It appears that war mongering in EU is more into a way of life than the Lame Stream admit. EU is more into basics of why Germany wants to avoid war and not have it as a way of life. But that is just my thought> HHS no longer want to know death counts, hospital bed counts, low staff counts, ventilator counts, etc, etc, etc. for your info only, must just be a rumor. As usual poor data or no data for the sheeple.
“We have information that indicates the Russian government is looking to install a pro-Russian leader in [Kiev] as it considers whether to invade and occupy Ukraine,” reads the correspondence, which was sent to media representatives on the Foreign Office’s mailing list on Saturday. No evidence was included to back up the assertions. Obviously timed to top the Sunday newspaper agenda, recipients were ordered not to carry the details until after 10.30pm London time the night before. SHOT DOWN??? U.S. Military Cargo Plane “Disappears” from Flight Tracking After Leaving Ukraine and Violating Russia Air Space — Russian Fighter “APPEARS” Over Kiev! An air cargo jet operating under US Transportation Command, took off from Kiev, Ukraine after delivering 200,000 pounds of Ammunition. It then violated the air space of Belarus, violated Russian Air Space and “disappeared” from flight tracking as it entered Kazakhstan. Was it shot down? The flight, National Airlines Charter Flight NCR574 for STATE/DOD, landed late last night in Kiev, Ukraine to offload two hundred thousand pounds of ammunition; part of the “lethal” aid being given to Ukraine by the United States. But when the plane took off from Kiev this morning, instead of heading back toward Germany where it originated, the plane flew due north and violated Belarus air space. It then turned sharply eastward and violated Russia air space, and continued to do so for several HUNDRED miles! It overflew the precise region of Russia where all the Russian troops are massed for potential action against Ukraine! Spy much? Shortly thereafter, the plane turned east again and entered the air space of Kazakhstan, where it “disappeared” from flight tracking. Is this the “provocation” people have been waiting for which will be used as an excuse to drag the US into a war with Russia?
I'm calling bullshit on a chunk of that story! Sorry, but that's a great big load of hogwash in that propaganda/hyperbole! First, IF, and that's a serious IF the U.S. were operating current technology airframes around the Ukraine, that SU-57 would not have snuck up on anyone, their stuff ain't all that, and certainly not stealthy enough to slip past us un detected, an F-15 Echo could smoke that sucker from 200 miles off and not even break a sweat, let alone the F-35 or F-22, not trying to stir the pot here or play the "were better then" card, no, we are that frickin good! Second, this "Shoot Down" if it did happen would be a seriously smart move on our part, force Putin's hand ahead of the arrival of his reinforcements, seriously degrading his forces, and forcing him to advance his threats to action NOW, and not when he has his full strength! It's not being reported yet, but there is a full carrier task force awaiting his ships in the Med, and another in the Gulf area, effectively cutting off his entire Naval strength long before it can sail into the Black Sea, again, cutting him off at the knees! If that was a shoot down it's a full escalation, demanding a response, if not, if it was a forced landing, that still puts the chips on our side for actions! Also, think before judging things, that was NOT a U.S. Military aircraft, it was a civilian contractor, and thus, any hostile action taken against that would be a serious provacation, more then if it were a Air Force C-117 or C-5! That means the entire world will hold Putin accountable for shooting down a civilian, and he will loose any aid or simpathy he might have had! Even China cannot condone that! Second, Kazz-stan is not a Russian state Oblast, so Russia cannot simply shoot down someone in their back yard, again, I call B.S. here, that bird was likely cleared to travel east into Asia for fuel and a return trip to where ever it was planned to go, Russia would be very stupid to pull something that stupid with this much at risk right now, he knows how we will react! I say it landed for fuel and crew rest and will show up safe and sound! As for the Stealth fighter, I say that was a scare tactic to the Ukrainians, nothing more!
It wouldn't be the first time, and nor will it be the last time that American crewed aircraft have 'wandered' into airspace they had no lawful right to be, under international law. Mistaken Targets: When Six B-24s Accidentally Bombed Zurich It may be a Russian disinformation / propaganda / psyops operation to muddy the waters for their own purposes.
War is great for the economy. Also helps us forget our current domestic problems. It's a win/win for the politicos. especially during an election year.
Democrat pussy footing seems to start/cause, expand and prolong wars. Just look at Vietnam and the tit for tat and all the bullshit rules they agreed to like not attacking enemy aircraft while on the ground. That's the best time to attack aircraft. So much for "they might order the families of embassy workers out of Ukraine in coming weeks", nope that order dropped today or last night.
Putin is hanging on by a thread and needs continous distractions to keep the rank and file in their places. The oligarchs really run the show. One good pasting and he is gone. Once the West does that they can concentrate on the real enemy. The Chicoms. Godspeed.
