Would America Survive A Civil War?

Discussion in 'Freedom and Liberty' started by Dont, Nov 16, 2021.

  1. Dont

    Dont Just another old gray Jarhead Monkey

    Would America survive a civil war?

    Historically speaking, empires on average last for around 250 years, after which they tend to either slowly — or very, very quickly — fall apart due to overreach and internal conflict. Somewhat ominously, the 250th birthday of America is coming up in 2026.

    Yet when, towards the end of Trump’s presidency, a radical friend of mine told me that he thought America was headed for civil war, I dismissed the argument out of hand. Why? How? It takes a unique confluence of mistakes and crises for civil war to appear possible, and an even longer list of mistakes, crises and elite screw-ups for them to happen.

    But 2021 is a different world to 2015. Talk of insurrection, secession, civil conflict and civil war is no longer the chatter of the gullible and the mentally ill. It’s entering the fringes of polite society. Some support this ‘national divorce’; others are opposed to it. Others claim they would actually prefer to declare war on their recalcitrant countrymen rather than let them go their own way unmolested.

    None of this morbid interest in civil conflict is irrational, given the times. The year 2021 has thus far been a spectacular year for signs of political decline: the US has now seen all the notable “horsemen of the apocalypse” that historically herald strife and revolution appear, one after another. Political division among its elites, increasing loss of legitimacy in the eyes of the population, military defeat abroad, and a new and very ominous crisis in the real economy, with no end date in sight.

    Any one of these crises would be bad enough on their own; taken together, they represent a truly serious threat to the stability of the current order. Still, the question to be answered at the end of the day is quite simple: how likely is civil war, or national divorce, or a ‘troubles scenario’ really? To answer this question accurately, a few misconceptions about it being impossible have to be dealt with.

    One of the most worrisome aspects of contemporary American political discussion is the sense one often gets that many participants are possessed by a thinly-veiled bloodlust. Sometimes, that bloodlust is not even thinly-veiled; after the unarmed USAF veteran Ashley Babbit was fatally shot through a locked door in the Capitol building, many anonymous (and some less anonymous) commentators intimated that perhaps the problem with police violence in America wasn’t that officers were shooting and killing too many unarmed people but rather that maybe they just weren’t killing enough of them. Following a wave of destructive riots that tore through many cities in the United States last year, this turn toward open celebration of equally useless violence when it is visited on the enemy team speaks to a dangerous sort of polarisation.

    From this sort of bloodlust flows another very common assertion: that a civil war, if waged on American soil, would be over quickly, and lead to a fairly effortless massacre of any insurrectionists in flyover America. The idea here is that the US military is so advanced, and has so many tanks, gunships, fuel air bombs, and drones, that the federal government is simply assured of victory. As such, a civil war is an unlikely or impossible scenario, given the dramatic imbalance of power between the state and even a numerically large, dissatisfied internal population.

    But this is a dangerous misconception. While the US military is indeed powerful and lavishly funded, it is a military designed to fight other states. Warfare between states is bound by rules and regulations; it is based on consent. This might seem a strange assertion to make, given that a country cannot just decline a war declaration from an enemy, but it holds true. There’s a formal or informal understanding of who is an actual combatant and who is not.

    In contrast, warfare in primitive or tribal societies does not make any distinction between a civilian and a soldier. There are just enemies; ambushing and killing a 12-year-old girl drawing water at the creek is seen as normal as killing an adult warrior. This is where the European habit of calling uncivilised peoples “savages” comes from; rather than merely being an expression of racist chauvinism, Europeans were in fact oftentimes shocked by the habit of Native Americans and other peoples to ‘not play by the rules’.

    But playing by the rules is a mug’s game. An insurgency in America has about as much reason as the Native Americans once did to follow the rules of their enemies; they are under no compulsion to wear blinking strobe lights to make themselves easier for the drones to target. And that simple fact means that a counterinsurgency effort in the US is almost certainly doomed to fail.

