The emails Anthony Fauci wrote in 2019 and 2020 show that he used tax payer dollars to create Covid 19 for China to be used against the US and the world. They prove that he lied to everyone in America. They also show that this is a BIO WEAPON and Fauci calls it such in the emails. It was developed in China to be used against the American people and the western cultures to crash our economies and bring us under Chinese world control. DocumentCloud As a response to this China issued a statement saying that we MUST STOP investigating the origin of CV19 or they will nuke us. I am not exaggerating. Chinese media says Beijing expanding its nuclear arsenal We have all been played and manipulated by the Communists. What are we going to do about it?
Biden is going to pretend to be tough on china. That's it. The US has rejoined the who, a Chinese controlled organization. Fauci clearly funded the china virus, might as well call it the fauci virus. And he still works for the administration. Nothing.
Someone’s going to jail as a sacrificial pawn to protect the rest of the deep state from exposure. I would look for Fauci to “off himself” while in custody just like Epstein did...
Yes, it appears that "The F-ouch" will be the next distraction to keep peoples' attention away from the damning evidence on the Hunter Biden lap top hard drive. No doubt The F-ouch is a snake, and needs to be prosecuted to the maximum extent for his treason. Hopefully, this is all a prelude to go after the bigger treasonous fish who are still pulling Sleepy China Joe's puppet strings.
Showing my age, perhaps...Bernhard Goetz first came to mind, but that just didn't compute right....hey, it's late
Bill Gates! YUGE investment in china lab where the Rona came from! A well known eugenics believer/enabler like his father, who believe the earth is way over populated and intends to kill off as many of us as possible!
What will most likely happen with Fauci ..... die from some previously undisclosed condition. He has the answers to too many questions to not die from natural causes. I would expect a couple of other key people in his email chains will also expire over the next few months. Then the good Doctor will be mourned and portrayed as the savior of humanity from the pandemic. In 40 years assuming climate change has not killed all life on the planet..... Like the coming ice age during the 70s did. The correct history will be set in stone and the true history relegated to the dust bin and conspiracy forums. I also expect the Pope of the future will grant Sainthood on the good doctor.
I read an 'underground' article where they said Fauci was going to take the fall for all of this back in March. They predicted it down to the month. I thought, this is a bunch of conspiracy theory BS... then it happened! The other stuff they said that was/is going to happen seems to be on track. Lets hope.
What underground site? They seem to be on top of things... too many conspiracies coming true these days!
I've been spending a lot of time on the dark web lately. Looking for certain things. If you know about how that works its not real easy to give you a link. Then of course certain sites are only up during certain hours. A lot of the info gets leaked by this guy on the X22 report. One of the big ones they are talking about a lot is happening in or before August of this year. There's also a good chance its psyop to keep the militia placated. FWIW. I guess we will know when everything is said and done but its really hard to know for sure with out being on the inside. I just hope they are right.
Been catching a lot of rumblings lately, stuff that gets spun up and speed across the spectrum of people who need to know these things before hand! Lots of stuff is unbelievable, yet it comes true! I'm hoping that most of what I'm running across does come true, because if it dosnt, were royally screwed! The other stuff I'm hearing, hope they can put Pandora back in the box, otherwise, were royally screwed!