Coming food shortages

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Minuteman, Jun 16, 2022.

  1. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    Good deal,His legacy will be the fall of America
    Something commies rejoice in.
    Let them eat fish heads in the cold freezing dark.
    oldawg likes this.
  2. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    Added note Joe busted his ass this morning by falling off his bike or so the news is reporting.
    enloopious likes this.
  3. duane

    duane Monkey+++

    Food is a funny thing. It is created by hard work, resources, planning, and time. Any attempt to subvert the process leads to failure. If the same forces that gave us the Covid checks and the Floyd riots convince the government to either take the food or buy it, It could well destroy the country. If you give in to the effective demand, government checks, food banks, government price controls, etc, you either get inflation or a decreased supply available. As some members of the forum have shown already if you attempt to regulate every aspect of production to insure the voting base in the cities get their "fair share", you may find that the supplier just up and quits producing food. The individual supplying the food closes his food trucks, gets rid of his breeding stock, doesn't buy and sell agricultural supplies like animal feed, farming equipment, processing equipment, etc, and thus destroys the organization of the whole infrastructure used to both make and market food. It becomes a self fulfilling thing.

    The USSR, China, Ireland, and many other places in many other times have shown how it is possible to have all the resources to produce food but the economic or governmental control can prevent the effective production of food. Mao, Polpet, Stalin. etc, all took systems that were producing adequate food and created massive famine. Other countries, Ireland, Sri Lanka, several others, have mis allocated resources and created shortages.

    If you are producing all your own food, no matter how well you do, you may die without outside food supplies. Flooding, drought, early or late frost. hail or wind storms, etc'. At the exact wrong time one animal, deer, cow, goat, wood chuck, can destroy most of your seedlings. I have had a woodchuck in one night destroy much of my garden. The plants were a few inches high and a 10 foot row was just a snack. A larger animal, deer or cattle, will strip a garden that is 6 to 8 inch high plants. Raccoons have destroyed my sweet corn crop in one night, ate some, pulled the husks back on some, broke most of the stalks, most of it destroyed. Crop diseases, insects, etc can also destroy not only your crop, but the seed and the ability to plant a crop on the same land next year.
  4. johnbb

    johnbb Monkey+++

    Famine and starvation used to be the norm people had to deal with. Through technology most of the developed world has eliminated that. Surplus food supplied those starving nations who can't feed themselves. The end result is a human population explosion. destroy the ability of those who produce the food and famine and starvation will reoccur on an unprecedented scale and the human herd will be thinned. Goal of the new world order?
  5. enloopious

    enloopious Rocket Surgeon

    Gator 45/70, johnbb and duane like this.
  6. fedorthedog

    fedorthedog Monkey+++

    they are predicting hay shortages this year in my area. I havnt cut hay in a couple years but letting the grass grow now, very wet spring so I can store some. Figure over winter calves will be cheap.
  7. Homer Simpson

    Homer Simpson Monkey+++

    I work at a tire/farm supply store. Think a mom and pop tractor supply type store with a full service garage. Boss has has a hard time keeping hay in stock. Both round and square bales are selling for about 1.5x the price of this time last year.
    enloopious and Gator 45/70 like this.
  8. enloopious

    enloopious Rocket Surgeon

    Last edited: Jun 20, 2022
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  9. jim2

    jim2 Monkey+++

    I think TR is on to something with the coyotes. When I first got here in 06’, hardly any yotes and gobs of deer. Now we have several packs f yotes, and very few deer. I had been thinking of taking up predator hunting, and now I am sure I need to.

  10. enloopious

    enloopious Rocket Surgeon

    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  11. Cruisin Sloth

    Cruisin Sloth Special & Slow

  12. enloopious

    enloopious Rocket Surgeon

    I just went grocery shopping. They were out of bread, milk, peanut butter, tomatoes, and a few other various items. The people are completely clueless. How is that possible? Do you find it suspect that they legalized Marijuana all over the country just before this happened? What about the problems with the Sun's magnetic field causing peoples brains not to work anymore?

    The less people know the more vocal they seem to be. They are leading all of the sheep right off a cliff.

    When the diesel runs out there will be no food, electricity, or gasoline. For travel, this seems to me that having a Tesla and some solar panels will be one of the few ways to keep the ability to travel. Most of the charging stations run off solar panels. Do you see a better alternative?
  13. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    Sounds like you need a better grocery store.
    Only some of the charging stations run on solar. The vast majority plug into the existing grid.
    The only sure fire mode of travel is. Your feet unless you have mobility issues and if society breaks down, you may not be going anywhere.

    The ability to produce your own biofuels is your only hope in a true collapse. Ethanol or Biodiesel and equipment with the ability to use it. I guess we could go to wood gas and steam if we had to.

    If the trucks stop rolling. So does the globe. We will have bigger problems than travel in about 3.5 days. ;)
    enloopious likes this.
  14. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    Have family members just now scrambling to buy up long term ''stuff'' like 5 gallon food grade buckets.
    I'm like while you're at a garden and chickens are a must.
    She's like I'm going to plant watermelons? Meh how's about some corn and potatoes?
    enloopious and VisuTrac like this.
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