    In counterinsurgency warfare, everything that makes the US armed forces great — high-tech weapon platforms with immense destructive power — are not just useless, but counterproductive. A tank parked outside a shopping mall in Idaho will either spend its time shooting at nothing, or be at a very high risk of killing innocent American civilians for the high crime of ‘looking suspicious’. Droning American weddings, like Afghan ones, does very little to advance the goals of a counterinsurgency. If anything, it only makes the relatives of the dead more likely to fight.

    The US armed forces are also at least an order of magnitude too small to do the job effectively. During Operation Banner, the British military deployed at most 20,000 soldiers in Northern Ireland to keep a lid on that wayward province. The US armed forces consist of about 1.3 million active duty personnel, but this is spread out over five branches (Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard), and only a small minority of military personnel are actually combat troops. It is thus very unlikely that the armed forces could scramble more than 100,000 regulars willing to do the job of holding an M4 carbine and patrolling down the main street of Anytown, Texas. To put that into perspective, Northern Ireland is about 2% the size of Texas.

    Then there’s the fact that the most significant political split in America is between rural areas and coastal metropoles, and the armed forces are reliant on the very areas it would be tasked with policing as far as recruiting soldiers goes. Red America is overrepresented within the armed forces, and this won’t change. As such, the US doesn’t just have too few soldiers, it has potentially unreliable ones, and the more brutality is used against recalcitrant red states, the more these soldiers will be ordered to fight and kill their own friends and family — a recipe for serious mutiny and disobedience.

    Finally, there is an even greater elephant in the room. In the case of an American drone pilot accidentally blowing up a wedding in Afghanistan, the Afghan relatives of the slain have very little recourse. If an American drone pilot blows up an American wedding, however, that drone pilot and his or her family lives in the United States. Given the likely unreliability of some significant parts of the armed forces, the names and addresses of the most hated butchers are unlikely to stay a secret for long.

    In Northern Ireland, for example, the provisional IRA not only attacked soldiers; they made a habit of assassinating the officers, commanders and politicians both for revenge and as a display of might. From Lord Mountbatten to a near-miss against Margaret Thatcher herself, to a score of less well-known targets, the IRA illustrates just how difficult it is to protect against an enemy that can simply choose to not wear a uniform before their enemies visit.

    Now, with that all that said, how likely is it that there will be some sort of civil conflict in the near or mid future for the United States?

    Unfortunately, the correct answer here may very well be that it is not terribly unlikely. What is significant about America today is not that it’s nearing its 250th birthday, but rather the clear and advanced signs of sickness in the body politic. The ranks of America’s military are now sullen and battered after 20 years of failed nation-building, while its higher officer corps is increasingly alienated from the world of its grunts, mirroring that same cultural, economic and social divide that is currently poisoning civilian life in the US.

    The legitimacy of its elite has been shaken repeatedly, and faith in the electoral process itself is now rapidly declining among large segments of the electorate. America is currently a malarial swamp of strange new faiths, creeds, soothsayers and itinerant prophets; from Q to vaccine scientism to various forms of psuedo-gnosticism centered around trans people. To a student of history, this should also be a familiar — and quite ominous — sign: France in the 1780s had its own scientism and mesmerism, and Russia in the 1910s and 1980s was rife with soothsayers and itinerant preachers of new strange faiths.

    Most ominously of all, however, looms the growing supply crisis. This crisis would be tolerable if it merely implied a lack of variety at the grocery store. In such a case, 2020s America might just have ushered in a new golden age of Soviet-style political jokes. But it is also creating havoc in the productive economy itself, denying farmers the spare parts to run their harvesters and car manufacturers the metals they need to make cars. The longer the crisis goes on, the more broken the economy will become, and the more painful the necessary reforms will be, once America’s elites truly wake up to the danger.