I'm never going to bet against Putin. FSB connections, control of the party, the extra judicial actions that he may have directed against opponents and detractors. Yeah, i'm pretty sure the oligarchs could disappear under lake Bakal at any moment. Europe will bend to Russia if they want their natural gas to keep from freezing. We are just saber rattling in my opinion. Biden is going to look like Chamberlain waving a piece of paper coming off Air Force 1.
The USA has become a Paper Tiger run by DemoRATS and WOKE military brass who are only interested in promotion. Up against Putin we don't stand chance he is KGB through and through and looks to rebuild the Soviet Empire and will stop at nothing. "At least 71 percent of Americans between 17 and 24 are now ineligible to serve in the military—some 24 million of the 34 million people in that age range. The strength of the U.S. military depends on a constant flow of qualified volunteers.Sep 2, 2021 The U.S. military is already struggling to recruit enough high-quality people to meet its requirements, and trends indicate that this situation will get worse—perhaps much worse.Oct 5, 2021" Sad state of affairs
1. If indeed there was an aircraft shot down by the Russians (and it would not be the first time) it would be all over the news. They couldn't cover it up and why would they? It would be a propaganda win against Russia. 2. Aircraft do stray into illegal air space. Yes, it happens all the time, strange as it sounds; however, usually scrambled fighters would warn the aircraft instead of simply shooting it down. So, this is not passing the logic test. As far as the story to 'install a pro-Russian leader', this seems perfectly logical to me. No, they have not offered any facts or proof, but logic would dictate this is exactly what Putin would do. Makes sense to me and much better than shedding blood but even if he does have to shed blood this is exactly what he will do. I think the entire Ukraine situation is sort of a ruse. I think Russia's true purpose is not only to obtain an obedient Ukraine but to fracture NATO, which is the main goal, for if they are not united once then is easier to not be united the next time. Germany is for appeasement, basically to ensure the gas line stays open while the rest of NATO, especially those that truly know the Russians (Baltics, Poland, etc.) are adamant Russia needs to be opposed. Germany is even stopped or opposed the giving of any weapons to the Ukraine that they have sold to other countries! Right now, Putin is winning. He has split NATO. The USA is weakly lead and without resolve and, Germany has obviously sold out. Basically, all it would take to end this standoff is a united message from NATO that an attack on Ukraine would be considered an attack on Western Europe regardless that the Ukraine is not part of NATO and it would result in NATO intervention. However, without Germany, the powerhouse of Europe... I believe the West will cave to Russian demands and everyone will sing the praises of diplomacy...except the Ukraine.
When is Putin going to start this war? If it were me, I'd go in during the olympics opening ceremony on the 4th. Should be over before the Skeleton events start on the 10th.
Politicians are still reading the old play book because the majority of the public doesn’t want war. Unless we are attacked on our soil, the public would not be backing this and it would hurt them in the midterms.
We will do nothing and the rest of NATO will do nothing Putin will take the Ukraine just like Hitler took Poland
This is playing with fire. What benefit would we (Americans) derive from this? What are the potential costs to get involved in a shooting war 5000 miles away? I’m sure the MIC sees nothing but dollar signs. Bottom line is that Russia doesn’t want NATO on their border. I don’t think that’s a big concession.
The thing is with dictators vs liberal democracies ( Liberal democracy - Wikipedia ); territorial concessions are often enough interpreted, and exploited by dictators as weakness; and generally empowers them to be more ambitious and aggressive in wresting further concessions, by threats of belligerence, if not belligerence itself. The road to WW2 started with the remilitarisation of the Rhineland, followed by the reabsorption of the Saar Region, Anschluss, The partition and occupation of the Western parts of Czechoslovakia, establishment of Slovakia as a puppet client state, and the coerced Cession of Memel to Germany from Lithuania....each of which, individually, apparently weren't considered excessive concessions by Britain and France in the inter-war years leading up to WW2. They were quite prepared to sacrifice others to France and Britain's own short term interests. The constant refrain regularly quoted by some members of this site goes along the lines of "..those who fail to learn from history are condemned to repeat it.." (or similar). Apparently some here may be quite ok with repeating history.
da shoot down story sounds like russian misinformation .. .. looks like fake news .. .. fer sure but we smell a yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge stinkin russian rat .. .. da russians can fake ship plus aircraft trackin plus position information dey been doin dat fer years .. .. dey been fakin stuff n things fer a long time .. .. jus sayn .. .. we know wut happened with Neville Chamberlain .. .. appeasement dont werk .. ..
If it means so much, send the Australians. Everybody's first inclination is that Americans need to be involved. Then they complain later that Americans can't keep their mitts out of every issue in the world. Here's an image of ongoing armed conflicts according to Wikipedia (List of ongoing armed conflicts - Wikipedia):