Welcome to 2022.............. Some say we will be in an endemic and that next up is economic collapse. Who knows but things just seem off in my opinion. I do believe that inflation will continue and think that some of the European and Australian covid measures will be coming here soon. My goals for 2022 will be to continue to scale back on stuff. Can't do much about all my long term food storage but on all other stuff I can continue to prioritize. I have been focusing and reading on car living. The more I read, the more I learn that there is a true art-form in being able to do it efficiently. Learning how to live minimally and surviving is vital knowledge. Just planning a week of meals for car living is challenging because it is hot, things spoil or in the winter they freeze. My outlook for 2022 is optimistic. People are tired of covid, people are tired of isolation. I really am hoping that 2022 will normal, whatever that means.
Wow, where to begin! War over the Ukraine, China moving on it's neighbors, and Covid getting "Worse!" more freedoms disappearing every day, and the democraps orgy of spending into oblivion ramping up! 3 more years of the Pedo and Hoe largely destroying our way of life! I got both Planes current and ready for anything, wife and I have been scouting all over for Bug locations, places to hide out while on the run from what ever happens, the idea is to make our way to the Gulf Coast where we have "Things and Stuff" taken care of, After that, it's what ever happens, Time to drop off the radar and go dark! Outside of that, if it's a fight a comin, it's a fight we will have, I have ensured things will be as ready as they can be, and there is little need to ponder or worry now! Life as we know it is about to get interesting, and i'm ensuring were along for the ride! the last several years we have taken our finances global, as in outside of U.S. Currencies, as well as converting some to P.M's and other trade commodities, so that we can continue to thrive instead of just survive!
This is an interesting and I'll take a swing at it.... 1. We'll continue to see more Covid BS until after the November elections and if we lose the elections then it's Covid BS forever Should the Republicans win, we'll slowly see a reversal of the mandates and policies. 2. We'll see a full court press against any type of Election/Voter reform laws by the Democrats. Their a$$es are in deep trouble, and they know it. This is key because if they are successful then election fraud will continue with insanity on all fronts, to include Covid. 3. Putin will be given a portion of the Ukraine, a land connection to Sebastopol to pacify him. Currently, they have to bring everything in over the bridge (11 miles long) even water (Ukraine turned off their water). From a tactically viewpoint, this situation is suicide. Ukraine continues to get closer and closer to the West. As such, given a feeble idiot as US President, Putin will continue to raise the noise level until he gets what he needs to secure his gains. So, we'll see a 1938 Czechoslovakia. 4. Inflation will go places unseen before. It's basic math and will happen. Personally, I think this is good and will slap Americans awake even more. Sorry, but sometimes things need to get worse before they get better... 5. Taiwan is safe until after the Winter Olympics (Feb 2022) then...doubtful. I expect China and Russia to coordinates their efforts to get more bang for their buck, doubtful Biden could handle one crisis instead of two at the same time. 6. Americans will not support boots-on-the-ground to the Ukraine or Taiwan. Both will require major military support to oppose invasion and have nothing to give in return. Again, we are back to pre-WW2, where 'Why die for Danzig?' turns into 'Why die for Kiev/Taipei?" Given this and a weak NATO and feeble US President, China and Russia should do very well indeed. Hell, I don't want to go to war under Biden, do you? Hell no! 7. Republicans should have a major win in November if they don't give it away or blow it, so I expect the Democrats to do some dark and shady things soon - maybe even war. However, I don't expect much from the Republicans because most are closet Democrats, communists or traitors. 8. I have no prediction about our Vice President however I do not expect our President to make it through 3 more years. 9. For good news, I don't expect any Alien invasion or Climate Change to kill us all off. Yay! 10. For bad news, I don't predict a happy and safe 2022. I think it will be tough at the very least and more so due to corrupt and incompetent leadership.
Well... hell.... I really want to stay out of this one...but #1- Praying for an alien invasion, Godzilla or something else... to make it an over-the-top 2022. #2- This year will suck.... more than the last two years.... plan to survive, it is #1 for your family. #3- Probably could post a bunch...but won't.... just stay alert Monkeys!!