    If there is one time throughout history where civil wars are actually likely to occur, it is precisely when a delegitimated elite undertakes necessary reforms after letting underlying problems fester for decades. That is when states are at their weakest, and when they are vulnerable to the worst forms of internal disasters. Sadly, that might just be where America is headed today.
  2. oldman1111

    oldman1111 Monkey

    Very good and very true
    duane and Ura-Ki like this.
  3. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    It's not only quite possible, it quite likely!
    What Amerika looks like after, I don't know but it will sure be a much quieter place with out the MSM constantly harping about the latest conflagration of nothing!
    Long story short, the Patriots win, ( if we don't get our asses kicked by CCP/CCCP) and we start over with a much stronger version of what we already had, with a lot more strict rules that cannot be broken with out fear of death! We add to put Constitution and B.o.R l. That which is nessessory to ensure compliance from our leadership!
    We go back to " of the people, by the people, for the people"
  4. TnAndy

    TnAndy Senior Member Founding Member

    1776 and 1861, we had honest money you could save a use in any country, and wasn't so much dependent on what the govt said it was worth. And in both cases, there was near zero social support from the govt, so old one, or new one, made no difference....people were responsible for their own well being and accepted that.

    TODAY, what would a new country or group of States do on DAY ONE ? (and following). Would faith still hold in the US buck, your former country? All your former country would have to do is come out with red paper instead of green paper and declare all the green null and void after a certain date.

    Would the new country be able to trade with the old ? Maybe...maybe not

    Would the old country continue to provide social money (Social security, medicare/medicare, welfares of all sorts ) ? Likely that would all cease day one. Think of the millions now getting those 'benefits' (which are as much a financial straight jacket as a benefit).....think of the working people that no longer have a usable currency.

    See what the feds have done since 1865 is weave a financial strangle hold on every one in every State in the country, and make any kind of rebellion almost impossible. You figure out HOW to put a new country on a sound financial footing on Day One, and then we could proceed in some process (peacefully hopefully) of how to split.

    Until then, it is just talk.

    What I personally believe will happen eventually is the US Buck will finally crash to zero at some future point. When the feds destroy their own financial stranglehold on people, then people have nothing to gain staying with the status quo.
    Gator 45/70, Ura-Ki and duane like this.
  5. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    That is a lot of big word labels but I couldn't help but nod. It was just another time that I hope an EMP hits and takes out the web because I believe that is where the crazy starts and grows. Truth. What is the truth? What is real? It gets harder everyday to find the truth. I keep wondering what Ashley Babbit thought she was going to do after she got through that window. Did those folks really think they could take the Capital armed only with flag poles?

    America will not have a civil war. People are too soft. While there are strong folks, the majority are slowly getting strangled by the system, swirling the bowl trying to provide for their family. Are we now Venezuela? Or are we now like Mexico, except the feds are the cartel? When the pandemic hit, folks worried more about wiping their @$$ then securing their home. Restaurants had to stay open in cities because folks didn't know how to cook. That is America 2020.

    I just heard this video played last week on Veterans Day. I teared up because I feel that valor like this is dead and gone. When half the country worries about using proper pronouns and our youth is lost and without hope, the American Dream is dead. I still have lines that I will not tolerate being crossed but otherwise I believe live your best life.
  6. Dont

    Dont Just another old gray Jarhead Monkey

    Here is one more consideration to throw into the mix, one that has multiple paths to a solutions.

    A Not So New Form Of War
    A Not So New Form Of War
    Posted on November 16, 2021 by accordingtohoyt

    I was reading the news — I know, what a bad habit — when I read about Belarus, a Russian surrogate pushing/encouraging armed Middle Eastern “refugees” into Poland, when it hit me: They’re using people as weapons.

    Forget everything you heard about creating a replacement population, though these idiots might believe that notion.

    Forget about “refugees” too, the left’s insane term for economic migrants from shithole countries, propelled into more prosperous ones by dreams of easy money, mostly from corrupt welfare systems. Oh, sometimes propelled by religious visions — Muslims, Communists, and others — or by nationalistic fever and dreams of reconquista (of what was never theirs, nor even their ancestors) or of recovering the lands “stolen” from Dar Al Islam. (You might think the later is less likely than the reconquista, racialist fervor of La Raza commies, but I once found myself talking to the son of a Jordanian banker who — having found out I came from Portugal — went into a spit-flecked rage about how Portugal was stolen from Islam, and would be recovered.)

