I'm horribly confused and more so now that I just read some internet stuff (some links below). As I understand it, the ATF reversed its position on AR Pistols in 2021, came out with a Form 4999 which has questions determining if your AR Pistol is indeed a pistol or an SBR. You fail if you hit 4 points which is about 2 questions and, by the way, no AR Pistol with a brace is going to pass - period. As I understand it, this was done in 2021 and is going to be implemented and enforced as of 1 August 2022. Currently, there are 3-7 million AR Pistols throughout the USA. How the ATF intends to enforce this hasn't been stated but there is no 'grandfather clause' and your options are basically destroying the firearm, give the firearm to ATF, permanently remove the firearm's brace in such a manner as it can never be reattached or sell the firearm. I'm I missing something here? I started looking at purchase of an AR Pistol from a manufacturer here in Idaho (PWS) love their firearms, but their production is really hosed up due to foundry supplies and been waiting almost 5 months...starting to look elsewhere now. So, I was looking at Patriot Ordinance Factory(POF) AR pistols but fear ifI purchase one, I will have to go the ATF route after August. Hell, after this last shooting in Texas, we'll all probably be lucky to hang onto our firearms never mind purchasing new AR pistols....so, yeah, I am concerned. So, again, am I missing something here or perhaps I am misinformed or is there going to be millions of new felons come 1 August 2022? (Note: most the folks that I know who have AR Pistols didn't even know about this) Here are few links concerning it which are about the latest info I could find (March 2022)...as I could find nothing current. It seems no one appears to be really concerned about this; however, it seems to me to be a HUGE deal as we have a government agency (not the Legislative branch) reversing themselves in mid-stream and by doing so putting citizens in the danger of becoming criminals overnight without even their knowledge. Anyway, anyone got anything current on this? Is it indeed going to happen? AR Pistol Laws | Is the ATF Banning Pistol Braces? (refactortactical.com) STAY LEGAL! Convert Your AR Pistol to a Short-Barrel Rifle NOW! | Shoot On (shoot-on.com)
I honestly wasn't aware of this, mostly because I run SBR's and don't pay much attention to the whole "Pistol" thang! If this is true, this is very alarming, that the AFT can alter settles law ( Which they cannot) against the will of congress, this will only end badly! I smell a bunch of legal challenges comming!
@Ura-Ki "...ATF can alter settles law ( Which they cannot) against the will of congress..." No, of course they can't, it's via regulation. First, they allowed the AR pistols but said you COULDN'T shoulder them then they changed their mind and said you COULD shoulder them in certain incidences. Now, if you look at Form 4999, your AR Pistol is indeed a Short Barrel Rifle which requires $200, ATF documentation and fingerprints and this goes into effect 1 August of this year. No grandfather clause. No if, and, or but...register your SBR and shut up. Yeah, I honestly don't know how this will play out. It certainly doesn't seem fair but, in this administration, one cannot expect justice and certainly not fairness. But, what truly is alarming is no one seems aware this is coming and I wonder if that is planned.
I suspect this was a late night last min. Order from the admin. to push hard on the low hanging fruit, same as the so called ghost gun thing! It's the nafarious bullshit the Dems are constantly pushing, especially since their boi Chippy got slammed for being a goober! I expect more to come soon, with the Repubs now pushing to negotiate with the Dems on "Gun Control" we're gonna get royally screwed, and SCOTUS sits in it's thumbs and does nothing!
Please do not blame SCOTUS, they can only rule on cases that are brought before them… Wait for them to rule on New York Rifle vs. Bruen, and then watch the lefties Heads explode… It is going to get BLODDY…
Yeah, this has been raising a stink on those covering firearms on youtube since last year. appears that the ATF has reversed their decision on pistol braces not being a SBR and they have this handy worksheet for you to subjectively evaluate your build only to find out that their subjective opinions differ from yours and you are indeed building an untaxed/registered SBR. Just slap a binary trigger pack in it and a drum mag and call it good. Y'all going to jail anyway.
I DO Blame SCOTUS, in many cases in the past, they ruled against the 2nd in very clear violation or their oaths to uphold it! NFA-1934, GCA-1968, and many others! Simply put, SCOTUS was politically motivated against the law of the land! I hold NO faith in them today, not after they have issued such narrow rulings as recently as Heller, They are a bunch of chicken shit cucks who refuse to do the right thing out of fear, knowing the blood letting it will lead to, just like Roe is about to do! I want SCOTUS to issue a full accounting of the 2nd as a finality, uncontestable and absolute, AS WRITTEN! I want my unrestricted rights back, and damn any law counter to the 2nd! Don't like it, tough shit, Grown a Pair! What a brave new world it would be, if everyone were forced to confront the fact that America is armed as it's core tenants, and to screw with the people is to risk certain death! Firearms should be Extremely toxic to any politician, it should be a non topic,, guaranteed to end ones asperations once and for all, INSTANTLY!
Them folks really need to remember that old sayin' "After the 1st one the rest are free.." A lot of us in flyover country are getting mighty tired of all the BS rulings and laws being handed down and I know of many that feel that if they're gonna be guilty of one thing, they might as well have it all. There's lots of jokes about feedin' the hogs, but I don't think certain people realize how close they are to gettin' ate..
Remember in the movie Braveheart where Longshanks said,"If we can't get them out, we'll breed them out?" This basically the idea behind the current ruling. As I read it the BATFE have set it up in such a way that to be "legal" a person will have no real choice but to SBR their weapon. That's the goal, knowing that many will just give in, turn in or try and sell off before the deadline. What about the ones who say FU? Well, should they be foolish enough to continue to take their weapons to a public range, rest assured there will be folks around that will be more than willing to drop a dime for a call. Remember the "If you see something, say something campaign? Yeah.
With the corruptocrats pushing as hard as they are for WWIII, a SBR may be the least of their worries.
I truly wonder if this ^^^^ is indeed their plan as they care not what their poll numbers are saying for November, and this would give them great powers to which they would use to trample the 2nd once and for all - for the 'good of the public and national security' of course. Anyway, I guess I will curtail my purchase of an AR Pistol under the dust settles; however, it doesn't look good and once done then the precedent is set and we can expect it to be done again. I have 3 ARs and will make do with those in the event they are needed.
I mentioned this before ,,, the .gov established all of these little study groups,,, ATF, BLM,, etc. These groups started making suggestions and the politicians passed laws . Then these groups started passing laws without congress ,, and their laws stuck . Legally enacted or not . And now ,,, we probably haves thousands of laws we have to obey ,,,, that may actually not even be a law .
there were many warning about such activities long time back... the real problem is our politicians are LETTING them do it... perhaps even encouraging them???
FYI, unless the ATF has changed their ruling (and you know, they NEVER do that! ), you can legally change an AR pistol that you have built, to an AR rifle (meaning, satisfying ALL requirements for it to be a rifle, versus a pistol). You cannot legally change it back to a pistol, though, if you change your mind. At least, that's what was explained to me, a number of years back, by someone who is so heavy on gun laws, that he might as well be an attorney!
Actually if it was first a pistol, you could turn it into a rifle and then back to a pistol w/o a problem. Can I lawfully make a pistol into a rifle without registering that firearm? | Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives