seems like some have a much lower tolerance to the stuff in the vax? and health issue occur... or they die... lot of reports... claims were made... metal particles... nanobots... spike proteins... magnets sticking to shot site etc... thinking those pushing for it are fully aware of it's short comings... and dangers... yet they still make threats and push... gotta wonder... gotta question why... why is this so important to force on everyone??? even when so far all reports say natural is way better... yet even if you have the antibodies they still want you to take the shot... kinda wonder if the shots they claim to have had... or were photo oped having... were real or just saline??? there is a very very strong push to force all our military to accept the vax... also IIRC there were reports the certain bad batch's were used here in the US and mostly good batch's went overseas??? woke up with an odd thought... suppose the vax contains something... the actual make up of it is uncertain to most of us... that is reactive to certain stimulation??? and will not react in MOST folks until that stimulation is present??? would be a way to disable much of our military... and many civilians... just an odd thought...
no... was not even aware such a book existed... just woke up with that in my head... interesting thing... have heard some people when they sleep come up with such... also may be of interest... I was highly rated for pattern analyses during testing when i enlisted and during my time in the service not sure if that applies to this though...
I look at it this way. It's a personal decision that should be made on ones research done with their own doctor. If you and sawbones agree on the choice of action (whether to get it or not) None of my business. I don't care if you get the shot or not. Neither should the government. Don't ask, don't tell seemed to work for many years. I also believe that if you had it, ya already got the antibodies. Kinda like chicken pox.
@OldDude49 "...gotta question why... why is this so important to force on everyone???...woke up with an odd thought... suppose the vax contains something...would be a way to disable much of our military... and many civilians..." Why? Well, if you can answer that question then you are probably the smartest person on the planet because the ENTIRE world is asking that question! Journalist, doctors, scientists, tinkers, tailors, soldiers, spies are asking it. And, no one can get to the bottom of it and find out the true reason. Hell, most of the entire USA has had C-19 by now and they are pushing even harder to get a needle into everyone's arm. WHY? It doesn't make any damn sense but they keep pushing it and now they want the children vaccinated even though ALL OF THIS TIME they all said children were not at risk. I have driven myself nuts trying to figure this out and my conclusion is there is not one answer - there's a lot of different answers - a different answer for every group that gains something. But, remember this - it's not ONLY the USA it's all the major world governments and that there throws another twist into this mystery...and gives me a sick stomach. Why? Maybe it's to drive all the conspiracy theorists insane LOL! because I have heard some really whacko theories these past months. LOL! Money. Power. Control. I have heard everything from depopulation of the planet to the vaccine will interact with 5G and kill us in our sleep to its got 666 the mark of the beast on name it! Why? The million dollar question... Instead of answering with what we don't know maybe we should be answering with what we do know and see where that leads us because I fear by the time we find out it will be too late. Don't get me wrong, I am not an anti-vax person but I am damn well not going to shove a drug into my arm that is a totally new type of vaccine until it has had enough time to show its true colors, like if its truly safe or not. I mean, what the hell, I'm suppose to trust Biden, Dr. Fauci, or the CDC? Not going to happen...
* carefully adjusts tinfoil tricorn, clears throat * EXCLUSIVE - Every single Covid-19 Vaccine death was caused by less than 5% of the batches produced and the majority were sent to red Republican States across the USA
I'm 73 now and have lots of health issues soooo I will not comply with the shot.humans have a natural immune system so i feel safer NOT taking the witches brew they are injecting
is the anti-shingles shot for chicken pox or measles? VA insisted I take em... got 2 over a 6 or 7 month period and now I came down with a allergy to of all things... soap???? WTAF? got me wondering... gonna do some research I reckon...
You've obviously never heard of Alex Jones. Let me help you out. Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Here's a question for you. Does anyone know someone that has been vaxed and your not. Then the vaxed person has in my case has started changing their personality ?
OMG! Having been double Vaxxed...I have double the probability of turning into a MAGA conservative????
securely tightens tie wrap maintaining titanium foil hat: The current vax is setting you up to be the target for the next chicom virus. You get the vax you WILL die when exposed to the new one.
But Lancer, I also thought this was an obvious answer but thinking it through, it doesn't pass the logic test. I am not saying its impossible, just that it's not logical. Here's what I think... If they did this (and I don't put it by them now) then the one's that live are folks like you and me, independent minded, fact based individuals and, for the most part, all want less government in their lives. These are exactly the people they would WANT to get rid of, the ones that cause the problems to their policies, while the ones that say, "Well, President Biden and Dr. Fauci says it safe so here's my arm, jab away." are the future serfs want and need. How about this...They release a new virus or a mutation from C-19 and kill those of us that are NOT vaxxed and do so announcing on their propaganda machine, teary-eyed with a clear moral conscience, they had tried to ensure everyone was vaxxed and if we had just followed their rules and laws then we all would have lived. Big win win! They are rid of dissidents. They have a huge propaganda win.
Dang me if th' conspiracy theorist wins if'n yer don't get vxxed and they win if'n yer do get vaxxed...either way they prove tha trooth of thar danged conspiracy theories!
You are not particularly amusing here Chel, at least to me. Have lost two good friends in their mid 50s that survived Covid just fine and died within 3 weeks of getting the vaccine. And a 3rd friends wife that developed severe neurological problems with a couple hours of getting the first dose and still months later does not have the fine motor control to feed herself. That is hardly conspiracy theory stuff. So take yer smart ass leftist shit and peddle it somewhere else on this one.