That speech will be picked to pieces quickly. Hit all the usual "assault weapon" "high capacity" "couldn't buy a cannon" points. The one thing that I found interesting was the out he seemed to give Congress if the can't pass an assault weapon ban, at least raise the age for purchase to 21. I wonder if Dixie Gun Works will sell out of cannons?
Wanna bet that raising the age to 21 to purchase a gun will be the pacifier for the Left? Dammit! Why don't they take steps to protect the schools instead of putting the blame at all lawful citizens feet?
Hey I will agree to them raising the age of gun purchases when they raise the minimum enlistment age to 21. They think we have recruiting issues now… also, raise the minimum voting age to 21 too. If someone isn’t responsible enough at 21 to buy a gun they are not responsible enough to vote or to serve in the military with real high powered weaponry.
That old bastard is so stupid, everything he spouted is nothing but Fucking lies, he isn't even smart enough to keep the quiet parts quiet anymore, his dementia has at least prevented his braggart ways, only just! This is where we are today, and this is exactly what the 2nd was written for! Si vis bellum para pacem
Hell, I have one, a 19 pound Dhalgren breach loader! Didn't even have to go through the NFA, it's too old and there are no actual shells!
Cantja just neck up some of that magical 5.56? Reliable sources (The View) tell us it obliterates whatever it hits and turns people into dust.
Joey Skidmarks always shows himself to be decidedly "low caliber", whenever he stutters, stammers and stumbles halfway through a speech before his two working braincells finally grind to a halt. You can literally see the light of reason go out at that moment.
I could, but frankly, it would take way too much perfectly good 5.56, 9mm, and .45 to make even one angry shot from that bad boy! I can launch a foot ball further then the 5.56 can shoot ( Let alone a .50 BMG), and hit hard enough to blow through 2 feet of solid white oak before the fuse ignites and blows it all to hell!
But yet an elementary school student is old enough to decide that their gender is wrong way before they are able to be responsible enough to own a firearm.
I could not bring myself to listen to Bidumb. Whatever he said was predictable and the left wing media will not challenge him on any ridiculous thing that comes out of his mouth. On a different note gas prices have hit an all time high. Saw an ad for the all electric Cadillac (taking orders) did not give a price so I looked it up starting at 64K range little over 300 miles range takes about an hour to recharge (quick charge station how many of those around). So how many of us have a spare 64K --not me. My kids and grand kids live more than 300 miles away guess that won't work for me even if I did have 64K. Besides we will all be broke from paying these high prices for everything. I can see it now we will all be traveling in ox carts and the elite will be driving their electric Caddys. My rant is over
Supposedly electricity costs to be up over 30% by the end of the year. That and rolling blackouts. Trying to put a positive spin on it, we all get to determine how good are preps are now.
You are absolutely correct. The liberal left will not allow nuclear.coal, gas etc electric plants to be built. This green energy bull shit can't supply our current needs let alone add a million or more electric vehicles and the insanity rolls
Just listened to a leftist demoRAT from RI rank about how they will pass a bill if it takes ending the filibuster and ignoring the supreme court if they don' t follow the DemoRATS plan. Republicans had better hold the line. I will never relinquish any of my rifles to an illegitimate government.
They ALL bad, but we have some leverage on one side and the other just wants to shit on our side the bed.