we are so close to the next C$I$V$I$L war we have a president and vp that are the laughing stock of the world. we as a nation cannot last much longer with all the crap washington is putting on the people. I'm in the belief that the government wants to start a war IMHO (No prefix)
sure SEEMS like that is the case... IMHO... and betting they call in the UN if they start losing... think chinese and middle eastern and african troops that have no problem ignoring the Constitution...
Remember what Japan said about America" there is a gun behind every blade of grass". A civil war herewould be bad more so if the UN was called in. Those dimocrat moma babies would be no more. The next presidental election will be the turning point. China would be the winner in a USA civil war. I look for another world war before we have a civil war. China,Russia both are just waiting . My old grandpa's generation would not have let this crap get this far before some elected officals were hanging from lamp posts. Also i do not believe most of our armed forces would not let the UN take over. Block a few roads,airports howwould they get in,the ports are already blocked so i dont believe that would happen. The borders are the problem,no country can survive with open borders,think about it.
China had it right The Great Wall. We need a great Southern Wall with gun emplacements. Bidumb has come clean he wants to pay those poor families separated by Trump families than entered this country illegally. Yea paying for future demoRat voters
New poll as of today says 59% of voters disapprove of the biden administration. Trump is now far more popular than biden. Independents are livid. Only 1 out of 7 approving of the biden administration. Half of democrats are so stupid they "expected the biden admin to be this bad". So they lost. Dems are doubling and tripling down on their agenda. Saying if we passed the drunken sailor spending orgy it would have helped biden.
Interesting times for sure, when the sheeple figure out why the emergency rooms all over the country are so full the reaction could be fun to watch. Right now, Big Tech censors everything but the word is beginning to trickle out, get enough healthy people that have had heart attacks etc into the MSM and blame it on the Vaxx, look out. Otherwise we might make Rawanda look like a church picnic. One way or another something has got to change, Soros must be laughing like mad.
I think it is obvious now the Biden administration doesn't give a spit about opinion polls, what the American public thinks or what they will do at the next elections in 2022. And, the answer is obvious - they are confident that they CAN rigged the election to ensure they have control of the house and senate - period. For if not, they would be changing their tune and damn quick...but they are not, as stated, the "Dems are doubling and tripling down on their agenda" which as politicians makes no damn sense whatsoever. I believe they will continue to push as hard and fast as possible and when they steal the election in 2022 and we the sheeple look around asking, 'What the hell happened?" - well - it's game over. They know America has been trained from birth to be law abiding and will do nothing. They also know that a won election, even though its stolen, has the law behind it and the moral high ground so...so American sheep will do nothing, except what we always do, bleat. We will bleat how strange, wrong or impossible it is but we'll do nothing. And, so goes freedom and so goes the country... I recently watch a video, a very long video, that sicken me and it documented case after case of congressmen and senators affiliations with the Communist party. Oh, in some cases it's called the Socialist party but it has deep and long connections to the communists. Probably as much as 1/3 of the elected government with again as many bureaucrats/administrators are in fact associated with the communist/socialist party some how. Think about that for a moment, sounds nuts but it's right in our face. And, how do you get them out - well - you can't if they control the elections. The country is lost. Face it. Understand it and come to grips with it. This can and will ONLY play out three ways: 1. A separation of the country - However, would the Leftists even allow such a thing, especially since they have all the cards and control the game? Doubtful. 2. Total Civil War - Will some leader step forward which will unite us? We had a good leader in President Trump but many, too many, were completely blind to his endeavors for the nation and chose only to see his faults and believe the non-stop propaganda. However, now we see that all these things like energy independence, low unemployment, a sane and safe border, etc. can actually be accomplished even without the support of most Republicans and all Democrats. What I am saying is we had a 'People's President' but we all could/would not get behind him because he wasn't perfect even though he put the nation first. We would have to change if we are too win. And, first we would have to unite under one leader, warts and all...I'm not sure we can and the Commie SOBs know it! 3. Acceptance of Socialism/Communism - game over - accept you have sold your children and grandchildren into serfdom because you decided to "go along to get along." That's what 'WE' are all guilty of to include myself. There are some damn hard personal decisions coming in the near future. We ALL should be making those decisions NOW and planning for them. And, if you think all can be accomplished within the system - well - you need to wake up. They control the system and are using it against us. Everything they have done, just like Adolf Hitler and his pack of Fascists, is within the law, our laws, and if those laws are bent or broken - well - try and prove it because they control the system and the propaganda machine. So let's all 'go along to get along' and kick the can down the road because it will all sort itself out someday...but it won't and history has shown it won't. Rant over...
You know how I know the democrats are going to keep on loosing. They flat out dismiss James Carville, aka the GOPs worst nightmare, the dems flat out laugh at him like he is some kind of joke and are doubling down on cringy people, cringe press events and failed woke bs. After the Virginia election they called people racist and said they weren't understanding their message.