    Forget about thinking of these people as people. They are of course. Mostly horribly deluded people and, at least in the US traipsing into a situation that is going to go bad for them, very rapidly as tensions worsen.

    But for a moment pretend you’re one of the self styled technocrats (yes, it requires that you buy into that ridiculous appellation for people who can open their own email — maybe — one time in three.)

    To begin with the one thing you must understand is that these are not very bright people. Cunning, yes. Indoctrinated yes. But their actual intelligence is middling. They occupy the positions they do mostly thanks to the left’s take over of all means of communication in the 20th century and by the fact that people hiring for an ideology are, of necessity, blind to competence. And when that ideology — central state control of everything — has already proven itself about as healthful and prosperity-inducing as gonorrhea with a side of syphilis, the people mouthing that ideology, particularly in its Marxist variant, are not competent people. Or sane people. Or in fact, anyone you’d want to leave in charge of your cat, let alone of your country. (And if you doubt my diagnosis, get a load of the governor of Oregon in her Christmas mask. What actual human being over the age of 2 would think of that bizarre, mind-boggling getup, much less someone in an official position? Think of it, let alone wear it? ships in your coiffure are understated and sensible by comparison. But that ridiculous creature probably thinks it’s homey and gives her the common touch. Which is true, if the touch is common in padded cells throughout the Earth.)

    So imagine that you’re a not particularly bright person, maybe of an interesting color, maybe a woman, but almost for sure of the right class and having attended the “correct” institutions, who made the required Marxist noises and suddenly, out of nowhere, saw yourself whisked into the corridors of highest power: your election fixed, (or your spouse’s election), your career smoothed, praises heaped upon you, your every action a cause for the press to fawn and prostrate themselves before the glow of your imagined brilliance.

    Come on, you’ve seen the essays of Michelle Obama or “Doctor” Jill Biden, or the unscripted utterances of Obama, or even Hillary Clinton, and let’s not even mention smaller luminaries like Beto O’Rourke, Pete Buttigieg or the cackling fool who doesn’t know how to solve our oil issues. You’ve watched the curiously affect-free expressions of the Junta’s spokeswoman who keeps circling back to inanity. You know that the VP they frauded in has one talent, and it has nothing to do with her ability to think (And frankly, I think worse of Willie Brown’s intelligence for having foisted her on American politics. And I never thought him that bright before.)

    So, you’re mediocre to “can’t find my *ss with two hands, a seeing eye dog and a multimillion dollar *ss finding system.” BUT you suddenly find yourself occupying a position of prominence. And everyone — or at least the media, which you understand represents everyone — fawns on you and tells you how smart you are.

    Little by little or all at once, in the dim, slogan filled darkness that passes for your mind, you decide “By gum. I know I don’t understand all that much. But they think I’m brilliant. THAT must MEAN that everyone else is even dumber.”

    Boom. You’ve become a self-styled technocrat. Propaganda-crat would make more sense. You’re a being who will buy the most ridiculous idiocies spouted by “experts” because frankly you never got this scientific method thing, and you and reasoning are rarely in the same zip code. You might be able to refrain from drowning when it rains, but probably only because you have people to guide you indoors.

    So you buy all the theories of all the “experts” looking only for grants. Anthropogenic global warming is not only proven, in your mind, but is going to kill us all in a decade or so (because you never really understood geologic time.) The experts agree, so it must be true. But at the same time, you are — of course — exempt from anything to mitigate it. However, those evil and stupid people who are dumber than you but won’t obey you unquestioningly? They must suffer to appease the climate gods.

    And don’t get me started on where they think money comes from (printing presses is the short form answer) or their bizarre and irrational hangups about nuclear power (“bad thing. Professor said it was bad. Bad bad bad. Banish with holy bird slicers.”)

    BUT the overriding idea in their dinosaurian shibboleth crammed walnut sized brains is that they, the anointed, by virtue of having memorized the pronouncements of the “experts” are now “technocrats and high priests of tech and science, who get to command the fate of nations and the lives of lesser humans.

