Personally, it isn't a question if we can survive a civil war as a nation. Our Country, as founded, is dead or at least, has been buried alive. My question is, would a civil war revive our nation?
Depends on how thoroughly the leftist/commies were eradicated. There can be no half-measures with that... they have to be fully pushed off the continent, or like roaches, they'll return...
Revive our (entire) nation? No. There are states that have gone completely to the commi's and only deserve being a dumping ground for their like minded. If there are freedom loving folks that have the heart to fight for it, then welcome them. There in lays the county by county prospect. Look at Washington, Oregon and northern Cal. Those folks want to break away now. How many counties in rural areas feel oppressed by a small area of their state? I believe we will need to cut ourselves off from much of the world. The other nations are all moving to a globalist style of gooberment. Quite possibly one that will not tolerate any dissenting nations, and so will attempt force on us. That would open a whole new chapter in that story.
I get it Chel, you're a liberal and I'm a conservative. Surely we're both open minded enough to be honest? No, RIttenhause isn't a "dumb kid". Go look at the video evidence. It's everywhere. The kid showed remarkable discretion under the circumstances.
I don't think that identity politics is a particularly useful way of looking at the issue...I'm sure that there are also conservative Americans who would be appalled by the actions that Black and Rittenhouse had allegedly taken. IMO The kid is a fantasist wannabe policeman, but instead of growing up, and becoming a legit LEO the hard way, he decided that becoming a vigilante would satisfy his fantasies just as well. His lack of discretion, placed him in a situation where shooting other people had a higher probability of happening than had he stayed at home, playing police cadet. Had Kyle not listened to his equally dumba$$ 'friend', Dominick Black, Kyle may not have found himself in the position that he presently faces...that is evidence of his abysmal lack of discretion...he was a minor who crossed state lines to get himself into the bun fight at Kenosha, which is evidence that he wanted to be a part of '$hit getting real'. Black and Rittenhouse's relationship highlights the old saw," Choose your friends well", (for as sure as $hit, poor choices are likely to bring you into a world of hurt). Yep Dominick and Kyle: Dumb and Dumber. If Rittenhouse, put such a high value on law and order, WTF was he doing with an AR 15 which is alleged to have been illegally obtained via a so called 'friend' (Dominick Black) Man faces 12 years for buying gun Kyle Rittenhouse used in Kenosha shootings. Kyle Rittenhouse was so discrete, that his mother, his legal guardian claimed not to have known where he was, what he was doing, or that he had indeed been carrying a fire arm in Kenosha. The incident speaks to Kyle's willful stupidity and disregard for the law, as much as his mother's lack of parental responsibility / control...I hope that at the very least, Rittenhouse's role in Kenosha will make him ineligible for any role as a first responder, or any occupation requiring the employee to be armed with anything more lethal than a nerf gun.
The only way the USA would survive if there is major culling of the population I think we know who needs to be culled.
So I have been watching the various The Purge Movies and TV and can't say that I would be opposed to having a annual purge Holiday.
To answer the question posed in the title.... No. There are too many foreign nations just waiting for America to become weak enough or indebted enough to allow them to take control. America as we know it would cease to exist.
I am impressed with your credentials as a 'right to life' advocate...I do recall the expression "Lebensunwertes Leben" being used by fascists during the Third Reich, when 'culling' (hunting and exterminating) other humans was justified by the Nazis, and legally sanctioned. Life unworthy of life - Wikipedia First they took the feeble minded and insane, But I was a loyal German and was neither feeble minded nor insane, Next they took the profoundly crippled and those in chronic ill health, But I was neither crippled nor in chronic ill health, Next they took the homosexuals and other social deviates, But I was neither a homosexual nor a social deviate, Next they took the communists and any other politicals opposed to the Nazi Party, But I was neither a communist nor a member of any political faction opposed to the Nazi Party Next, they took the Jews and gypsies who were considered untermensch, But I was neither a Jew, nor a gypsy, and my Aryan blood was pure, And so it went, until the population was cowered into compliance, with the prospect of being disappeared by the Gestapo. Yes, culling the population to achieve racial, political, ethnic, and/or religious purity has often been justified, because it is for the good for the nation.
Might want to look a touch closer to home Chell, looks like you have some like minded folks down thataway, then again, they might be right - gallows and all.
Wait a second there @chelloveck , did you just pull the Reductio ad Hitlerum attack out there? Or did you just prove Godwin's law. C'mon, if you are going to attempt to bring an alternative view into the argument, please don't go down that rabbit hole, Next thing you know you'll be using the straw man argument that is oft seen around here. Now back to our regularly scheduled Fox vs CNN media blitz.
