Jan 6th was NOT an insurrection, PERIOD! Jan 6th is being used to show all Americans what will happen when you question their authority or legitimacy! They are using Jan 6th to show us all that we must accept anything they tell us as gospel and that we must never rise up in protest or else! Make no mistake, Jan 6th was a wake up call, the powers that be FEAR the people and demanded actions to ensure we never rise up against them ever again! This tells you EVERYTHING you need to know about where WE the PEOPLE stand and how we are seen by the corrupt leadership of this nation! They will do anything to hold their power over us, and this is all the proof you will need of that!
These scumbags in Washington have forgotten they work for us. Far to many of us have been indoctrinated in government schools and don't know the founding principles of this country and have come to accept whatever edicts Washington throughs at us. Now they rule with intimidation all levels. IRS, EPA, Homeland Security, CDC, FBI, CIA, military I can't list them all. We have all these arms of Washington reaching out to keep us in line. The patriots of 1776 had but one --British Army to battle-- god what have we done to our selves
I just don't know where to start. I figger most on this board is in line with my thinking so, I am with ya.
We have sort of self selected in many ways in even looking at this forum that it isn't even a question of attitude. Our resident dissenter on the left, chelloveck, has a knowledge of the military and military history that I envy, his knowledge of simple tools, effective ways of solving problems, etc, is exceptional. While I may disagree with him, I can not fault his motives or his knowledge. I also treasure his differing viewpoint. We seem to be for the most part to want to get thru life with as little dissent and conflict with the government and others as possible. That lifestyle does not seem to be tolerated by either the left or the right and both are trying to dominate the middle. Most government agencies as well as the military seem to have fallen under the thumb of those that wish to control us and the best interests of the people has been replaced by some set of personal beliefs and goals. The country that I see today, even in New Hampshire, would be totally unacceptable to my grand parents. Like frogs placed in cold water and then the water heated slowly, the changes may well be beyond reversal. Our vice president is a perfect example of the changes, neither of her parents have every been US citizens, and she received much of her education in Canada. It would seem with 330 million or so, we could find at least one person of color who would be both American born and qualified. Instead we have the government announce that it is stepping up the equity programs to place more minorities and deprived citizens in the military and government agencies. It will be interesting to see what happens in this period of social, military, and economic crisis. our past history as a country has that in every war, we have had to sort out those who excelled at politics and words, but lost the battles in the real world, with those uncouth bas**** that could fight and win wars. With the economics, wars, and propaganda levels we have today, we may well lose this next war before the sorting out has time to work.
Alan West (retired military) comes to mind son of a WW II vet, brothers served in Vietnam, West was born here and raised by parents though democrats (old school) raised their kids as conservative
Why is it so important to have a tribal entity in power? Look at ANY country/region controlled by blacks...you will be hard pressed to find one that is anything more than a corrupt wasteland inhabited by rapists and murderers.
If you could do everything yourself, work, food, shelter, defense, etc, what use do you have for a government? Governments started by protecting the masses from invading hordes. They are brute force. You would pay a fee or tribute for that protection. If one of those peasants had an AR15 they could potentially fend off the entire horde by themselves. Technology will free us or enslave us depending on who controls it. Governments are the past. They are old tech. We need a major upgrade. Instead of making the people reliant on big brother, how about make each man and woman strong and independent. When the people have tech, guns, control of their own lives, and hard money we have freedom. When the government has tech, guns, control of the people, and money printers we have slavery. So obvious. Why would anyone in their right mind as for anything from a government ever???
Government is a necessary evil, it can do things that the sole person simply cannot. It is very much like fire, when controlled it sets humans above all other animals; fire is a fantastic tool. When it is not controlled, it become a terrible entity that destroys everything in its path. We are witness today to the terrible destruction that government is capable of and just like a forrest fire, it needs to be put out and brought under control again, and just like a forrest fire it will take a massive amount of work to do that and my fear is that we as a people are too frightened to fight the fire, we just want to run away and let someone else do the hard work.
This is nothing but "KumBah Ya" thinking... Back to the Old Age of Aquarius BullShit.... It completely leaves out, the Nature of Humans, from the equation, that is as old as time... Humans cannot, and will never, govern themselves, collectively... Greed will always win out, and there goes the neighborhood.. Name ONE time in ALL RECORDED History, where humans lived in such a Utopia... I'll wait... Oh Yea, I forgot Enoch, and his people,... If you believe in that stuff...