If I were a Democrat, or a Rino, January 6th would have scared the hell out of me, yet it only made them double down on their BS, which makes me lean to the theory that Jan 6 was orchestrated by them. They are operating with no fear of repercussion and that in and of itself makes me fear for our Republic more than anything else. I have never seen such arrogance from elected officials, standing in defiance of the will of the people and not giving a crap what the populace thinks. It's a recipe for civil unrest or civil war. If they secure sweeping wins in 2022 I feel like that will be the final trigger that gets the populace of their collective asses to do something about it.
My decision was made long ago, I will not comply with tyranny. I'm not much of a fighter, but I know right from wrong and right now damn near everything is wrong. An oath I took over fifty years ago hasn't expired and I honor it today. So let the Devil take the hindmost, they're in for a fight. We Americans are good hearted people, we're generally kind and tolerant. We've put up with an awful lot of stuff over the years but now the People are turning and when it turns it will be monumental.
Yes, yes, YES! Exactly! You got it, Tempstar! This is exactly what should be sending up alarms, sky rockets, red flares to all of us. Politicians not listening to polls, lost elections and their voters should make all of us very, very afraid. Why? Because they do not need to, because they are so confident of winning enough elections that they will continue to hold power. Why are they so confident? Better asked, how can they be so confident? Because they will be the ones doing the counting... Now, if you and I can see it, then the incompetent Republican party can see it and if they allow it to happen - AGAIN - then they are also a major part of the problem and need to be dealt with. This stuff is going to get real and very soon...
They're already on board and have been for years. The republicans are just as bent as the dems and have been for years. The reps are even more loathsome than the commies. They're smarmy quislings.
Of course they want a civil war, they hate this country and everything it stands for. They hate white people, too. They hate Christians, they hate every traditional authority we've got. The Zionists know how to use Communism to destroy from within, that's how it was designed. But you should know that first they have to convince the rest of us it's all our own doing. Sure, they've manipulated the laws enough to place pressure on gun shows and gun shops. They have even made it so ammunition isn't easy to acquire, and damn near impossible in many places. Much of what you see on television, which is obviously CIA scripted, is designed to incite fear and anger. They've baited this race war for decades, and they've radicalized both political parties so much under Trump that practically everything becomes a fireball event. All of these policies and decisions with the muppet on the hill now is meant to be calamitous. They want to destroy this country, all of it. They do not care about the economy, it's not even pertinent to their operation. The goods can stay on cargo ships and rot, it doesn't matter one bit. The gas prices can soar sky-high, they want you to become desperate and angry. Unemployment can reach record levels, they will keep pumping out more compensation to the deadbeats while the hard working folks hold up their end because the new vaccine mandates will force many of those people out as well. They want to kill you if you are white because you are in the way. You represent the moral and traditional fabric of this nation -they despise you. The borders can remain open, unvaccinated immigrants being flown all over the country secretly by the communists in charge, and if they are criminals, all the better. If they are militants, best of all. They want you to be raped, murdered, and living in fear. If they withdraw the funding for police, so be it. You do not matter, your safety means nothing to them. In the end, they will have their "paradise" without you, one way or another. Am I making the point yet? There are still a lot of good people making a stand, but we just aren't doing enough, yet. Too little, far too late.
The BiDumb illegal regime laughs off high gas prices and inflation which is totally out of control. Kraft Foods just announced a 20% across the board increase in their prices. Something has to be done
Let 'em come. 15-25 million patriot "irregulars" back stopping the patriot regulars will give them a whole new reason to want to de-ass the AO and boogie back out of here right damn didi mau. I have always believed that the ballot box was the way to effect change. I no longer see that as an option to get our founders dream back. At 75 I can no longer march from Lexington to Concord but a tree, hill, or rooftop along the way will work just fine. Past time to winnow the chaf.
Just think, this entire country is being brought to its knees by less then a couple hundred people, and here we all sit, unable to stop them! Why, because the laws protect them until there are no longer police to enforce the laws! This whole refund movement is gonna back fire bigly, unless "they" bring in their own enforcement goons right quick and in a hurry like, it's gonna get sporty! Frankly speaking, the time for actions is right now, just as soon as enough police quit/get fired/leave, the hen roll on in and arrest the Key players and do what needs doing, and make a big show of it too! Public hangings, firing squads, lottery type pull the switch kinda deals,ale the general public have to watch it all, and that means taking down the MSM and taking control of the message! Remember, were suffering because of just a few hundred assholes have all the power, certainly more then they have a right to, it's time to take it all back!
This is for all you preppers, you have known for years we have to know how to take care of you & yours. We have known that if we are to survive then you need to know how. It is too late to hope that things will be turning around. One needs to concentrate on your home and your community. I firmly believe that if one stays away from the news and the big social media sites it is better for your mental health. Your survival starts with you so you better figure it out.