Local Food Lion has had a Salvation Army bell ringer set up at one entrance. Several times I stopped to get groceries and have yet to hear a single ding from the bell. No store patrons have been using that entrance. It is an entrance that was closed during much of 2020 but I've seen regular use of the entrance when no kettle was present. The only other kettle in town is in front of Sam's club. That bell ringer is enthusiastic, ringing wildly and singing some garbled rap music that's playing on his headphones. I don't stay at Sam's any longer than necessary, but he didn't appear to be getting any donations either. How are the Salvation Army kettles doing in your area?
Got a Salvation Army request for donation in the mail. The pledge slip I wrote on it you will not be getting a dime from me ever again and mailed it back to them. Come to think of it I haven't seen any bell ringers at the usual stores this year.
A few in my area. I usually throw a few bucjks in but make the bulk of my donation to them online. Godspeed
In the past I always went out of my way to donate to the Salvation Army bell ringers. Then, this happened: Salvation Army Losing Donors Over Woke Initiative They made a hard turn to the left and went all in on CRT. Their response to criticism was to double down. Great idea, shame me for the color of my skin then ask me for money. As they say "Get woke, go broke". If they return to their roots I will start donating again.
Why I won't give: The sagging fundraising numbers come the month after the organization pulled a guide called "Let’s Talk About Racism" from its website that contained racially charged language instructing White people and Christians to "evaluate" racist attitudes and practices. (iStock) Additionally, the guide said "White culture" has challenges it needs to overcome, including "denial of racism" and "defensiveness about race," and states that "White Americans" need to "stop trying to be ‘colorblind.’" The guide sparked outrage on social media from users who said they would no longer financially support the organization and accused the nonprofit of adopting Critical Race Theory.
The kettles in our area are not doing so well. Mainly high schoolers ringing the bell. The SA had trouble finding help plus the local SA rehab closed and those guys always were bell ringers. I understand the whole get woke, go broke but it still is upsetting. The top pencil pushers did this and the folks that need the help will pay the price. It is not right. The Salvation Army was one of the good ones. Even the virtual kettles are not reaching their goals. The Salvation Army Virtual Red Kettle this one is really bad, only $2000 of a 10k goal Northwest Virtual Red Kettle 2021
Come to think of it ,, I've not seen any of them at any of the stores I've been to this year . I have had a few stores asking if I wanted to donate my change to some organization that I can't remember who ,, but I just say no ,, all my change goes into my retirement buckets .
I've seen a number of SA kettles and bell ringers around town, mostly at Wal-Marts and supermarkets. We even had one at Rural King. I put a few dollars in the kettles...when I have cash. Over the last couple of years I, like many others, have been using cards rather than cash, and that has got to hurt outfits like the SA.
As a veteran my donations go to help my wounded brothers in arms. There are just as many blacks that need to change their attitude towards whites ---never hear that do we
local newspaper posted a pic and article on FB that they published - weep weep - sob sob - they are running behind on $$$ donations >>> nothing about their racism WOKE BS true to form they wouldn't allow comments either ...
I always find it amazing when there is a human disaster in some 3rd world shit hole like Africa it's is always white doctors and white nurses who respond yet whites are responsible for all the racism in the world.
I always threw some change or a bill in the pot. They'll not get one red cent now. From the looks of the empty usual set up in front of our stores. I'm not the only one. I will not be ashamed of myself or my life.
I didn't see any SA bell ringers this year. If I did I might toss in the change in my pocket or give one of the kids a buck or two to put in the kettle, but when they are not out collecting they get nothing. I would rather give to my local church anyway, at least then I know what the donations are going towards and the money stays local (usually, we do some outreach stuff outside of the local community).
I just asked AlaskaChick, "How many of the MDs & RNs that she trained, while she was a Senior Team Trainer with MDs w/o Boarders, were of Color?" The Answer was "About 50/50 with a good percentage of those being Asian.." That includes the two Teams that the US Military Blew Up, in the Afgan Hospital on the orders of the Afghan Military... She still grieves over that one...