    Which is why, like Mongol hordes, impelling populations ahead of them, or the Moorish warriors ditto, or the various tribal variations on this they’re using entire populations as weapons. (They probably think its the first time anyone thought of it, too.)

    These pseudo refugees are weapons that, thrown at the population they want to vanquish, not only cause physical injury (Yeah, I know, but I remind you these ardent believers in Covidiocy exempt border crashers from vaccines, and also that middle Eastern “refugees” in Europe tend to blow up when shaken. Or looked at wrong.) but also economic injury, as well as a corruption of every institution designed to serve and/or protect the people. (However misguided that institution. I don’t approve of state “charity”.)

    Yes, sure, the idiot left in the US think these are forever their vote farm too. Yes, they are that stupid, and if their plan succeeded would be the first to find themselves killed. It won’t, mostly because we’re out of money. I predict a grande Salida that will make Obama’s look like child’s play. No, seriously. If this winter is half as hard as I expect, there will be a sauve qui peut the other direction on the border, because when it comes to starving people would rather do it at home. (I actually would expect it to already be movement the other direction, probably in increasing numbers. But there’s no point trying to find out. They won’t tell us. But the smart newcomers — and not all of them are stupid — should already be sniffing the air and beating feet.)

    And in Europe the “middle eastern” refugees have become weapons of international aggression.

    Two things worry me in all this, and neither is that the pseudo technocrats will be in power forever on the back of these populations.

    No the two things that worry me are: when do the countries thus attacked just start blowing the human horde up? (In Poland I’d expect it very soon. Their history would demand it. At a guess, the only thing holding them back is fear of international demonization. And I’m not even sure they’re right.)

    And do they then go marching fully into blood and soil ideology, as a way of dealing with what they had to do?

    It would seem to make psychological sense to me. These technocrats are after all fascists without the saving grace of naitonalism, which at least requires one to consider one’s own countrymen human. They just consider every human widgets. (And they do it at every level, which is why they also run corporations as though their employees weren’t real people. Probably why they hate small businesses who insist on treating people as people.) Real national socialists might very well look sane by comparison to most of the world. (They aren’t. But they might get a substantial foothold before that’s revealed. And all we need is another century combating a DIFFERENT facet of Marxism.)

    Can civilization respond to this in the only way that will stop it when governments are luring them and paying them to invade — I will remind you that “compassion” is luring women and small children to be raped and left to die in the desert South of the border; and that children are being stolen from their parents to give cover to criminals because we’re being “kind” — and save its soul? Or at least not go back to the beginning of the 20th century?

    If we — not Europe. It won’t happen in Europe — try to restore the careful net of containment and international cooperation that was working under Trump, will it even work? Given all the broken promises and treaties? Will anyone trust us?

    In other words, is it possible to treat people as people, while others are treating them as weapons? Is it possible to stop this nonsense without the use of force against the weapon?

    I don’t know. I’m not sure I want to find out. But I suspect we will.

    And to the idiots, soft heads and custard brains encouraging this sort of invasion because they think SOMEHOW they’re doing a good thing: Stop it. Stop it right now. Your protegees and hopefuls are being lured to a situation that is going to turn bad very quickly. And the results will be the opposite of what you think.

    As to the idiot communists forming caravans to invade the US: there is nothing as idiotic as a Latin idiot with race supremacy and Marx shoved up his rear end and coming out his mouth. You are in above your head. You won’t enjoy this. We are not the Americans Hollywood showed you. Go back while you can.

    Because every time this is used, the numbers need to be much larger (relatively), to prevent the population-as-a-weapon from becoming minced meat, when the receiving country has had about enough.

    You have been warned.

    As for the “technocrats”… I have no idea how long we’ll tolerate this, but there’s no happy ending there.

    These are people who have a wildly inflated notion of their own intelligence, and virtually no understanding of humanity. On a scale of zero to fiddling while Rome burns, they’re at running around setting fire to Rome and demanding applause.

    In the end, they lose.

