My version of going Gray LOL.

Discussion in 'Tin Foil Hat Lounge' started by Thunder5Ranch, Jun 13, 2022.

  1. Thunder5Ranch

    Thunder5Ranch Monkey+++

    I know a few of the Monkeys followed the T5R FB page and know that it went dark.... I unpublished it almost 2 years ago to the day that I created the Kamp Krap Page. When you have a degree of local and regional fame.... or infamy :) and are not of the right political persuasion. You will find that you come under pretty constant attack by the screaming far left militant radicals and to a lesser degree the right wing nut jobs. Politically I am pretty much dead center a bit to the right fiscally and bit to the left socially and pretty much have the belief of "Live your life however you want to, but do it on your own damn dime and don't bring it to my doorstep. And Your rights end where mine begin and my rights end where yours begin. To the Leftist that makes me a far right radical and to the right wing nuts that makes me a far left pagan. I just give both sides a pair of middle fingers and go about doing my own thang ;)

    So I never intended or want to be in the forefront of the regional market and direct marketing small farm scene. It just kind of happened over the years. LOL when you own and run 3 farmers markets, run two food trailers, have a 350 member CSA and get dragged into the dirty politics of not one but all of those businesses....... you just kind of get to be well known and get a big bullseye painted on yer backside.

    So when I decided in 2020 to wind things down finish out the CSA Memberships and close that down, sell the Farmers Markets and only run one of the two food trailers at select events. I also decided I wanted to vanish completely from the public eye as Mr. T5R and the Thunder 5 Ranch. I did retain around 25 of my oldest and most loyal farm customers and will if the economy, supply chain, inflation and FUEL PRICES at least stabilize to where I don't have raise prices every week run one of the two food trucks at a couple of events and may set up a couple of times per week in the closest two small towns. But I want the T5R to be forgotten and it mostly has been with two years of not doing business and closing down the social media for it.

    If any of the Monkeys want to follow the Kamp Krap page you are more than welcome to. It is primarily a NON POLITICAL homestead/farmstead how and why I do things page. Pretty detailed on the projects we are doing on the farm and the reasoning behind them as well as cost of projects and the time frames involved. I only ask that no mention of the T5R or Mr T5R be mentioned. LOL I am trying to avoid the social media attacks that the T5R page endured from the Leftist Regional Sect. I have also spent the last two years blocking/banning preemptively a whole lot of Krap Stirrers up to 1870 Leftist blocked and around 125 of the far right local nutters. LOL if they can't see the page it makes it hard for them to attack it :)

    I still enjoy sitting down in the morning with my coffee or in the evening with a cold stag or 4 and sharing things that others might find useful. So I don't want to give that up but at the same time I don't want 2000 subhuman leftist commenting on every post "You are Insurrectionist, Bigot, Misogynist, Homophobe, Transphobe, Trumptard, Libtard, AOC worshipper, sheep, far right, far left radicalized militant. " That Krap just got old and wore out and I really want that aspect to just be done and gone. There times that I wish I could go back to 1997 and have just did a 20 or 30 year in the Military run instead of the 12, I just could not stand serving another 4 year re-up under the Klinton Regime. So I set in motion the plan to just live a nice quiet obscure life out in the sticks. Didn't go quite as planned LOL.

    It is not as easy as one might think to go from being regionally well known to Gray and Obscure. It is still rare after two years out of the public eye that I can go to Box store, a grocery store or RK and not have someone come up and say hey You are Mr. T5R can I get........... Can you come to........ blah blah blah. Or Hey you are Mr. T5R I hate you and everything you stand for!!! LOL I should lose the beard and stop wearing my trademark hat that I have wore for the last 25 years!

    Maybe go from this look........ Don't mess with me, I have a stuffed attack chicken!

    Back to this look. Gotta stop for a moment and admire how pretty that Galil is ;)

    Made this post this morning on the Kamp Krap page...... Kamp Krap.
    mysterymet, enloopious, SB21 and 6 others like this.
  2. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    Sent a request to join the krap?
    Ura-Ki and Thunder5Ranch like this.
  3. natshare

    natshare Monkey+++

    I have found that the more extreme a person's political views (to either side) go, the less likely they are to be bothered using logic, facts and common sense, and the more likely they are to utilize insults, innuendo, and ignorance in their arguments! :rolleyes:

    You, Mister T5R, seem capable of using the first group of discussion tools. I wish you well, in your endeavors, to become stealthy, if not downright invisible! (y)
  4. Thunder5Ranch

    Thunder5Ranch Monkey+++

    Naw its a public page not a group.
    duane and Gator 45/70 like this.
  5. SB21

    SB21 Monkey+++

    It's funny how folks that get their jollies and self worth out of attacking someone online makes them feel pertinent in life .
    Screw'em ,,, they ain't worth the time .
    Is that page on fakebook ?? I don't do the fakebook thing,, never have even been on it . An old military bud set me up a page on there to chat with the old crew ,,,, just have no interest in being on it . I guess I pissed him off by not using it .
    Gator 45/70 and Thunder5Ranch like this.
  6. mysterymet

    mysterymet Monkey+++

    I just can’t bring myself to use fakebook or any of the other “social media” sites. Does that make me antisocial? This is about as social as I get! Good for you T5R for going dark!!! Unfortunately shitz creek seems to be getting into some class 5 rapids lately and many in our country don’t seem to have a paddle. Minimizing social media presence is probably the best thing to do!
  7. cpaspr

    cpaspr Monkey+++

    MM -
    I have a FB account, but I've never posted more than a handful of comments, and then only on the daughter's page. If it weren't for FB being the primary source for grandchild photos, I wouldn't have an account at all.
    BTPost and SB21 like this.
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