Prepping and self-reliance will become much more important. Food costs will rise to a point never seen in the United States since the depression. Fuel costs will reach and surpass predictions by 50%. Food production will suffer due to increased fuel cost and the costs associated with feed production. Oh, and Yellowstone will erupt.....
Thanks for your list, Bandit. I think it’s a darned good list, and only disagree with one point, or maybe a combination of 5 and 6. Not sure when the situation with Taiwan will pop, but we are so dependent on critical electronics from there, I’m afraid it’s demise will signal a rapid decline for the West. I personally do not think the Ukraine merits intervention by us, and I think Russia would attempt it only after we are engaged elsewhere. Something tells me that much of the news in that area(Ukraine) is being pushed by the MIC to justify more military spending. The way I see it, we are already at war with China. Their goal in the short run is to dominate/control Taiwan. I believe they will be successful in convincing us that Taiwan is part of China (never has been) and it’s not worth fighting them over. We will build more weapon systems thinking we are preparing for an eventual war, similar to how the French spent time building a Maginot Line. By the time we realize what is going on, us older folks will be dead and our offspring will be taught thru our own schools to go along with the global groupthink. I hope I’m wrong, but I think the next war is being fought at a different level with different weapons.
MSM media will be trying to sell us the same pile of steaming cows cakes and I ain't buying it. Folks will find out that this OMicron panic was hype and even more folks will be questioning why we are giving up so much of our freedoms. Godspeed
I have no predictions other than the usual rising and falling of the tides. You did strike a nerve with your "car living" comment. "Car living." I've never heard it called that before. I lived in a '63 Jeep Wagoneer and a '70 Olds Delta 88 because I had nowhere else to live. I could stretch out to sleep in both. The Olds never moved and was inside a condemned warehouse. Kept me safe and comfortable through the worst weather. The Jeep was miserable even in the best weather. I met a guy that I went to school with that was living in a Ford Bronco with his wife and child, staying warm with a kerosene heater during a Michigan winter. Best example of car living I ever saw was a guy I met who made very specialized electronic components. He worked when he wanted, and lived in an old school bus behind a cemetery. He had a 1971 four door Datsun 510 that he drove from North Carolina all the way up to Prince William Sound Alaska to clean oil off seagulls after the Exxon Valdez oil spill in 1989. Not a big car. He had the back seat bottom removed, the passenger seat mounted with quick release pins and black painted fitted plywood that completed his "bed" along the passenger side of the car at night. The passenger seat went behind the drivers seat or outside, covered with a tarp, and he slept in a dark sleeping bag with his head under the passenger dash. I tried it out and it was quite comfortable. I also noticed that he had a case for his sunglasses mounted on the right kick panel and a couple other holders for alarm clocks and things mounted under the passenger dash. What I'd missed was the tape deck concealed in the glove compartment. It was mounted so that a press on the glove box door would turn it on and off, and pressing the Datsun badge on the door would change the music track. He said nobody had ever spotted him sleeping so low in the car, even when he'd been looking at them. If I was going to do the World Traveling Bum thing again in a car or on a bicycle I'd do it Le Grand Tour style. Fill my saddle bags with cash (or just slip a credit card in my pocket) and buy whatever food, lodging, clothes I needed along the way. I don't see us fighting over squirrels for supper any time soon and I still remember all the urban camping tricks I learned as a homeless bicycle bum more than forty years ago. Biggest lesson I learned then was that I was going the wrong way. Never travel North. Northern Ontario was cold at night, even in June. If I hadn't been invited to sleep in the ranger station one night I might've been found frozen to death in a Provincial Park camping area.
A few of you mentioned overseas issues, I really don’t pay much attention to that because it is what it is. We have a weak leader and other countries know it. I have been so focus on my world. Venezuela was a steady decline and I believe that is where we are headed so I keep asking myself, how do I prepare for that? Supplies cannot last forever so how do I stay afloat longer then those around me? Our medical system is going to crash. Many health practitioners sold their soul during this pandemic and lost credibility, they became robots.