    Let’s make sure civilization wins.
  7. snake6264

    snake6264 Combat flip flop douchebag

    I say no I would survive but it would not look like the first civil war it would be worse. There are a lot of us out there who know a heck of a lot more than the farm boy my Great Grandfather was when he went to war. It would be nasty and bloody affair.
    But I'm game if you want to mess with my way of life
    Dark Wolf, 3cyl, Yard Dart and 3 others like this.
  8. madmax

    madmax Far right. Bipolar. Veteran. Don't push me.

    Well. I yam what I yam. The King of Siam.

    A free man.
    crowdaddy, Ura-Ki and Seepalaces like this.
  9. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    Will America survive civil war ? No too many passiveists.
    People would rather run than fight.
  10. Illini Warrior

    Illini Warrior Illini Warrior

    doesn't matter what provokes a civil war in the US - it wouldn't be more than a few weeks and it would a racial one >>> the urban areas would quikly divide with the blacks & other ethnics on a lower society rung rioting & looting on a purely $$$$$$$$$ basis - and that eventually means attacking the white areas where the personal wealth resides >>> once that soft shell is cracked it'll go into wide open chasm no-holds-barred war .....

    there'd still be radical & liberal whites involved where the radical blacks allowed it - some areas of the country it'd be purely a skin color enemy determination - close to ethnic cleansing conditions

    and you'd have the DNC initially trying to maintain power & authority by playing the race card - they'd even eventually divide with politicians like Obammy not wanting to share ....

    the final determination will be what the enemy & friendlies countries do - could be a Red Dawn scenario with invasions and occupations by Blue Helmets .....
  11. GOG

    GOG Free American Monkey

    It all sucks. There is so much evil and corruption being exposed that it becomes crazy making.
    I think it will eventually require the people themselves to fix it. Pray for America.
  12. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    First, there would have to be something to kick it off, something that couldn't be ignore, something where not only the people said "No!" but at the State level also. Something like the Feds having the Federal Marshalls and the FBI arrest Texas governor on some bogus charges and things get out of hand, get bloody.

    Personally, I think people are fed up and are ready for it but they will not stick their neck out until they have leadership and in that area we are sorely lacking. Where are our leaders?

    But, if it was to happen, I think it would put the French, Russian and Spanish Civil Wars to shame. Given the knowledge from all these previous civil wars and from the experience obtained from guerilla conflicts (from Tito, to Viet Cong, to IRA) throughout the world, I think the streets would run red.

    I believe there is a huge majority of Americans in the middle going all the way to the right, a huge majority. Even Democrats are not progressives nor radicals and I frankly don't think these Leftists have the numbers to fight and if they do they will lose quickly because the odds are too much in our favor. And, the smart ones know it. They would lose everything they have created since FDR plus their lives. There is no way they would survive and would either be force to leave the country and live in exile, be shot down, or hung...maybe a firing squad.

    I also think the military wouldn't be as effective as one would think. Why? Numerous reasons... It's not a North vs. South type of conflict for one and both sides will have access to weaponry with the edge going to Right conservatives because that's what makes up the majority of the military.

    Anyway, I think a Civil War is possible but leadership and something explosive needed - so - in that regard, highly unlikely.
    Mountainman, GOG, duane and 3 others like this.
  13. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    Nope. No civil war.
    There may be some local / regional conflicts but eventually they'll be squelched.
    Might not even hear about it as media will be controlled as it is elsewhere across the globe.
    The bastion of freedom is no longer the united states, our day in the sun has come and gone.

    France probably has more freedom than we do. We need to learn from them again.
    alas, our society has been dumbed down for the last couple of generations and are now just a bunch of out of shape both physically and mentally. We are medicated, entertained, distracted to do anything about it.

    When i say our society. I'm talking like 75% or higher of the entire adult population is just going to do what the govt says because other wise, we are going to starve, freeze and will be pimped out to those with the means of production.

    of the remaining 25 percent:
    Some of us are really getting too old (physically) to do something about the tragedy we see is happening even though we want to.
    Some of us will do something but we don't know what it needs to be so we are just preparing to save our own.
    Some of us are going to remain gray and flit between both groups.
    Some of us are ready to go when the call goes out.