@Seacowboys I'm afraid, we have damnable few if any altruistic young men or women left that would put the nation before their own personal desires that could hold the nation let alone pull it back together after a societal breakdown and conflict. There are probably those that have regional recognition and influence, but nationally? Probably not. We could be divided into regional constitutional zones .. perhaps. but more than likely the infighting would then be more likely be between regions. But before that, I'd predict that china would come in to grab the left coast, Mexico would grab the southern border, Canada would probably annex some of the northern tier and upper midwest. Cuba and south america would grab the southern states. Texas up to the ozarks and over to lousiana would be it's own country along with Alaska. We'd have the state of Appalachia. I have no idea who would want the east coast. Yeah, we wouldn't survive a true civil war where reds vs blues fought to unconditional surrender. We can survive low level 'Mostly peaceful demonstrations' and 'Insurections' until the end of time. Full on war. We all lose.
How about a war against the goobrments storm troopers? Run all fuderal employees out of the red states, or at least cut any supposed authority they have. Perhaps not the BP right away? Perhaps there could be room for a neighbor.
LOL @chelloveck .... a long post of his opinions, that he believes are facts. "opinions without facts are guesses.... "
Note to the peanut factory, Chel and I have history of productive discussion so I do tend to be more direct with him. I'm continually surprised at the attitude that the only people who have the right to walk the street are thugs who want to burn down buildings. Is the argument you're trying to make that we should belittle all young men who want to help keep the city peaceful? Because you are, in fact, belittling a young man who was clearly trying to do good in order to defend a mob of people who were clearly trying to do evil. It's a good thing Rittenhaus was armed, else he would certainly have been killed by the mob. He was threatened by one of the people he shot because he put out a dumpster fire. He was chased by a group of armed crazy people. Do you doubt they would have killed him if he hadn't been able to defend himself? The evidence mitigates against it. Also, the only person involved in this who made any racial statements was one of the people Rittenhaus shot, who was running around calling people racist names.
You were trolled @Seepalaces Like i have been many times,, I have asked for a time boot , as with the jester ! I don't always agree , But im still learning and seeing a different angle .. His post are just a slap !! Sloth Respect Seeplaces S
There can be no compromise in war. No negotiated peace. The only way to ensure a lasting peace is by total destruction of your enemy. It has to be so hard,so bad that they can't do anything but comply. You have to bleed them till they have nothing left. Victory means there has to be complete and utter destruction of you opponent. Anything less will not stand the test of time. Sherman was right, war is hell...
if you want to be pointing fingers and using your selective memory and history re-writing >>> why don't wind that back to the REAL cause & effect? the entire Kenosha snafu is because another POS street thug that's been exalted into BLM Fame & Fortune >> partial blame right back the questionable DA's & court system - Blake should have locked away YEARS & YEARS ago - then we have a couple of PD officers that were obviously afraid to put hands on the little SOB and contain the situation - instead they wait until it turns into a PD shooting .... nothing new - same exact thing alllllllll across the country from Sanford Trayvon to Twin Cities Floyd >>> crap that was allowed to fester until it became a raging infection .... as far as Rittenhouse is concerned he didn't cross any border - if you were a border person you'd understand that we simply go to the next town over - a state border means crap in the everyday world ... should Rittenhouse have done what he did? - or are there literally MILLIONS upon MILLIONS that haven't stood up to the ANTIFA/BLM crap and allowed them the victories >>> I wouldn't glorify him as some bigtime militia hero - I seriously doubt that Rittenhouse had anything more in mind than what he did up to the point he was attacked - he wants to be a fireman and EMT - that's what he was doing - carrying the fire extinguisher down the road was enough to get him attacked - the Kenosha FD would have been rock pelted just like the PDs if they were out doing their duty .... if you think Rittenhouse should have died from a mob beating instead of defending himself - not sure WTF you're doing on a prepper site >>>> better join reality and begin to realize that we face the EXACT same scenario in a serious SHTF - facing a starving crowd that is there to loot your place because someone stupidly broke OPSEC - MISTAKES SHOULDN'T BE DEATH SENTENCES WHEN A REMEDY IS AT HAND ...
Rittenhouse will be a victim of jurors afraid of doing the right thing and acquitting him of all charges -there is no justice when jurors live in fear and that is exactly what the liberal left wants --just another tactic to bring down this country