BOOM! Democrat Pleads Guilty to Stuffing Ballot Boxes to Rig Elections

Discussion in 'Politics' started by OldDude49, Sep 22, 2021.

  1. OldDude49

    OldDude49 Just n old guy

    his is incredible, but not unbelievable. This is what I’ve said for years. Democrats almost without exception can not win an election unless it is rigged. I firmly believe that.

    I do believe that there are some places where there are exceptions to that rule such as certain California districts as well as some districts in New York.

    The Department of Justice just announced that they are going after a Philadelphia election official for “fraudulently” stuffing ballot boxes to help Democrats win elections from 2014-2016.

    DeMuro was allegedly paid as much as $5,000 per cycle to commit the election fraud. Candidates whom he helped get elected included judges as well as local, state and federal officials.

    He “fraudulently stuffed the ballot box by literally standing in a voting booth and voting over and over, as fast as he could, while he thought the coast was clear,” U.S. Attorney William McSwain said Thursday.

    In a press release, the Justice Department implied that the conspiracy stretches beyond DeMuro’s activities, with the ward chairman allegedly just one of multiple election fraudsters involved in fixing elections.

    An “unnamed political consultant” allegedly accepted cash from “clients,” which he or she then used to hire multiple other Election Board officials to engage in fraud, the press release stated.

    The FBI said the matter is part of an “active, ongoing investigation.”

    Do you realize how big this? I believe that this might be why the DOJ announced that they are taking some extra measures this year to ensure that the election in November is legitimate and fair. That means making sure that the Democrats play fairly.

    Shouldn’t this speak to Democrats? I really wish they would sit back, be quiet for just a minute and really think about this and their party’s behavior. Why is it that we don’t see this sort of thing within the Republican party like we constantly do with the Democrats?

    Just the News

    BOOM! Democrat Pleads Guilty to Stuffing Ballot Boxes to Rig Elections [Video]
    Oddcaliber and duane like this.
  2. oil pan 4

    oil pan 4 Monkey+++

    The FBI will spike the investigation when no one is looking.
    Oddcaliber, Idahoser, TnAndy and 4 others like this.
  3. OldDude49

    OldDude49 Just n old guy

    sadly that is probably true...
    Oddcaliber and crowdaddy like this.
  4. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    This Friday, Arizona will be finished with the Election Audit. I can't remember the region/county but it includes the city of Phoenix. Some are hinting that after the results are announced that they will move forward to audit the entire state.

    Let's face it, no one now believes our elections are fair and honest, not after the last Presidential election - so - having said that, why should we vote?

    So, yeah, they damn well better do something to bring integrity back to our elections but - more so - give us some faith in them.
  5. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    The problem is: everyone claimed it was fair and there was no corruption, so, how do we hold THEM accountable? Google, Twitter, Tic-Tok, YouTube, and many many others flat out banned any discussions alluding to fraud, a bunch of celebrities and talking heads chastised us all for even thinking there was fraud, and we're about to find out the truth ( some) so what then?

    What if we learn that Pedo and the Hoe didn't actually win, then what, will we un do everything they have done so far? Will we put things back together that those assholes broke? What about those politicians complicit in all this?

    I highly doubt anything will change, except maybe the way elections are run from now on!,. It even then, I ain't holding my breath!
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2021
    TinyDreams, Oddcaliber, SB21 and 2 others like this.
  6. crowdaddy

    crowdaddy Monkey++

    I can not say what I think about all this, so I will just agree with Ura-Ki...
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 23, 2021
  7. Cruisin Sloth

    Cruisin Sloth Special & Slow

    Oddcaliber, Ura-Ki and SB21 like this.
  8. TnAndy

    TnAndy Senior Member Founding Member

    We shouldn't. Voting clearly has no purpose, the outcome being determined in advance. And by participating, you lend credibility to an illegitimate system. I know it goes against everything one believes in for democracy to not participate, but at this point, I think the only option is to withhold our vote and hope by doing so, in large enough numbers, it will point out the farce of it all.

    Let's face it....the day is fast approaching when they won't be able to hide the blank stare & drool on Joe's chin, and Kameltoe is moved into the office. She got 5% of the Democratic vote.....and say that is 25% of the country (1/2 doesn't vote now, the other half split roughly between D-R). 5% of 25% is 1.5%. We're about to be 'governed' by someone that got 1.5% of the vote in this country. If that doesn't provide enough incentive for NOT voting, I don't know what does.
    Oddcaliber, Ura-Ki and SB21 like this.
  9. Tempstar

    Tempstar Monkey+++

    I always heard that if voting mattered we wouldn't be allowed to do it...
  10. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    We give them the power then they abuse it on us.
    Oddcaliber, Ura-Ki and SB21 like this.
  11. CraftyMofo

    CraftyMofo Monkey+++

    Interesting contrast of strategies…conservatives are not voting, and liberals are encouraged to vote one or more times if the system permits it.

