Smoke and mirrors boys, Ships are waiting to offload crude oil, Refinery's that can run at 100% are doing so He's as full of $hit like a 35# turkey GULF OF MEXICO Ship Traffic Live Map | Marine Vessel Traffic
Crude oil is UP! It seems that nobody is buying into Biden's "thinking" or "logic" or whatever you want to call it!
best way to deal with the rise in oil prices and this green scam is to buy shares in oil stocks AND carbon credits. That way as oil gets more expensive due to limited quantities the oil companies have higher revenue and those that are polluting are forced to buy carbon offsets. I mean you are still going to pay more at the pump anyway, why not profit from government edicts.
This country has not built a new refinery since 1977 and our population continues to grow sooner or later the SHTF
We are no longer citizens we are subjects too afraid to do anything--- I wish we would get mad get even
It's time the States took back all the land the federal government took for "parks etc"and open those lands up for energy production oil, coal, natural gas Tell the feds screw you this is a national emergency. It's time the border States shut down the border using the national guard and volunteers. This is a national emergency tell the feds go pound sand. When the States revolt what are the feds going to do go to the Supreme Court a court they ignore. Send troops against American citizens it would be a PR nightmare the feds would loose