Two questions to ask your neighborhood Gun Grabber… 1. Define what an “Assault Weapon” is….? 2. Is an AR10 an “Assault Weapon” and if so why, or if not, why not…?
They don't know what an AR-10 is. So they'll assume it's a machine gun. It's the way they've been programmed.
No selective fire option, semi only. Same with AR-15. AR = Armalite Rifle after the company that first developed it. AR is not an abbreviation for "Assault Rifle" despite what the idiots on the evening news tries to tell people.
heh most Liberals assume that you can just easily buy fully automatic firearms. I've shocked more than a few by explaining the process to get one, as well as explaining why an AR15 is NOT one!!
Nope, you are missing the one Spec that differentiates the AR10 from ALL the rest of the “Assault Weapons, & Rifles”…. No matter who defines them… Not since about 2005 or so, except for SpecOps Troops in various Countries…
@Ura-Ki You got it… the AR10 is, and always has been, classed as a “Main Battle Rifle”, or under a more modern terminology, a “Designated Marksman Rifle”.. This due to the Cartridge it was designed for… The 7.62 X 52mm, or .308 Winchester… For the Gun Grabbers, it is a “Trick Question”… If they know what their talking about, they will recognize the difference, right off… and not bite on the Question… If they do bite, you will know they are “Full of Crap”, and they do not have the First Clue, about the FireArms in question… and likely anything else in their Gun Control Agenda…
Bidumb made the statement the 2nd amendment is not absolute --meaning it can be changed and moulded. Logic would follow that statement all amendments are not absolute. Therefore you have no god given rights and they can be changed or taken away --that is just what the left wants. If they can usurp the Bill of Rights it gives them total control ----Beware
Dang it! Late to the party and I knew the answer! i had the unique opportunity to fire an StG44, the original assault rifle, many years ago in full auto. It controlability , light weight, and reasonably compact size were it's hallmark. No way could you pull that off in 7.62x51! To the liberal left, however, any gun is an assault rifle, ghost gun, or lately a sniper rifle. No other categories exist and they are all widely available "on the streets" where the "facist, NAZI. racists" (anyone they disagree with or dislike for any reason) get them if they can't have them shipped directly to their home over the internet. They won't accept logic over emotional thought, so trying to clarify things for them means simply adding "battle rifle" to their list of skeery bubba guns that they use to claim righteous anger.
Assault Weapon is a made up term to scare pansies. All weapons (and people) are capable of assault but the MKultra group running things use it to get popular consent for their dictatorial powers.
Well they tend to not know anything about guns beyond if it looks scary then it must be a machine gun.
I grew up in he 50's watch TV and the shows never showed blood and guts when a gun slinger got shot, The basic thyme of the shows good triumphed over evil. My parents regulated what movies I watched. grew up with guns and was taught to respect them. Fast forward to now kids play graphic video games where blood and guts and death is the norm, TV has no message good over evil, parents don't regulate what their kids watch. To some of these kids with mental issues they become desensitized to death-- to kill is just another video game. The left for years has said these games and movies have no influence --I find that hard to believe, yet the left wants to control internet speech for fear some radical (white) will influence a person to act. Ya can't have it both ways my 2 cents
The first picture always gets me. I own a stainless steel Mini 14 rifle, which, by NY's "SAFE" act, is entirely legal. Yet, I could, if I was of a mind to, create just as much mayhem and carnage with that, as I could with any of my AR-15 rifles! This is why stupid people should NOT be able to write laws, of any type. Which pretty much automatically excludes every single politician currently in office!! Especially idiots like Feinstein, who stood in front of her fellow pol's, holding a firearm and breaking at least 2 rules (probably more) of safe firearm handling! The 3rd pic just shows how inane gun grabbers are! Hey! Maybe if we just ban liberals from owning firearms, that would make them happy??
It is vastly apparent many of these don’t know the difference between a magazine and a clip. I don’t respect any one that does not know the difference. It’s the principle.
Any one attempting to speak publicly about firearms that didn't know squat about firearms shouldn't be allowed to speak publicly let along legislating firearms laws and such! Does that AR shotgun have a shoulder thingy that goes up, and high capacity magazine clip that holds 300 rounds of 30 caliber clips, and shoots 600 bullets per second?
You Sir, are my hero. This is one weapon I dearly wish to own, but I just can't give the current prices for one. I got to handle,err fondle one years back in Denver but have never shot one. The StG and a MP40 would go great with our MG34 and MG42. Ahh well...