Has anyone asked themselves what those folks on January 6th thought they were going to do? An angry mob rushing into the Capital unarmed, did they really think it was going to end well? What did Ashley Babbit think she was going to do had she made it through the door? It is horrible that she got killed but what did they think was going to happen? I know a few people that were in DC on January 6 but they stayed outside. None of them ever thought to enter the capital. I am angry that these folks arrested for Jan 6 have not had a speed trial and are being treated like terrorists but what were they thinking? I know that group events can happen. Folks can just snap and all reasoning is gone. Not a perfect example but the My Lai Massacre was a group psychological event, it was one incident after another that led to a horrific event.
No, on a personal level, we do the best we can each day, but on a collective level, it is never going to get better, due to the nature of Humans.. Ethics help each of us to make things better for ourselves, and our close humans, but ethics will never bring the human collective, past greed, averse, and self- interest first..
Yes it has happened in Greece but it doesn't matter. People never walked on Mars but it will happen. People never walked on the moon until they did. No. Greed will not win out. That is pretty limited thinking and quite pessimistic.
This appears related The country is done. That means the government. The people will always be here. If you want to build the old system back just the way it was when the founding fathers set it up then you are missing the boat. The whole point of the evolution of man is to make things better. Stupid kids and imbeciles want to make things worse because they have figured out how to profit from it but that is the end of their knowledge. They know nothing more than how to profit from destruction. If you have a plan to save America like it 'used to be' before Covid, I'm not interested. If you have a plan to go back to the past, to the way things used to be in the 50s or the 1800s, I'm not interested. We have the biggest opportunity in the history of the country to do something more. We can do something amazing if the people wake up. Oh that sounds like a kumbaya moment? It took Rome 2000 years to fall. It took America 200. Why so much shorter? People ARE evolving and waking up. Yes there will always be dinosaurs out there trying to go backwards but we don't need them. If they don't want to be part of the solution it doesn't matter. Let them live their lives in their caves or their pods or their Arcosanti's. Some people think, hey, America is done, what are we going to build next. How should we re-write it? The answer is: we shouldn't. The people are waking up and realizing they don't need government. Why would you need it? How does the government help you out on a day to day basis? By taking my money and giving it to a homeless drug addict who makes more money than me standing on a street corner? The whole system is BS. I have not interacted with any government agency in 20 years. Vernon Jones is trying to abolish the IRS, which sounds like a great idea, until you realize we don't need him to do that for us. We can do it ourselves quite easily. The only thing stopping us is fear. America is filled with cowards. Did you know that the actual tax code says that the tax laws only apply to people who pay taxes? Are those words too hard for you all to hear? Sadly, its true, people in America are pusillanimous. They have proven it over and over. Yes there are some brave men here and there but really, if you just look at the last 2 years you can see it. Kyle Rittenhouse is pretty much the only one who stood up to the idiots. What kind of a ratio is that? If you are not a coward then ask yourself, would I be willing to die for freedom? Would I be willing to die to save my friends and family or even a stranger? If not then you ARE the problem. Could you imagine owning your house and land in allodial title for the rest of your life never having to pay a single tax or build following a single code? We used to. What happened? Fear is what happened. Fear of our government. We had freedom. Its still there but all of the cowards in America are afraid to reach out and take it. What a sad, pathetic people we have become. Doesn't it make you angry to know that you had it and some slimy politician scared you into giving it away? Do you own your Land? How does it work? Pretty easily. People have this problem: they need other people's OK. How easy would it be for you to tell yourself you DON'T need anyone else's OK? It's not hard to do but then they say, what about everyone else? What if I need permission? What if I lose everything? I can't change the whole world! Well guess what, you don't need to. You only have to change yourself. For some strange reason everyone wants to know what everyone else is doing and control it. That one thing is what causes ALL of our problems. We want to know what other people are doing SO BAD that we are willing to have cameras on every street corner in America, in shops, in our bedrooms and bathrooms on our 'smart phones', in our video games. We need to stop. but what if... Its not hard to change but it's also not easy. You CAN do it if you want to. The iPhone app that lets you see your friends naked Yes, your smartphone camera can be used to spy on you… Yes, Your Xbox Can Spy on You
Agreed enloopious, there is no return. While I belive the vision of the founding fathers was divinely inspired, and many of the founding principals are timeless, yet the situation we face today lends to people ignoring or otherwise changing those principals to fit thier agendas. Aided by those highest in our government. Our government has been compromised, it is no longer the citizen representative. It is the career prostititions and big money corporations running our nation. The only way to remove the ticks is to tear it all down and start again. That's why I love the PokerFace song "Tear it Down". That echos my sentiments.