So we've been seeing the warnings. Worst wheat harvest in decades. Supply chain disruptions. The recent baby food shortage. We are up to I think around 24 mysterious food plant fires. And now this. Thousands of cattle dropping dead. My tin foil hat is getting red hot. **update. The count is over 10,000 now.
If you put several thousand grossly fat black cattle on a concrete slab with a temp of up to 108 degrees, high humidity so they can't sweat, and pack them in like sardines, what can you expect to happen? The same thing that happens when you have several hundred acres planted in neat rows of the same plant and have some at each stage of growth so that you can harvest all 12 months of the year. It is a perfect growth bed for the plants, but also for all the bugs that eat them and any plant disease that they get. No matter how much you plan, you have to use major chemicals and fertilizer etc to get a good crop. In the long run, the only food resource that you can count on is that which you grow or have stored. Given the growth of the entitled society, it may well be that the only food you can count on is that which is well cached. I don't see my neighbors starving while my greenhouse is full. But the problem is that what will feed me for a year will only feed the community for 1 meal and if all are dead, it is difficult to use any stored resources to rebuild. Our country was founded by the Pilgrims surviving the winter by eating the seed corn the natives had stored to replant in the spring. Can argue that it has been mostly down hill since. In the short run however I think that having several months worth of food and a means of growing the food you need is a very cheap form of insurance. As added insurance i would also include some AR 15 and ammo insurance.
My daughter in law teaches at a upscale grade school she planted some things as a class project would you believe some of these kids never saw a ripe tomato on the plant, When she told one of them to pick it and eat it, they wouldn't she had to eat one to show these little privileged brats it wouldn't kill them. There are going to be a lot of starving people and with that comes unrest and lawlessness. Keep your powder dry gonna need it.
Food is one of the few things that could truly tip the balance into chaos and it makes me wonder if perhaps this is what Biden and friend grandiose plan. Food riots and civil unrest and BINGO! Marital Law declared then out with all that messy stuff like the Constitution and in with the new plan - meaning - slavery. LOL! Only joking! LOL! Well, maybe...
Now we have serious water shortages up and down the wet coast all the way to the front range east of the Rockies, water shortages east of that in the heartland where we grow even more, you have the makings of a serious shortage of biblical perprotions!
People keep telling me I am crazy doing all the things I am doing in 2022. If I am wrong, I will have spend a lot of money but in the long will have saved a lot of money. If I am right........ I won't be a dependent. If they try to force me into dependency.... Well I guess me and them will have to have a fight.
4.50 per lb. Quote I got 2 days ago for a processed cleaned vacuum sealed beef cow Ground meat and filets. The Good, The Bad ,The Ugly ?
That is a real good price seeing a lot $4.50 per pound on the hook now days. And processing running $1.25 on up per pound. Back log at the 3 plants I use is down to a 6-7 month wait to get a critter in and butchered.
Talked to my 90 year old uncle he is near Oswego NY telling me he was talking to an Amish farmer and asked if he wanted half a cow at 2.50 lb on the hoof ---butchered and cut up. Uncle George told him come October he would do it -Amish farmer said you know where the farm is. That was a steal at 2.50
Actually, that works out to about $5.00+ per pound cause you lose about half in processing. Things like hide, bones, head, hoofs, tankage and offal, really add up... and there is a market for those items. Still a good price.
One odd thing I noticed here. Normally, we have fawns all over the place this time of year in our deer dense area. We have two fawns running around at present, and that is it! I have never seen this before, and have to onder about the timing. jim
You are now the 7th person I have seen or heard mention the lack of fawns this year. So I sat outside this morning at picnic table with my coffee and watched the morning deer migration to the bedding areas. 7 mature does walked by on the woods trail and ZERO fawns and the resident Big Buck jumped the fence and headed to the black berry thicket to the South. It is pretty odd to not see out of spots traveling with the does this time of year.
We have a bad coyote problem here wonder if that's your problem taking out the young fawns. SCDNR estimate 30% of the deer pop subject to coyotes