Is Courage Gone?

Discussion in 'Tin Foil Hat Lounge' started by enloopious, Jun 20, 2022.

  1. enloopious

    enloopious Rocket Surgeon

    The US has more reason for brave people than any other country on the planet. Where are they?

    Ura-Ki, Seepalaces, duane and 2 others like this.
  2. Thunder5Ranch

    Thunder5Ranch Monkey+++

    The Government has been conditioning the modern coward for decades. We have thus evolved into a Nation of Battleship mouths with Rowboat asses.
    3M-TA3, crowdaddy, Tempstar and 9 others like this.
  3. enloopious

    enloopious Rocket Surgeon

    The irony is that most peoples lives are so depressing and worthless that they often consider suicide. The national avg is very high but when it comes to courage and bravery and standing up for what is right they become mewling quims. Unable to muster the courage to do what is right. It has been bred into us while reason and logic has been bred out. Let's take it back.
  4. duane

    duane Monkey+++

    Was raised a kid in the 1940's on a farm in Minnesota, killed our own food, trapped for spare money instead of a allowance, was in USAF in peacetime, but saw people die, said good bye to my grand dad when he died in his own bed, played with a Red Rider BB gun, had a cap pistol, and on it goes. Was death good, no, but it was no video game, and there was no reset for next game. Dad had a problem at times with drinking, seen him doing milking in morning and go vomit in the gutter he was so hung over, Neighbor was a church going man, did not like Dad drinking, but would help him get home in morning to take care of the animals. Read about Horatio at the bridge dying to save Rome, the Battles of the Civil War and such in school, and when I graduated I went into military as most of us did because it was we did for our country. Been Honor Guard for people buried as service members, some 18 years old, some 100 or so. It is no accident, they didn't just take down the statues, they took down the respect for what they meant. I am not from the south, but I admired Mr Lee for what he did for his beliefs.

    Seems to me that if you have a wound, it will not heal if you keep tearing off the scab, but then I am not selling bandages. Here we are today celebrating a made up holiday for some reason. No one alive was a slave nor fought to free them. Most of those who are black today are at best a mixture of those alive then and those that have came since. Many who do have a history of slavery in their back ground, were slaves in other countries, Cuba and Puerto Rico, Spanish, etc, and is hard to see how we should be blamed for their sins. New fad is to make it a "color" thing, white against black, etc. No one seems to remember that graduating from high school, first in class or last, meant that you showed up and did your best and would after you graduated do the same at work. Few have the old skills, making change, showing up for work on time, being honest and responsible for what you do and doing your best at work, not getting into debt if possible but if you do paying off those debts, having a family and doing the best you can with your spouse to give your kids the best up bringing you can and preparing them for the next generation.

    Have the blacks been dealt a bad hand or two, yes, but a lot of the Jew's, Irish, Italians, Russians, etc, came here as poor as the slaves and worked under in many cases worse conditions than the slaves had. It is difficult as a businessman to hire someone who cannot read, make change, show up to work, you can't get bonded on your insurance because of criminal history, is rude to your customers, is high at work, etc. Doesn't make any difference what their color is, but only selected individuals are allowed to claim that rejecting such limitations is a form of discrimination. There have been a lot of black individuals that are well worth making better know and has our education system failed in not showing us who they were, yes, have we showed proper respect for their actions in the past, no, but dividing the country into competing tribes does not seem to be the answer to me.

    For what ever reason we are well down the road of rejecting our old Christian heritage and the values it had. You didn't have to be a Christian to live in our country for most of our history, but the basic principles we based our government and laws on had a 4,000 year development under that system, In our revolution we expanded the system to include more rights for the individual, as codified in our 10 Amendments to the US Constitution, which did for the individual almost as much as the 10 Commandments had done for the Juedo-Christian religious heritage. It was a system based on principals, not the desire of a priest or king, a system of laws derived from those rules. We now wish to replace that with a system based on equity or some other ill defined system of mob rule and we are in the process are losing the individual rights we have held since the 1770's. Were those rights universal given to all, no. have they been available to all, no, do class, racial, economic, etc, problems exist, yes, but replacing the system with a new system that has a long history of failure does not seem to be a wise idea.

    Last edited: Jun 20, 2022
    jim2, SB21, crowdaddy and 10 others like this.
  5. Seepalaces

    Seepalaces Monkey+++

    Where are they? I can't speak for others, but in my church this weekend six couples were called in to pick up foster kids from NICU. There were more than two dozen drug babies that needed to be placed and from what I see those without faith aren't running that ball. My husband and I have been talking about getting through the classes to do respite care, but deciding to take a baby into your home and heart that might end up being taken away from you by a nincompoop is a pretty brave act. One of those couples is our age (not young) and is in process to adopt a 18 month old from foster care they've had for a year. The toddler's parents are trying to get biweekly visits, as if they'll let someone else do the hard lifting and they'll visit parenting like you visit a zoo. Society is falling apart, but there are brave people on the front lines busting it to save children. I can only wish I was that brave.
  6. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Is courage gone? I think that is a fair question, but I seriously don't have the time to give it justice; however, I will say "No."

    I believe the answer is more complexed than ever before and much of it has to do with the complexed, modern lifestyle we all live as well as with our abundance (which seems to be coming to an end) which gives us all a sense of fake security. Also, our government, while it acts like a bunch of incompetent fools is manned by shrewd, highly intelligent people who completely understand the system so well they can use it to their advantage in all aspects of social and political means. For example, the FBI use to be a renown and trusted agency but now it's part of a political machine performing the bidding of those in political power. So, while we might think 'We the People' still are in control the truth is we're not, not at all. They have the courts, the laws and the means to use all the power of the United States against anyone who even whispers a voice of courage - like the parents speaking out against CRT. Plus, let's face it, the government knows exactly how far they can push before the people push back.

