Environmentalists are the worst people on earth

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by oil pan 4, Jun 30, 2022.

  1. oil pan 4

    oil pan 4 Monkey+++

    Change my mind.

    The road to hell is paved with good intentions? Yeah especially when that road is built upon a foundation of malice.
    These guys were self proclaimed "environmentalists". When infact they were just a bunch of selfish, entitled, unwashed, dope smoking, anti populationist hippies who were worried about California's population doubling in the next 20 years or so and they didnt want to share. Thats it.
    They figured the best way to stop that California's population growth was to block water infrastructure creation and block electrical power generation build out, especially if it's hydro and nuclear.
    The damage they did 60 years ago still persists to this day. Well they failed and most of them are dead, so HA!
    Then once they gained success and notoriety ultimately they became corrupt, morally and financially.
    In the ultimate betrayal, the anti nukes took money from the coal power lobby to get the anti nukes to push coal as the safe alternative. It's a damn modern Greek tragedy. Blocking dams to prevent people from having water and electricity, blocking nuclear to keep people from having unlimited clean safe energy, taking money from the coal Barrons to build dirty 1960s straight out the smoke stack coal power plant and these were Sierra club guys. Wow.
    Environmentalists are some of the worst people on earth. I say these United States would be better off if they never existed.
    We would have more hydroelectric, more water, more nuclear, less coal.
  2. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    IMO, which is not worth much,
    I lived in environments where the power was inconsistent and unreliable, so I began building a battery system my house runs on.
    From then on I had less problems with brown and black outs.
    The Tesla Power Wall is a great idea and is workable, after all most everything we own is battery powered in some way.
    A battery system does not draw a lot of energy all at once, it charges a little at a time and one's appliances draw the bulk of energy in gulps of the battery bank, not off the grid. I recommended this type of system to friends in other countries that have similar problems.
    There are also other means of making power no one talks about and that is thermal solar.
    Back in the 1860s a man made what we would recognize as a 10' diameter satellite dish and put a boiler at the focal point and made steam to run his printing press.
    A few people do this, but the problem just like solar is that most people are unwilling to learn and be a part of making the power for them self. basically lazy. the second part is living with in ones means and taking responsibility for one's own power needs and use.
    Our kids learned fast with the battery system that if you leave lights on unnecessarily, you won't have power for the night, when it matters most.
    Fukushima should have taught the world a lesson, but it is not much talked about lately.
    It like Chernobyl and others should never be forgotten.
    Battery technology is improving and proving to be quite impressive, I hope that people wake up and take their energy use more seriously.
  3. oil pan 4

    oil pan 4 Monkey+++

    Well chernobyl didn't have a containment structure, until after it blew up and melted down.
    At fukushima they refused to believe that they could be hit with a higher than 30ft tsunami, even with tales from the feudal days describing tsunamis 3x that or greater.
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2022
    Altoidfishfins and duane like this.
  4. duane

    duane Monkey+++

    They stopped the nuke plants, stopped the natural gas pipeline, stopped the connection to cheap Canadian hydro power, scream about wood smoke being bad and limiting it, then when electricity goes up 40 % in a couple months, scream about needing more money in their free money account to pay for it. I am supposed to pay more for gas and power and more taxes so that they can continue to lead the free lifestyle they are used to. Would rather see them heat their apartments by burning all those protest signs they have carried the last 40 years.

    Going to get toasty, they don't know how to live outside their government supplied cages or their parents basements and while they may be very violent, they are 100 % failures in planning even 3 days into the future. In the real life if things get tough, it is going to require 1 year planning and resources just to stay alive and several years to build up resources and lead a fairly secure and some what painless life. In fact if SHTF in April, you would have to be somewhat self sufficient until the next fall, over a year, just to be sure survive the coming winter and get your crops in.

    In my mind the biggest mistake in prepping is that it is some goal of x supplies, 1 year or 5, etc and y weapons. It will only succeed if it is a process that allows you to shift to some alternative way of living and using the resources available at that time and place to survive. In my mind prepping is having the resources to make that transition and both the people and the means of keeping those resources until you can use them. No one family can defend itself from a mob, a sniper, fellow family members, or the government. Your daughter coming home with her boy friend, his 2 sisters, and his mom and dad, the day after it happens and with no skills or supplies may well be the final straw that destroys all your planning and resources.

