situation, would vote for Mikey Mouse…
A report to read : Covid Vaccine Scientific Proof Lethal – SUN Covid Vaccine Scientific Proof Lethal Post published:5 January 2022 Over a Thousand Scientific Study’s To Prove That The Covid 19 Vaccines Are Dangerous And All Those Pushing This Agenda Are Committing The Indictable Crime Of Gross Misconduct In Public Office
People don't know how to read anymore so the quick response to your post would be something along the lines of "conspiracy theory" or maybe, "show me some facts". Crazy to say it but people are so bad at reading today that they will take the lie, ignorance, and death just to avoid it. Why do you Think the Commies first take over the education system? People are so stupid today that even when presented with actual facts, reports, numbers, and statistics they don't see them. Trust me I've tried. I am not a big fan of Ghandi but when he said be the change in the world you want to see I think he was on to something. In America we have another saying "lead by example" and "you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink". The idea is that if people don't have the common sense to save themselves then perhaps they deserve to die. The problem with this is that those people can also vote to enslave the rest of us. This is the whole Republic V Democracy idea. But does it really? Do we need those people? Are they dead weight? If you lead that horse to water and it doesn't drink, doesn't it deserve to die? The bleeding hearts would say that it doesn't and that every life is precious but when we cater to the lowest common denominator we get crap. I mean junk. It ruins the country. Over my life I have seen the country go from some freedom for all to tyranny for all but the rich. They created this medical dictatorship to destroy America. They knew the fear and bleeding hearts would push it forever. The rest of the world is already destroyed. They need America to fall. There is hope. America is still the land of opportunity. If you look at Australia. It fell so fast. Look at Germany. They should know better but they didn't. Look at England. Canada. On and on. America still remembers what it means to be free. We created the Bitcoin. That is the biggest middle finger to the NWO there is. We told them we don't need their fake fiat money. What daring. What outrage. Where else would that have happened? Now El Salvador has adopted BTC as their national currency and had an 11% economy growth and several others are on the verge. This means it has to be protected by the IMF. If everyone moved to Bitcoin tomorrow the NWO would cease to exist. We have the answers but we can't force the horse to drink. We can't even make the horse understand what it is. They have to figure it out on their own.
Yeah I saw that. PJW does some pretty good work. I remember watching the video below (original airing) and I remember thinking, why can't anyone see what he is talking about. There's no way they would let this play out in America. But here we are. I was pretty young when this was on TV but it was a wake up call that there could be things going on to destroy our world that could be already in progress and possibly true. Since then I have been looking and watching. I remember Reagan holding up the release of the hostages so he could get elected. I remember Ron Paul getting attacked on TV by Communists from Hollywood. I remember Iran Contra. I remember Viet Nam, bay of pigs, Zapata oil and the sinking of GHWB's ship. 9/11 and all the Israeli students who were supposed to be hunted and arrested. 2008 bubble, internet bubble, Alan Greenspan's college thesis on how to profit from those bubbles. People forget about these things and they don't see the connections. That blows my mind. These people made billions of dollars and trillions and then funded all of the social media with people like Zuck, Bezos, Gates, Dorsey, etc with the specific goal of silencing dissenting opinions. They amassed all of the journalistic power into a small group of hands that they controlled and then told them who to silence. How much is the Rockerfeller family worth? Low estimates say $500trillion plus. Can the common person even fathom how much money that is? They could buy the USA and have lots left over. What's that saying about power corrupting? Look at how many cops, lawyers, judges, and politicians SOROS has bought. All you have to do is claim to be a humanitarian and you can literally get away with murder. This used to be conspiracy theory. Today its just another factoid dropped like violence on TV. People see it and say "oh wow that is horrible" but then just go on with their day. We need to make some real changes. The entire game plan is to destroy our world and profit from it. Pretty simple. New Reports Say 1980 Reagan Campaign Tried to Delay Hostage Release (Published 1991) CIA Helped Bush Senior In Oil Venture - WhoWhatWhy The Rockefellers are Worth 500 Trillion Dollars, what about the Poor!! | Truth Control https://www.winterwatch.net/2021/09...gation-reveals-israeli-foreknowledge-of-9-11/ George Soros Bought District Attorneys Across the Nation Michael Bloomberg does a George Soros and buys up law enforcement George Soros Buying Judges Now? - The New American List of shame: Here are the Republicans who took Soros funding https://www.barrons.com/articles/SB120917419049046805
Ron Paul Video was a hoot , 1970s Im sure , Id like these shows , there trying to pull the Pot back and make it a crime ,, just hear the radio on accidents with so much TCH <? Pilot/engineer here , no doppy ! Sloth
Looks like locked down, shutdown, vaccine mandate, vaccine passport new york is has more covid cases and a higher death rate than Texas. Meanwhile the Texas economy has completely recovered and is booming. Looks like being first or second to end all the covid bullshit was the right move. So enjoy living in Australia. Are most of you guys retarded or something?
A year and a half later, now more than ever we know masks don't do shit and it's been proven the boosters are only good for about 3 months. Natural immunity is leaps and bounds better than masks and jabs on every study I can find.