Yep, Nothing like touring on a nice tricked out touring rig. Full pannier set up to hit the road with. If the cold doesn't get you in Northern Ont. then the bugs will. Bike toured decades back quite a bit. Would love to do it again with all the new light weight fancy smancy gear available today. Credit card wouldn't hurt either. Be nice to eat something else than, spam, steamed rice and soya sauce. Godspeed on an 18 speed.
@Thunder5Ranch Yep! Of all the folks on the Monkey, I believe you have the best overall chance of survival if things go really South. I would even go farther than that and say you are heads and shoulders above the rest of us in preparation.
No, I think you are about correct in your assessment concerning Taiwan. Most don't understand the importance of Taiwan's chip manufacturing on the world. Of course, this is another reason China wants Taiwan. I say this even though American industry, mainly Intel, has recognize the problem due to Covid and are increasing output in the USA and even building new factories here and a few other places. However, I would add Taiwan is much more critical strategically as a stepping-stone in containing China's military. It basically is the lynch pin to the entire area and China knows this very well and with its policy of expansion Taiwan must fall and with Biden at the helm it increases their odds greatly of doing it without conflict. Nevertheless, I do not see the general public supporting Taiwan with American lives nor do I see the American leaders having the political will or backbone and I certainly doubt their leadership. Let's face it, they are NOT leaders but political hacks! Having said that...maybe that is what is needed, a huge failure, more so than our departure from Afghanistan, to set the country on its patriot tracks again; however, I fear, something like this could get away from us very easily and its outcome could be devastating not only for America but the entire world. Lastly, I would say that given the reasons above, that I honestly am not sure we could even win against China and even if we did the cost would be great, maybe too great. So, even by winning we would lose and in the end, it would change nothing because China would get Taiwan anyway except at a later date without a shot being fired because our previous losses would not want to be repeated. As for Ukraine, we and Europe will either support them because they need help and it's the right thing to do or we won't because there is not a damn thing to gain from it except knowing we supported freedom and a people that are begging for assistance against an invader. In fact, if you look at both scenarios, this is truly the situation for both countries and a defining moment for our country. We either stand for democracy and support free will and freedom of choice or we pull back into isolation. The problem here is our leaders have wasted away our resolve, money and blood in past numerous little nasty wars without resolution and we Americans are fed up with paying the price tag without any gains in return. Now, when something serious and world defining is upon us, we could be asked to sacrifice again and most folks reply will be "'Why die for Kiev/Taipei?" Anyway, I believe these scenarios will define what America truly is in the 21st Century and either outcome will be world changing.
Very impressive. In SC I can butcher deer, hogs (domestic/wild).goats but for some reason SC requires beef criters must be taken to an approved slaughter house which charge a fortune. Why I have no idea. I assume you butcher your own
Goal: Keep me and mine alive and hopefully thriving. Outlook: Probably a repeat of 2021 with a few more potholes that we will have to dodge.
China will eventually take Taiwan even without an invasion. I think they are more worried about losing business with other countries at this point to risk those relationships. I may be wrong, but the Chinese have always been very pragmatic and won't be in a rush to kill the goose that laid the golden egg. China is undergoing a tactical change that suggests a strategic change as well. With the introduction of a very M4 like new rifle system the QBZ-191 complete with optics, though not as sophisticated (yet) as the latest US systems let alone the next generation about to be released. The new strategy appears to be a shift from an invasion stopping mass military armed with simple effective weapons to a smaller professional military with sophisticated weapons and structure. I see the shift being from preventing invasion to being able to effectively project power. IMO they are preparing to fill the vacuum when the US finally stumbles and they are expecting this to happen before the current DC 5h!tshow can be replaced by competent leadership with effective policies. Taiwan will simply allow themselves to be annexed when the balance of power in that part of the world is lopsided in favor of China. China would lose everything they have to gain from Taiwan in a shooting war, and China always plays the long game. Having worked in the chip industry a fab could be put out of business for a very long time, if not permanently, quite easily under wartime conditions.
I am 100% with you. I get so tired of everything being a conspiracy or an agenda behind every single issue. For mental health sake it is great to just live.