Eko the poor tiger was shot because it acted like a tiger should and tried to munch on idiot from Florida who jumped a barrier and stuck his arm through a fence. In my time here on this rock, I am seeing more and more stupidity growing like a cancer. No wonder the aliens won't visit.
Too many societal safety nets. When no matter how many times you eff up or how badly doesn't matter we lower the survival bar far enough for the unintended bad consequences to affect everyone everywhere. What does George Stephanopoulos have to do with this?
Should have shot him, not the tiger. Some lives have less value than others, and this was probably the case here. The tiger was enjoyed by thousands, and this vegetables parents probably didn't even like him. Great injustice!
Then, there are those Yankee idiots coming here to Florida, and trying to get a selfie with a gator.....
We shoot animals when stupid people do stupid things when animals react how they are genetically programed. Yet when animals(people) kill other people how come they aren't shot on the spot as well. Humans are nothing more than animals as well
Ahem...whatever happened to humans being god's special creation, to which all other living creatures are subordinate???? You speak heresy sir! : Genesis 1:26 and...Supposedly you are a Constitutionalist sir? Have you not read and understood your own country's fine Constitution?? Particularly the 5th and 14th Amendments 'due process clauses'. Summary execution is the thing of totalitarian regimes and murderous vigilantism....being shot on the spot at another's whim doesn't seem to be the hallmark of a civilised society....
Don't know where the quote is from but seems appropriate here, "Punish the monkey, let the organ grinder go."
Hahaha! Up the plateau in Colorado, there are all kinds of big Grizzly, Wolves, Catamounts, Coyotes and such, we also have a inordinate number of hippy type nudists running all over the country side ( due to all the natural springs and such) and you hear almost once a year of some poor schmuck tangling with a Predator, and it's the stupid humans fault! Hell, some jackass got mauled by a Grizz in Yellowstone last summer and they took the Grizz and shot it, never mind the idiot trying to take a selfie with nature's most powerful and cranky Predator, that Grizz didn't deserve to die, he should have been fed a whole elk with a side of deer for helping clean the pond scum from the gene pool! Wolves and Bears should be left alone, if they kill a human so be it, that's Darwin hard at work, now a Catamount, or a flock of coyotes, those should be murdered every chance you get!
Binky, the polar bear at the Alaska zoo, anchorage,. There are other incidents of dangerous animals injuring visitors to zoo’s, including a savage attack on 29-year-old Australian tourist Kathryn Warburton in July 1994. Kathleen jumped over two safety rails to get a close-up photograph of Polar Bear ‘Binky’ in his cage. When Binky stuck his head through the bars of the enclosure in Anchorage Alaska and grabbed her, she was lucky to survive after remaining in the animals jaws for several minutes. He wasn't shot and picked up a souvenir the idiot's tennis shoe RIP Binky
Human blood like Margreta's is salty, really salty, I suspect the reason other than thousands of years of killing animals that have and will develop a taste for human's are by tradition put down. Be a human and have a Margreta instead!
No, The stupid Ones are the Bosses, that order the Troops, to do "Stupid Things, and those are the ones that need to be HUNG...
More than many would admit, dodging a close Darwin Award nomination. I would describe it hazardous heuristic learning resulting in survival (of sorts).