    Alas, The call is not going to come.
    We are just going to watch the country slide from our grasp.

    We are actually the fortunate. We will be gone before the sunset. It's our grandkids that are truly screwed as we will not have produced enough children because our ability afford to raise more was limited by not reaching far enough.

    Probably not enough of us to make a difference now. But that's what the plan always was. Slowly but relentlessly dilute the influence of those that could make a difference.

    I some how think that we will have a hold out in Salt Lake City. There are those that seem to have mastered the long game there. the rest of us. Well hopefully we will be remembered by someone.
    GOG, duane, Ura-Ki and 4 others like this.
  14. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    crowdaddy and Gray Wolf like this.
  15. Gray Wolf

    Gray Wolf Monkey+++

    All I can say is this, when it spreads out of the cities, certain people will be shocked at the difference between the city mice and the country mice.
    Mountainman, crowdaddy, 3cyl and 4 others like this.
  16. Seepalaces

    Seepalaces Monkey+++

    I just read that the Rittenhaus jury may end up hung because a couple jurors are worried about the community response to the trial. If this isn't civil war, what is it? And, also, every time I think I can't think any less of my generation, something else plummets my expectations. Imagine thinking about sending a kid to prison for the rest of his life because you're a coward. People are awful
    crowdaddy, Bandit99, johnbb and 10 others like this.
  17. Dont

    Dont Just another old gray Jarhead Monkey

    Only thing all that evil will do is provide a target rich environment.

    If, as I expect, we go into a civil war it will be a fourth gen war. Civilian against agencies. Once it becomes obvious to the goobervent that they are losing then they will call out the mil.
    See, TPTB WANT the civil war. They have as much said so. They want to be able to lay the blame for the draconian, oppressive actions at the feet of the conservatives. What the Patriots have to do is get the legitimacy and the support of the people behind them and keep it, or it will fail. Count on there being ff events that will be used to vilify patriots. More killing of children. Starving masses in cities. Killings of leader's families. Anything to shift a negative narrative and blame to the patriots. They want us all DEAD!
    Something else that is vitally critical to any susses is that it must be part of GOD's plan for these times. If he is on our side, we win, if not then we loose.

    The Jews in 70AD had been convinced by one of their Generals, that GOD was on their side.
    So, they went to war against the Roman Empire.
    Yes this was part of GOD's plan, only it was a plan to destroy Israel and scatter the Jew in exile amongst the nations. For 2,000 years, and many slaughters of the Jews during that time.
    But the promise was that one day GOD would bring them back home.
    GOG, Gray Wolf, duane and 1 other person like this.
  18. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    Sending a dumbass kid to prison for life for much less than Rittenhause is alleged to have done, is not a particularly uncommon occurrence...doing so in this particular case would require more courage than some jurors may seem to have.
  19. Steverino

    Steverino #LEAVETHEGOP

    the Left is overt in their authoritarianism now.... so there can be no "half measures" in their socialist march. They cannot let there be a separation... Because doing so provides a destination for the exodus of people to free states as they realize what the left's oppressive policies really mean. They cannot allow a separation of states where the majority of firearms reside. Firearm owners are not going to simply give up their guns like the Germans did in the 1930's. They have to disarm the population... the whole population.

    It's way too big a threat to them.
    GOG, Dont and duane like this.
  20. Illini Warrior

    Illini Warrior Illini Warrior

    one of the problem they have with a venue like Kenosha County - SMALL - still talking about 10,000s of people - but "everyone knows everyone else - and - everyone knows your biz" ....

    you don't hear juror names because it's trouble - but I can safely say ANTIFA/BLM knows names - has full ID's >> somebody goes missing at the Snap-On Plant - "jury duty" >>>> 10,000 knows his/her name - it's just the way it is

    and afterward - it's a wide open freaking circus - you know ANTIFA is about revenge and intolerance >>> need to be ready to face that head-on
    crowdaddy and Seepalaces like this.
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