Agent Orange Test Bed> Science v Real World Intel> Science is Manipulated by Those in Control.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by HK_User, Jul 25, 2021.

  1. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

    How Vets were abused by Cancel Culture to save money treating diseases caused by Herbicides used in war time.

    Of late the most often used phrase I see and hear is "Follow the Science" of course this is yet another "Buzz" phrase used by the left to control the shepple.

    I say this because I have been following Vets Herbicide caused disease cases for years.

    Now I will be the first to admit that I do not have a high tech Lab in my basement, I don't even have a basement.

    What I do have is years of reading Vet's Claim files and research on Agent Orange which I started in 1992 when I became feed up with my numerous health problems from unknown sources and/or causes plus government controls of information.

    Some Govs have been controlling the output of "science" information as a way to limit their exposure to world wide claims for damages to land, sea, air and people. In fact the world governments agreed to exempt AO as a item of chemical warfare thus removing the responsibility from their actions in SE Asia.

    Lack of test chemicals was the reason the US stated they could not support the science of the actions on the soldiers, sailors and air force personnel as they had incinerated those chemicals on a distant island> Operation Pacer HO - Wikipedia.

    OTOH, other Govs used a tried and true method of science to support their contaminated troops from the SE Asia war.

    This was a simple but complete study of troops percentage of AO related disease records from troops around the world. The results was an undisputed connection by percentages of illness, a simple comparison of place and time of service to put a value in injured citizens soldiers who served equal time in similar environment and with the same back grounds.

    So yet another cover up when bureaucratic scientist used their PHD to spoof and cancel the truth.

    Along with the above, records of delivery shipments were modified to support the Cancel Culture of the day, to belittle and shunt honest men and women to an early death, alone and usually in pain with no help from their Governments.

    No wonder 22 a day still commit suicide.
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2021
    Thunder5Ranch and SB21 like this.
  2. johnbb

    johnbb Monkey+++

    I have to agree 100% for years it was denied AO was used at Thailand bases and then finally they admitted it yet only those (SP) who had duty walking the perimeter were covered. As I posted we lived within yards of the perimeter claim denied. Pure and simple government cover up in order to save money-- but lets give benefits to millions of illegals
    HK_User likes this.
  3. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

    Well any day now I expect an "approved" claim for Agent Orange service connected problem.
    But, I have been waiting for 52 years so what's one more day?

    Never give up.
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2021
    johnbb likes this.
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