I was watching the video below and realized that the talking points that Angelo Carusone was making directly reflect your own in almost every way. He is the mouthpiece for George Soros' Media Matters propaganda machine that is funding the collapse of America. You talk about Trump wasting MAGA zombies' money which is an utterly ridiculous statement. You are insulting the people you insinuate to be concerned about. All politicians raise and spend political capital. Its a zero sum argument. Completely void of reason but completely full of insults to a wide variety of people in an attempt to marginalize them all. The real issue is that Trump is not a politician. Due to his vast experience with his business dealings he has become political. Because he is not a politician the usual political arguments lack teeth. Claiming he is a Republican, and therefor bad, doesn't work either because he is not the Republican establishment. He is something different and this is why so many entrenched Republicans (like Liz Cheney) are trying to get Democrat votes. This is why they attack Trump. With all of the attacks on Trump and claims of corruption he is still the most honest president we have had in my lifetime. In fact he must be a real boy scout to survive the amount of attacks against him and they still found nothing. If you list out all of the money backing Trump you see it is all grass roots. There are no large shady political monsters behind him. Now do the same for Hillary, Bush, Cheney, Biden, Obama, AOC, Pelosi, Feinstein, on and on. I don't care who your political party is. If you can't see who the bad guys are then you are willfully blind.
Well said Mr Loopious ,,,, like I said before ,, our political system has lost its course ,,, it's time for a good spring cleaning.
I no longer make political comments on this or any forum, but I wonder if you might be mistaking what you see. How would you know the difference between someone with "Trump Cultist" or simply an average American who, for the first time in his adult life, finds someone with authority who agrees with him? A little boisterous enthusiasm about a politician might truly be seen as a mental disorder, from someone who until now has been disappointed at EVERY turn.
Are you talking about the ban on Bump Stocks? Cause that was no biggie! They were a cheap piece of plastic junk, just like all the other gizmos that promised to turn your semi-auto rifle into a machine gun for the low, low price of $19.99!
Is Trump wasting money? I hadn't realised that my talking points had been followed by anyone other than some members here at SM. No, you have misunderstood...Maga Zombies have been wasting their own money by contributing to the STrumpet's grifting programs. I am sure that TRump is making good use of the money given him by his mom and pop marks, but the real gravy is to be made by sucking up to special interest groups via their lobbyists and super PACs Inside Donald Trump’s army of super PACs and MAGA nonprofits Again, you are attributing motives to myself that I don't have...I am not greatly concerned about the MAGA zombies who are willingly allowing themselves to be fleeced by the conman that they idolise at rallies: I see that as the foolish self infliction of them shooting themselves in the foot (on full auto)...I just acknowledge that they are like to have better life outcomes than by emptying their wallets into the STrumpet's confidence schemes, and wasting their time at rallies, listening to a semi coherent twice impeached narcissist dribble verbal diarrhea. I don't need to marginalise MAGA zombies...they are already on the margins of American society, entirely of their own choice...nobody is holding them in that place at gun point. There is hope..I do believe that cult de-programming can be rehabilitative in some cases, though for the hardened MAGA zombie it is probably a lost cause. Oh, loopious...don't start with the 'No True Scotsman' schtick. Of course TRump is a politician...just that he is an amateur; a political dilettante who has just enough cunning and smarts to blindside the political 'professionals', but not enough knowledge, intellectual curiosity, positive values (that reflect a desire or commitment to good, ethical governance) to competently do his job for the benefit of the American people at large, rather than for himself, his crony cabinet, his political backers, and his wealthy elite patrons. No...He has entered politics because he can, and because it provides him with huge amounts of narcissistic supply. The Concept of Narcissistic Supply being the POTUS is the ultimate job for a narcissist...but also, one of the most risky, especially if their actual competence doesn't actually align with their grandiose sense of their own abilities. Even if the argument that he is not actually a 'conventional' career politician like some of the usual suspects in Congress or the Senate were true, the unquestionable fact is, that he has assumed a political role in a political appointment, and he is executing the political responsibilities of the chief of the executive branch of government, 'supposably' as prescribed by the US Constitution. Therefore, political arguments and political criticism are both entirely appropriately directed at his performance (or more importantly his lack of it) in that role....it's called fricken ACCOUNTABILITY. Donald TRump is a