Gas is holding at 3.35 a gallon regular/ ethanol---- Oh thanks Bidumb for taking a stand and opening the oil reserves you have made such a big difference now I can afford == STILL NOTHING!!!!!!!! Bought a 4 X 8 X 1/2 strand 18 bucks looked at 1/2 CDX plywood 36 bucks F-in outrageous.
Wow ---dropped a nickel so I'd save a whole dollar filling my 20 gallon tank. What could I buy for a buck ---not much --So glad Bidumb is draining our emergency oil reserves
Draining the reserves is really going to hurt soon. The dimocrats have their way gas will be $10.00 gal soon if you can get it.
Forcing that spiffy EV down the throat. Right up there with trying to swallow a whole cantaloupe rind and all in one gulp. Think I'll get a golf cart and put big ol spinner trims and tires on it. Go to town throwing Mardi gras beads along the way?
We've been in the 3.35 to 3.49 range for weeks. The cheap 3.09 gas station has now gone and joined the rest of the pack. It's fine. I get about 2.5 weeks per tank vs. 2.5 days per tank when it was required to commute into the office. Now it's a nice walk from the bedroom to the coffee pot to the office.
If you're vehicle has an oxygen sensor with more than 100,000 miles on that sensor replacing it can give you a milage boost. As they go bad they appear to go bad and make the air fuel mix more rich as they get older.
Gas is on the rise again, Son called said his heating and cooling bill for the house has doubled Non ethanol $3.99/gal
Prices at a budget gas station yesterday in Grants Pass, Or. Topped off the truck with regular unleaded $4.69/9 and filled a 5gal. can with high test, unleaded, non-ethanol $5.69/9 for the equipment. Oregon could be such a great State, but I don't know if we'll ever be able to run the globalists and commies out of Salem as long as there's 100% mail in voting.
Strangely 82% of Americans agreed that banning Russian oil was acceptable even if it means higher gas prices. Seems like FJB is literally always on the wrong side of everything.