    Had a friend who was in ag development 50 years ago. He was a Mennonite missionary and was very active in his faith. He firmly believed in what he called the 2,000 calorie plan. If a man is hungry, his family is hungry, he has no security in his food supply, he will either try any way to get that security or say whatever it takes to get it. If his stomach is full, he is secure in his life and expects his family to do well, then you can talk about God and he will make a real commitment and believe. I would expect that those without after TSHTF will do whatever it takes and the he** with cultural or other values. What is even worse is that many are willing to do so while things are going fairly well.

    Stay away from crowds, cache well, stay out of debt, lead a frugal life style, be gray, and try to make it such that a failure of the world as we know it is just a passing event in the greater scheme of things.
    Tully Mars and Cruisin Sloth like this.
  5. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    The Japanese insisted on using "modern" wave and weather data and ignored the ancient written records. Also, if a few of the helicopters had lifted fuel bladders and generator/pumps to the reactor site instead of conducting search-and-rescue operations nobody would have heard of Fukushima!
    duane and natshare like this.
  6. oil pan 4

    oil pan 4 Monkey+++

    The hydro power corridor in Maine was retaliation for massholechussits blocking a natural gas pipe line to Maine that would have branched off an existing pipeline in mass and gone up to maine.
    And the Maine public regulators weren't going to allow any of that cheap hydro power to be sold in Maine, but the Maine electrical authority was going to make money off the deal.
    So F them both with a baseball bat.
    duane likes this.
  7. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    I'm old enough to remember when the Serria Club was really anti-immigrant and real ZPG types.

    Assholes are assholes, no matter the timeframe.
    Tully Mars and johnbb like this.
  8. natshare

    natshare Monkey+++

    Right? Doesn't matter if you put the backup power generators up high.....if you put the fuel tanks for them down low, where they can get flooded out, and contaminated with sea water! :eek::rolleyes:
    duane likes this.
  9. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    Had to replace the roof on my second home. I upgraded the insulation from R13 to R30+ in the cathedral ceilinged home.

    That should improve the energy efficiency while my daughter lives there while going to university.

    I will say that that closed cell spray foam is quite spendy. I'm going to have to rent the place out for a couple of years to get my money back for that roof and insulation.
    duane likes this.
  10. oil pan 4

    oil pan 4 Monkey+++

    You're a bigot for not using electric everything and not getting solar panels and not driving a tesla. An environmentalists would say.
    Efficiency doesn't matter to them, only virtue signaling.
    enloopious, duane and VisuTrac like this.
  11. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    Well should I mention that I own a chunk of uranium miners and nuke reactor stocks?

    I did sell off my oil stocks (at a profit) does that help offset my carbon foot print?
    Tully Mars and duane like this.
  12. enloopious

    enloopious Rocket Surgeon

    What a granola SJW. Do you think he pocket composts?

    These guys don't give a crap about the environment. They will say they do but EVERYTHING is a money making plan. Go green and buy my crap. It's been going on longer than any of us have been alive. They twist our sense of morals into a money making plan because its easy to get people to go along when they think they are 'doing good'. Its just like the Red Cross who keeps 99% of its donations, smuggles children, and refuses to help countries they don't like.

    Something doesn't make sense with the whole green energy thing. There's a big, obvious, hole in the plan. Now maybe everyone is just stupid but I doubt it. They can't all be this dumb. Usually when you make a transition from one thing to another, you actually HAVE the other thing you are switching to. Solar doesn't work. Wind doesn't work. Even if it did it would be decades before we could start using it because they have to rebuild the entire infrastructure. We are at 10% energy usage and half the land is filled with solar panels. Here they have been converting food farms into solar farms.

    What appears to be happening to me is this: The wealthy elitists are all still using gas and oil etc. These new green laws don't apply to them just like masks didn't. "They are sophisticated". They will use a gas generator to charge their electric car, not because it is good for the environment, but because they are pushing this agenda. They fully support the granola SJW neo-hippies who go out and push their plan. What's the plan? Same as it always is, make money and gain power by destroying things.

    Now this will also kill a lot of people. How many food farms have they converted into solar? Where is the food going to come from? It would seem that the 12 families have found a way to kill a whole lot of people quietly with their own consent. No violent uprisings. No mobs with pitch forks coming after them. These people have studied evil for so long they have gotten really good at it. Where are the good guys who stand up to them? Where are their opposites? Where are the heroes?
    duane likes this.
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