When the HOA orders you to cut the grass - they are not kidding...

Discussion in 'Freedom and Liberty' started by DKR, Oct 28, 2021.

  1. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    Same here, Start busting caps at the police....alone...Your gonna get it
    We had some squirrel-shit for brains lazy mofo that wouldn't mow his lawn in the neighborhood once.
    11 inches is the parish limit on lawns
    1 warning of a ticket
    2 you get a ticket and fine, The parish cuts the grass, You get to pay again for the lawn services.
    Dude had chicken trees growing in his back yard, His little boy was ate up with fleas.
    He cut his grass and then sold out all butt-hurt....lol
    chelloveck and HK_User like this.
  2. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    Trees like that???


    Coops are better for chicken management of parasites. I used to smear a concotion of sulfur and some flour into a paste and smear it on the roosts...the body heat discouriged mites and other pests. :)
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  3. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

    It seems we have only .gov/PTB information and we all know how faulty that might be.
    Was the subject under any meds?
    Was the subject asleep or under the influence of meds when the paper work was flopped on the front stoop?
    To be served has certain aspects not yet answered.
    When the robot was deployed did it have an incendiary device such as smoke or tear gas?
    David Koresh actions?
    Inquiring minds want to know.

    You are "free" to go!

    We all know what a nice group the .gov group is.
    Sunnyvibes and Gator 45/70 like this.
  4. enloopious

    enloopious Rocket Surgeon

    Dumb people all deserve to be killed? Nobody actually read the story? I'm pretty sure the story said he was mentally unstable which means he shouldn't have had guns to begin with. The same system that failed to keep the guns from him killed him for having them. This happens to mentally defective and handicapped people all the time. Their handicaps prevent them from understanding what is happening and then they are killed for it. Then SJWs go online and try to justify it.
    3cyl, Gator 45/70, DKR and 1 other person like this.
  5. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    Casting doubt on the briefing by the Austin police department and the news media does not make the contents of the briefing untrue, simply on the basis that the .gov can't be trusted. If you have credible, corroborated facts that contradict the official police account, please produce them.

    It seems that the deceased's actions were not rational, and were disproportionate to the circumstances. Do you have any evidence that he was affected by prescribed meds or self administered non prescription narcotics?? Does being affected by meds, make his actions any less hazardous to himself, his neighbours and/or first responders??

    Not known....but the deceased was apparently conscious and awake an hour after the lawn maintenance folks began making a racket with their lawn mowers, whipper snippers, hedge trimmers and other power tools...perhaps the deceased was deaf too?

    Apparently there had been previous efforts to make contact with the occupant, but attempts to communicate were unsuccessful. Unfortunately the final attempts at communication were terminally unsuccessful. :(

    Regardless of the unanswered aspects of the warrant service, at the end of the day...taking pot shots at other people is going to generally end badly...either for the shooter, his tagets and/or collateral damaged gunshot victims. A poorly executed warrant service does not excuse or justify shooting people, simply because the shooter has the means to do it.

    You're really trying hard to speculate upon the cause of the fire, potentially offloading responsibility for the fire onto the Austin Police Department. Perhaps his chakra meditation candles were accidentally bumped into some flammable material while he was fumbling around trying to load his firearm....the forensic fire investigation may be able to come up with answers to your question which should in turn become some of the evidence for a coronial enquiry.

    It is not known whether the active shooter was running a cult from his house, nor that he was a serial pedophile as David Koresh was, However, if you discover evidence that it was a re-run of Waco, do let us know.

    I am not sure that the minds are actually enquiring, more a matter of the minds having been already made up, and it's everyone else's fault but the active shooter's.

    Blackguarding the gov.group is all good sport in this echo chamber, and the audience here will often nod in agreement and approval at this kind of tribal affirming schtick. What you are in essence suggesting is don't trust the gov.group narrative....are you also appealing to alternative facts?
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  6. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    No they do not, and I did not say, nor infer that they should be killed...enough dumb people kill themselves and others, without also being killed by LEOs. What I did say explicitly is:
    The guy did seem to have some issues, whether they rose to the magnitude of cognitive incompetence, or profound psychiatric impairment at the time of the incident is not yet established. Perhaps he was sane and cognitively functional when he first acquired those weapons, and had the Constitutional right to bear his arms, but ageing (at 55 years of age is not exactly ancient) may have stealthily robbed him of his faculties to make reasonable and rational use of that very same constitutionally guaranteed weaponry.

    He had firearms because he had not hitherto done anything that warranted removing them via the legal system, and the bad (until convicted of a felony), the mad (until they do something that is demonstrably dangerous with what weaponry that they have, or until they are placed into institutional care), and the 'sad' (who are at risk of self harm or suicide) will continue to enjoy all the benefits of their 2A rights, fully supported by the NRA and other 2A proponents. The death of such 'at risk' people, and their victims, being the acceptable price of the unfettered constitutional right of the good, the sane and the cognitively competent to bear arms, just in case some evil tyrannical government(some time in the future) should do things that they do not approve of.

    You are talking 2A heresy sir!

    Oh my lord, are you making a heads you win, tails I lose kind of argument???

    The dude got killed because he was a clear and present danger to others in the vicinity, by virtue of the fact that he was firing his weapons where others in the neighbourhood were at risk of being killed and/or injured by his actions, not simply because he possessed the weaponry.

    If he took to shooting at people who were mowing his lawn, that they were legally mandated to do via a compliance warrant, imagine the response if the 55yo white dude had been warranted to surrender his beloved, blessed firearms.

    It is likely that this happens some of the time, and probably more often than is preferable, but most people who have mental health issues don't take up arms and start taking potshots at other people; That is why, when it does happen, it becomes news. Gun deaths in America are such a commonplace, that it takes something very uncommon (and sensational) to take up column inches away from TRumpelthinskin's latest social media hissy fit.

    You're making it sound like .gov are conducting some kind of involuntary euthanasia program similar to Germany's 'Lebensunwertes Leben' policy, one armed gunman/gunwoman siege at a time. :rolleyes:

    Such rhetoric as actually exists, is matched by the indifference of right wing conservatives to the plight of people with mental health and other disabilities by not advocating for adequate funding of community mental health services support etc. If the system is broke, actually spending effort and resources on fixing what is broke, would seem to be more productive than each of the political tribes finger pointing, chest poking, and name calling that the system is broke, just that they accuse 'the other side of breaking the 'system'.
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2021
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  7. enloopious

    enloopious Rocket Surgeon

    You know I can't reply to that.
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
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