    And, standing up to a monster that will eat you alive is not courage - it is stupidity. When the time comes for Americans to put it all on the line then I am sure a large portion will do so but to do it frivolously without a chance in hell of success - well - we Americans may be overfed, pampered and arrogant but we're not stupid. Is that time coming? Yes, I believe so, but it depends on many parameters to include courage.
    GOG, enloopious, jim2 and 1 other person like this.
  7. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    If you have to think about courage, then its lacking in you're preps
    We all have it or we wouldn't be doing the things we do to prepare for the future sheet-show.
    You have to get mad, Anyone mad enough yet?
    GOG, enloopious, SB21 and 1 other person like this.
  8. enloopious

    enloopious Rocket Surgeon

    In the following video they discuss how to stand up to a totalitarian regime. Seeing what others have done before I don't think that we are as bad off as many may think. Not that we aren't far gone, but that there is a path back.

  9. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    I agree. We seem to forget that the ONLY reason these people are in power and what KEEPS them in power are the people themselves. I believe the greatest mistake the Leftists are doing now is they are NOT trying to cover up their lies and failed policies or doing a horrible job of it which causes even those in their own ranks to stop and say "WTF?" What continues to worry me is WHY they do not care any longer that they are losing the support of their people and the truth of their actions are becoming known...but that is for a different day and topic.

    I believe the pendulum is indeed starting to swing the other way as their policies continue to fail, lies become known and leaders age into incompetence or die while their youthful ranks are too radical even for their followers, to replace them. I would like to think this administration is their swan song, their last hurrah, but that would be naïve and simply wishful thinking.

    Frankly, I believe the Leftists are scared so scared that it forced them to play their Trump Card (bun intended) and steal the 2020 election to survive. Now, with aged leaders and support melting away they must do what they can to survive and/or do as much damage to the country as possible, economically, politically and socially. In truth, they are doing an excellent job of destroying the nation and causing fear and chaos. A weak United States is good for those that pull the puppet strings, like China, Israel, or wealthy organizations throughout the world.

    But, when the pendulum does swing back, and it will, let's hope it that it is done peacefully; however, if not, then let us find the courage of our forefathers. I am certain that we will.
  10. enloopious

    enloopious Rocket Surgeon

    Its hard even calling them leftists because there are still actual leftists out there who are nothing like those extremists. Most of them are moving to the conservative side because it is closer than what they call left now a days. I don't know how much courage it takes to be a Republican today but to be a leftist and not get in line and fall for all of the BS they are pushing must be harder.
  11. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    NO, it's not gone, or forgotten, just simply not practices as much out side very personal challenges!
    At one time, this Nation was content to turn it's back on it's European Brothers in their time of greatest need, only when a majority or Citizens demanded action did we suddenly act, and we were so un prepared, we got our asses handed to us for some time!
    During that conflict, the world witnessed countless examples of extraordinary courage, and set examples for the following generations to follow! To large extent, we have followed, but we are once again weak, and the question now, how long brfore we turn our back to the rest of the world at their time of great need, and what will it take to get us back to where we once again exibit such courage as to be remembered!
  12. Lone Gunman

    Lone Gunman Draw Varmint!

    YES! Scrupulous individual courage-in-general, and military courage-in-particular began being actively downgraded by both America's military command structure, and bureaucratic psychologists and social planners during the Vietnam conflict.

    Outstanding examples include the professional/military denigration of exceptional American warriors like Lt. Colonel Anthony Herbert, Lt. Colonel James Gordon ('Bo') Gritz, and Colonel James Nicholas ('Nick') Rowe.

    With the possible (but largely posthumous) exception of Colonel Rowe, none of these extraordinarily committed army officers ever received the genuine credit they deserved while they were actively serving; and, personally, I will always believe that the organized news media's contemptible subsequent smearing of Lt. Colonel Herbert, and Colonel Rowe's murder were each maliciously contrived.

    While courage—and lots of it—is a necessary prerequisite for enduring life in today’s world, there are presently few, if any, social accolades awarded for individual courage. So, what about all of this politically correct (fawning) courage that we see around today? Sure there is plenty of this type of pretended ‘courage’, but not any real (durable) courage for matters of either principled personal conscience, or a genuine concern for the greater public good.

    (If I have to listen to one more obviously facetious social comment about, "It's for the children!" I swear I think I'll puke!)

    If the global elitists who form the international criminal cabal of filthy rich banksters are successful (and it does appear that they will be) then the rest of us are going to be destined to become bags of enriched organic fertilizer, and/or animal feed anyway! ;)

    "And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: For the powers of Heaven shall be shaken. And then shall they see the Son Of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh." (The Gospel Of Luke, 21:25-28)
    enloopious likes this.
  13. enloopious

    enloopious Rocket Surgeon

    On an individual level you can do something today. Tough times make for tough people. Easy times make for weak people. Make life hard on yourself. It may sound counter intuitive but it works. Exercise is an example of making life hard on yourself. It makes you stronger. Do it in other ways. Find creative ways of making your life more difficult. If you want to be comfortable speaking in public, then just start doing it. One billionaire said that the only reason he was a billionaire was because he was willing to do things other people were not. He was still afraid of doing them but he forced himself to do them.
    Ura-Ki likes this.
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