Republican to the extent that the GOP has endorsed him twice to be their champion against the 'dastardly', 'dangerous' and 'evil', Democratic Party, in 2016 and 2022. But the GOP has done a deal with the devil...pretty much like Heinrich Faust made with Mephistopheles Goethe's Faust - Wikipedia . The GOP has sold its soul to the MAGA Pied Piper of America, and it is a toxic co dependent relationship which seems to be harming the GOP brand, the longer it continues. The challenge for the GOP is that TRump has many of the GOP legislators, both Federal and State by the nuts....and he just won't let go: for as long as TRump continues as GOP 'king maker' via his primaries endorsements, he will be a continuing blight upon the GOP. So sad. On that sentiment we can certainly agree upon, but most likely for very different reasons. Centrist, or moderate Republicans (often given the pejorative term 'RINOs') have become the disempowered rump of the party, while the mainstream of the GOP has become radicalised further to the rabid right by TRumpist devotees. The GOP has not resembled the party of Abraham Lincoln for quite some time now....and it is, bit by bit, beginning to resemble the Fidesz Party of Viktor Mihály Orbán's Hungary...it is probably why the annual CPAC extravaganza has been held in Budapest earlier this year, (attended by Mark Meadows and F*ucker Carlson et al)...getting ideas on authoritarianism for the next TRumpian tilt at the White House....Melania must be thrilled at that prospect. Some Republicans of courage and conviction haven't made a Faustian deal with the STrumpet, but they are few and far between, unfortunately; so they fight for the traditional values of the party, instead of compliantly acquiescing to the TRumpian juggernaut, or indeed cooperating with the destruction of their party...the Grand Old Party, just ain't so 'grand' anymore...though I have to admire the 'resistance' for their tenacity and commitment: they are the real heroes in fighting the GOP's descent into mediocrity. Don't cry...here is a box of tissues for you...TRump's legal woes are probably the reason why he may just have a second attempt at a second term...where he will have the power, authority, and means to stymie existing investigations into his alleged corrupt dealings and put in place mechanisms to make future investigations into his governance during the period following his second coronation so much more difficult....perhaps he will do a Putin, and create for himself a Presidency for life. Your faith and commitment to His Majesty, Donald J Trump is touching...perhaps there is an alternative universe where those alternative facts are possibly true. DJT has never been a boy scout, or even a cub scout, let alone a 'real boy scout'. Which is unsurprising...DJT would not, in good faith be capable of abiding by any of the BSA Oath and Law. I don't think he even pretends much, beyond occasional, half hearted performative political theatre to live up to any part of the BSA Oath and Law. That so called attacks on him have produced few big hits on him so far, reflects the power and resources (political / financial / legal and coercive) available to him to delay, deflect, dissemble, diffuse and destroy potential threats to him. However, just as racketeers like Al Capone eventually got their comeuppance, undoubtedly, Teflon Don's defences will eventually be breached, and he is as like to face similar consequences...I see RICO in his future, and a change to a fashionable orange jump suit in his wardrobe. Not that nothing smelly and rotten was found...just that the Senate GOP closed ranks, and made calculated political decisions to acquit, regardless of the evidence presented to them...in that sense their self serving interests took precedence over the national interest. ........................................................... If one is wearing magical glasses that only sees the bad guys that one disapproves of, undoubtedly one will fail to see the bad guys that one approves of...that is the unfortunate affliction of many MAGA zombies....not that they actually care all that much...not when there is a continuing supply of TRumpian Soma for them (Brave New World Brave New World: Questions & Answers | SparkNotes), after all "a gram is better than a damn". As for myself, I have little need to defend any of those on your 'hit list'. They are fully capable of defending themselves, and undoubtedly they have their own apologists too....fence with them.
You can do the same thing with a rubber band, making bump stocks illegal affected no one and kept the libitards off his ass for a short while
I think I'm getting arthritis in my thumb. From all the scrolling up through Chells mega verbiage vomit posts. Do you think people actually read all that garbage? You must be a sad, lonely man. Nothing better to do than spend hours everyday searching for a post to respond to by spewing out long winded word salad posts, just rehashing the same old song. Save us, and you, some time. Just copy and paste this, TRUMP BAD! RELIGION STUPID!!! There you go. All summed up for ya.
Many u-tubes out there showing you how to do it with a rubber band. I never have tried it i, think its just a waste of ammo
I happened to log on to a different computer recently and saw a bit of what I'd been missing since I discovered the "Ignore" button. Best move I ever made here.