My in laws are very anti-gun and anti-police. Every time we see them, my husband points out how inconsistent that is. "So you think the police are all corrupt? Why in the world do you want them to be better armed than you are?" My oldest is hoping to go to Quantico next year after he graduates from college, so we'll see how far their "we hate the police" silliness goes then....
Open carry should be the rule and not the exception. I put The Belt on every morning before I go out the door like a religious ritual. Can usually get a real good feel of the caliber of visitor visiting with the presence of The Belt. Some take note of if nod and that is it, Some keep nervously looking at it like one of the knives is going jump out and stab them in a eye, Others go into a sort of mini mental break that manifest generally a shaking real fear, you know its a real fear because humans make fear stink just like every other animal. The regulars don't even bat a eye at it anymore, it is just a part of Mr T5R. Had a pair about a month back roll in the driveway in one of those little electric jobs that you park and can pick up and put in yer pocket. Two what I am just going to call non binary folks with heads full of nasty greasy dreads get out. Get out in clear violation of rule number one posted at the end of the drive. DO NOT EXIT YOUR VEHICLE UNTIL I HAVE SECURED IZZAPOO! So Poo promptly appeared and sent them skittering back into the pocket car. I came out of the machine shed at that point and called Poo to me and told them that they can now safely exit the vehicle. I already knew who these clowns were and what they were doing. Just 4 days prior they had driven by at a snails pace to the end of the Township part of the road, looking, pointing and taking pictures and then came back out doing the same. So when they returned and pulled in the drive, I thought "What the hell lets see what they are going to say." They told me they were out taking a rural survey of people and had gotten lost and needed direction to get back to Carbondale. Oh and would I mind taking the survey while they were there. Then the lead freak noticed the belt..... their power of observation was truly epic (NOT) They both go into one of those mini mental meltdowns increasing the fear stink that Poo had already invoked from them. Poo at this point is sitting in front of me a bit to the left giving them her "Please do something stupid!!! I really don't want to bite your nasty ass but I really want to bite your nasty ass, " look. Poo BTW won't actually bite anyone until I tell her to, she just gets some jollies scarring strangers that don't follow rule number one. Rule number 2 on the board is If you hurt Poo, I WILL hurt you. So there they are stinking even more after realizing there is a dangerous gun in their presence. The lead freak gathers some composure and ask "Can you please put that thing someplace safe?" Pointing at the Belt. "Where would it be safer than on my belt?" Next question "Why do you need a gun and knives on your person when on your private property?" me (Yeah I stole a quote kind of) "I need the knife in case I want to eat a cake." Her/He/It "But why two knives?" Me "In case I want to eat two cakes!" (Mrs T5R had joined us at this point, Quite annoyed that Izzapoo's siblings were barking like crazy right next to cabin in the fenced area.) Next question "But why do you need the gun?" Mrs T5R "In case the Cakes annoy him or try to run away! Now what the hell do you idiot freaks want! Oh wait I already know, you have until I get back to the house and open the dog gate to get the hell out of here. Or until Mr. T5R gets annoyed with the cakes, which ever occurs first. " Mrs T5R is not nearly as polite as I am They were back in the pocket car and out the drive heading up the road with their natural stench and fear stink in tow, before Mrs. T5R was even half way back to the Cabin. Guess they believed her LOL. Wife is always ruining my fun when I am playing with strange critters Word has gotten out that we are gearing the the farm back up in a bigly way and certain Not For Profit Organization the writes grants for the fly by night farms is very concerned that after two years of silence that the T5R is going to come back into the regional food system big and start calling them out on their BS again. So they send their minions out to basically spy and take pics to see if the rumors in the mill are accurate. Knew who they were 4 days earlier when they did their drive by..... The car looks like it is held together with The Not for profits bumper stickers, pro abortion, Go Green, Feel the Bern etc bumper stickers. That sort pretty much only originates from one area and operates for one Organization. Folks would be amazed at how cut throat and how much skulduggery goes on behind the scenes in local and regional food systems They are going to be either relieved or disappointed when they figure that the T5R is NOT coming back into play Kamp Krap however is but not in a way that threatens the progressive leftist control and strangle hold over the regional market and small farm scene. I expect they will go back to their tactic of flying drones over the farm again. And I expect I will hit them while trap shooting again. My 20 gauges just are not that effective at hitting the clay pigeons at longer distances. I expect the new 12 gauge with the full choke in and 3" Mag #2 Duck Loads will be much more effective at bringing the clay pigeons down all busted up and broken. Damn hard to hit a clay pigeon with a rifle or pistol
Bottle Rockets!!! I simply cannot be trusted with Bottle Rockets! The Government would probably be more trust worthy with Bottle Rockets than I am!!!
And also that double sided dildo. I have no idea how to use that thing but I'm sure they are standard issue for all 3letter agencies...
A 12 gauge shotgun is pretty much my weapon of choice for any situation out to 100 yards, wide variety of loads for any and all needs. Devastating firepower!
I have a feeling Mrs. T5R and I would get along. She sounds awesome. Where are you Moto? What's the world coming to when I'm chattering so much?
You should chat more, we like having you around and sharing your perspective, gives the place a little more class!
If I may ask, FBI or Marshall's Service? Our boy went there and is with the Marshall's. If you'd rather not answer that's ok too.
An A-10! Man, if I had one of those and all the cool guy stuff to play with, no telling what sort of mischief I might get into, stuff like a vacation to the motherland of Kharkov, and a few parade flybys to wave and say hello to all those nice Russian Tankers and crew parked outside the gates of my beloved family's home!
FBI, he's crazy smart like his dad. Was it hard for your son to find housing and such? I literally know nothing about this, and the boy never talks, of course.
Make sure he dosnt end up near one of the city parks, especially in and around the "Professional" district!
Not that I recall, but I believe he had some help in finding housing. WOW! So y'all have one of those too?? He was over here the other day returning the zero turn and without thinking took his shirt off (it's been in the low 100's here) and his Mum got a good look at a new unit tattoo he had done. Well I had to check to be sure that the world hadn't ended as there was much wailing and gnashing of teeth by Sass. Sorry for the thread drift folks.
I already had one Mossberg 500 pump shotgun that came with two barrels that I've owned for 30+ years but I wanted another and since I like having multiples of threes I picked up two of the RIA All-Gen 12 GA 18.5" 5+1 pump action shotguns that have interchangeable chokes, got both for $199 each out the door. Great shotgun, nice smooth action and throws a nice tight pattern with buckshot and #4 lead loads.