    Read a little about Trinidad and Tobago’s 2010 election where Cambridge Analytica convinced young Black voters to not vote as a “sign of resistance against politics.” Think for a moment how a similar thing could be at play here in this country.

    Watch “The Great Hack” on Netflix to see how us minions can be manipulated.
  12. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    See! This is EXACTLY what I mean! I put out a long-winded rant about voting prior to the last election (presidential) when MotoMom's son said, "Why should I vote, it doesn't matters, since the outcome is already determined" I did this because I still believed there was a chance because I never dared to think they would corrupt a Presidential election. Local and State elections, yes, but a Presidential election - no. Now, I am convinced I was wrong and, to be honest, I also no longer have ANY faith in our electoral process and think it is fraudulent from the top down - so much so - that the Democrats are blatantly trying to push through their Bill HR4 (Voting Rights Act 2021) through the Senate which passed in the House. The Bill is nothing more than a guarantee that, by law, they will be able to corrupt future elections.

    So, how can I fault TnAndy or anyone for feeling and/or acting this way? Furthermore, how can I fault myself? No one trusts our elections now. Why should we? This is like tearing the heart from the America's chest for America is not America without this trust for We the People are no longer represented, have no voice, no power or say in how we are ruled America, real America, no longer exists - meaning - we are in much deeper trouble than we know. Think it's insane now - just wait.

    Stop and think about this for 30 seconds...We're in deep $hit. I lay ALL OF IT at the feet of the Republican party for lack of prudence, incompetence, and failure to use power when they had it. They are utterly worthless even when they can actually do something they never do, claiming moral high-ground or due process or some other BS and most certainly, never get it done.
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2021
  13. CraftyMofo

    CraftyMofo Monkey+++

    I agree and share the sentiment. It seems futile to participate. However, there are a couple things to consider, game-theory-wise.
    If I don’t vote(and millions of others do the same) the other side likely wins.
    If I do vote, the likelihood of changing the outcome is infinitely small, but if many millions do vote, there is a chance.
    Also, if I don’t vote, I am giving my approval to whatever it is we get. I would then be giving legitimacy to the notion that the other side has a mandate to do whatever they please.
    Voting literally takes minutes, and I’d encourage people to do it, even to register a small protest.
    3cyl, oldawg and Ura-Ki like this.
  14. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    My Head Hurts!
    magicfingers likes this.
  15. Oddcaliber

    Oddcaliber Monkey+++

    It's election fraud only if the Democrats lose!
    Gator 45/70 and Bandit99 like this.
  16. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Of course you are correct. My point is simply that all of us have lost faith in the election process and all of us now feel "Why should we vote because it truly doesn't matter." I don't think the majority of us would not vote out of protest but would not vote simply because we no longer believes it matters, it changes nothing so why waste our time.

    No, I will vote even though I no longer believe; however, how can I scold or ridicule folks that see it as a wasted effort, an exercise in futility. What possible words can I use to convince someone to reverse their decision when, in fact, they are correct in their assumptions because it's the truth. This is a crisis of immense proportion because it destroys the very idea on which our country is based. It is what makes our country and without it America fails to exist. It simply doesn't exist.

    Think about where we are now...We can no longer trust our own government to the point that some say the government indeed wishes us harm. We no longer trust our election process, our president, our court system and certainly not our representatives. The two parties are equally as bad but with different vices and neither does anything for the nation or its people. Our religion that helped build the nation is openly attacked, scorned and ridiculed while our Constitution is simply ignored. Our education system has gone rogue instructing in a manner without our consent yet demands and receives payment. Blatant lies and criminal acts are committed and exposed daily by our elected officials with no repercussions. What is left to believe in? What is left of America?

    At one point in our history, when the country was on its knees, a famous article was written called the "The American Crisis" (Thomas Paine). A crisis of even greater magnitude is among us now and grows unabated each day. We have come to the end, most have yet to see it but soon they will indeed feel it. God help us.
    Oddcaliber likes this.
  17. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    ABC Is saying BI-dum won there by a huge margin?
    Oddcaliber likes this.
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