A woman in a U.S. Army sergeant warns Americans that if they rise up against government, she will relish the opportunity to shoot them down. A woman in a U.S. Army uniform who claims on video that she is a sergeant warns Americans that if they rise up against government, she will relish the opportunity to shoot them down under martial law. The woke Army Sergeant identified as Cindy Bronson has a message for Americans who might think they can use the Second Amendment to force change in the U.S. “Understand that if active duty military actually get deployed within the United States, that weapon is not just going to be pointed at other people, other countries, it’s pointed at you,” Bronson arrogantly says on the video. “If you do not get in your house when I tell you to,” Bronson added, “you become the enemy. Martial law. You know, when your rights get curtailed?” Granted, Bronson was responding to someone online who was outright calling for the government to be overthrown. But, still, if Americans can expect our military will be used against us, this is something that the founders very specifically wanted to prevent as much as possible. But, if U.S. soldiers are as gleeful at the idea of shooting fellow Americans down, this is a bad sign. WATCH: Army Sgt. Shocks Saying She Would Shoot Down Americans Who Disobey Government ⋆ A woman in a U.S. Army sergeant warns Americans that if they rise up against government, she will relish the opportunity to shoot them down. ⋆ Flag And Cross
The woman, Sgt Cindy Bronson drives a truck in Texas and has never been to the sand box let alone a situation where people fire back. She is of no consequence and not representative of our troops, who still remain loyal to the Constitution. Not denigrating her MOS, but pointing out her naivete due to lack of experience, She was blowing off steam in response to a crazy lady she should have ignored. I would expect her next assignment to involve fuel and 55 gallon drums of yesterdays dinner shortlay after he CO was told the video had gone viral Full video here: Servicewoman Cindy Bronson calls out woman on her ignorant rants.
Bring it on Cindy I may be old but I can still put bullets in the bulls eye at 100 yards so you would be no problem
Exactly. And there are a heck of a lot more vets with actual combat experience than active duty folks currently. Silly ass girl wouldn't last a week if things turn ugly.
LOL! Okay. Want to bet she has never been shot at? We used to have discussions about this while deployed since there isn't a lot to do. The one discussion that comes to mind was when I was working there and we had a Guard unit of about 6 guys come do some work on the communications towers on the base. All were young, maybe 18-22 years old except their NCO who was a SSG/E-6 and a bit older, wiser. This topic came up in the smoke pit/shack for want of discussion. It was apparent that the young ones would do as they were ordered...unless their NCOs stated otherwise. The NCO reminded them of their oath, 'Enemies Foreign and Domestic,' and told them it wasn't that easy...the discussion then went into the Nuremberg trials, unlawful orders...how they could and would be held accountable. So, in general, to answer the question if our own soldiers would fire upon us - yes, they would. However, I believe it would be scenario specific - meaning - it depends who they determine is the real enemy.
This Sgt. Needs a good court martialing right quick! I was even going to accuse her of being a FOBit, but she has never even left home, never been shot at, never known the fears being deployed bring, had to say good by, or buried a buddy! Such an immature little princess, but there are rules, and they must be followed so this Sgt. Will likely be discharged after court martial proceedings!
I've never had any doubts the the military will voluntarily turn on Americans, just read about the Bonus Army if you doubt it at all. Our military was originally to defend our nation, now it is bought and paid for by the government for whatever and where-ever they are sent. Just like in the War of Northern Aggression, some will leave and fight alongside those that demand Freedom, but those demanding Freedom were conquered by the Military Industrial Complex and it has only refined and grown exponentially since. Watched, tracked, emails, texts, social media flagged, covid passports, shelters, mandates, travel restrictions, it doesn't end here.
I think her Monday will be very interesting, I'm going to try to see if I can find the outcome in the next few weeks. I hope she gets her reality check before it costs her or someone else's life. I'm slower and weaker that I once was, and until I regain the strength and balance I lost earlier this year not exactly a threat - at least to someone who doesn't underestimate me. As stove up as I currently am I'm as silent as it gets. I've just always been that way and if I don't intentionally make noise people tend to jump when they realize I'm there. I guarantee that if she was hunting me she'd have no idea I wasn't where she thought until the world went black.
I didn't! I know better, I know you ( and many MANY) more got sent down range! Gotta be sent down range to be a FOBit!
The Army, Marines, Guard and Reserves would be spread kinda thin over the country, and even adding law enforcement doesn't improve the coverage much. Airpower, Navy Seals, and drones are also few and far between. Be where they ain't, and attack their soft-points and supply lines. If they were so bad we would have never had to leave Saigon or Kabul!
@Seacowboys "...I've never had any doubts the the military will voluntarily turn on Americans, just read about the Bonus Army if you doubt it..." Man-oh-man that was a wake-up call when as a very young man I first read about that...and it was that a$$hat Douglas MacArthur who was in charge of them, had them fix bayonets to get them out of there. But, that was then and this is now. Most military members are loyal to their flag, country and its people. I would say a very small percentage are what you would call hard leftists Democrats and most of those are flag level officers which might sound important what we'll need if SHTF because they are not the guys that send bullets down range.
Herbert Hoover gave orders to Macarthur not to approach the Bonus Marcher encampment (aka Hooverville). Macarthur chose not to comply with that direction and gave personal orders, and assumed personal responsibility for clearing out the Bonus Marchers from their encampment. The subordinate soldiery however, did as they were commanded, they did not voluntarily turn on their fellow Americans. Yes, that a$$hat Douglas Macarthur used the incident to burnish his reputation as a military tough guy, but Eisenhower and George S Patton also played their roles in the affair...Eisenhower as Macarthur's principal aide, and Patton as commanding the armoured (cavalry) troop commander. Each of those actors in the Bonus Army incident went on to become American WW2 patriotic 'heroes', their involvements in quelling the Bonus Marcher protests being largely forgotten, or ignored by the later attention being drawn to their exploits in the defence of the USA, and the allied cause against the Axis forces in North Africa, Europe, and the Pacific. Marching on History | History | Smithsonian Magazine