Talking out fire

Discussion in 'Survival Medicine' started by Tempstar, May 22, 2021.

  1. Tempstar

    Tempstar Monkey+++

    My great Grandfather could talk out fire. He would very quietly say a few words and gently blow on a burn and it would stop burning. It was known and accepted by everyone around and he was often called on for this skill. I know it works because my brother grabbed a hot lawn mower muffler and was screaming ( he was a little fella) and my great gramps took his hand and whispered something and blew on it. Little brother stopped crying and wanted to go play. It still blistered and all but never anymore pain. My father could stop bleeding by the same method. I wanted my dad to show me but he said if he did he would no longer have the ability. He said he could pass on the ability but it would have to be to someone of the opposite sex and once he did he would no longer ability then either. Both he and great granpa passed away without me having any knowledge of who they passed the ability to, or even if they did. No one in the family has any idea who passed the ability to either of them, and great granpa was on my mothers side so it wasn't any kind of family thing. There is also rumor in the family that one of the ancestors (great-great aunt) could stop pain the same way, but she passed away in the 40's.

    I bring this up because I was telling the wife about it this morning and she didn't believe me, so off to Google and there are references on there to these abilities. Just wonder if any of the Monkeys ever encountered this.
    Cruisin Sloth, Gator 45/70 and SB21 like this.
  2. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    Thinking sometimes its referred to as The Jesus Gene
  3. Srchdawg-again

    Srchdawg-again Monkey++

    My BIL can stop a nosebleed says some scriptures and bang the bleeding stops. He used to do it for my son when he would get them.
  4. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    No, I have never seen such a thing but have heard of it. Being an engineering type geek, in my younger years I did see/hear something that totally blew me away, something that I still cannot explain. I was in Eastern Europe waiting for my documents/orders to get cut to take a position in Afghanistan right after 9/11. I was hanging around in Moldovia and Romania because it was dirt cheap, good food and plenty of beautiful women. As a joke, I went to a see a Reader (a clairvoyant) with my current girlfriend, more out of boredom than interest. The Reader could speak no English so girlfriend was translating for me. She ask if she could read me and I agreed. Why not, might be fun! Well, did she did but I wouldn't call it fun...

    Now, understand, I had never met her before, didn't speak her language and I'd only known my girlfriend for about a week. No one knew me in that country beyond my name and I was American (hard to hide it), not my family, my professional life, my history and certainly not my personal life. Well, she told me things about myself that stunned me because no one, and I totally mean, no one could have known. She was so detailed in her explanations that I finally stopped her because the last thing she told me scared me so bad because only one other person in the entire world knew about it and she was over 10,000 miles away. She also told me about the future which all turned out true to include meeting my wife (knew her hair would be red, name would start with 'L' and come from a country I did not know at the time) so...

    So, what I am saying is there are indeed things in this world that science cannot explain. I also think we should accept them. I certainly do from now onwards...
  5. Cruisin Sloth

    Cruisin Sloth Special & Slow

    Great reads above folks.

    Edit add : And below as well.
    Last edited: May 24, 2021
    SB21 likes this.
  6. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    I learned from my lovely bride that there are/were a number of what roughly translated to "Witches" in Russia and the Slavic states, and we went to see one in Odessa my first visit! Wife and her folks made a huge deal of it, like it was some sort of life or death kind of deal! I tell you what, that woman knew shit absolutely Nobody could know, details of my teams, personal details of my life, all the serious stuff, and all with out me ever saying a single word in any language! What's also Krazy, she completely understood every word I said in any language, even though everyone said she didn't speak anything but Ukrainian! Didn't matter if I spoke broken Spanglish, German Russian, Or the various dialects of Slavic, she completely understood me! She did her thing, and then she blessed our marriage, telling us that we were chosen to be together by the gods and all that!
    I asked the wife how old the lady was, she looked to be no more then 50 if that, I was told she was well into her 90s and fit as a fiddle! I didn't believe her, and she had family and friends and local neighbors tell me how old she was!
    I'm told there are only a hand full of people like her in all of Russia/Ukraine, and that they are super accurate in their readings, and that there are even fewer in Europe or the states and all are highly sought after or are in hiding!

    Have another story from a visit to Israel, but that's for another time!
  7. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    There is an entity called a "Spirit guide" that people mistakenly invite into their lives and it is a distraction for seeking God, it is why He forbids it. Their information is accurate and reliable because these spirits travel the world and abide with people to learn them, some for a lifetime. They need your addiction to them, to draw your interest from dependence on God.
    I have dealt with several of this practice, Paul and Silus dealt with one in the book of Acts 16;16,- in the Bible.
    Some of these pay a terrible price over time for this practice, spiritually, socially, and in some cases physically.
    I cannot speak for those with the healing gift or that of putting out fire, I call on God for these events and He is reliable with me and other devoted brethren I know.
    I do not seek to manipulate God, I cooperate with Him. I seek His will first.
    It is possible to do miracles using Jesus' name, but this does not mean necessarily that they are doing so under Jesus' Lordship for which Jesus warned strongly, are in trouble. Matthew 7;21,22,23, "Not every one that calls me Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven, but those that do the will of the Father". Jesus provided the Holy Spirit (He alone makes introduction) to teach God's will in His place.
    How do I know the difference?
    God has not given us the spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
    God will caution me but not terrify me.
    . I have been approached by other spirits even attacked physically, and their fearful practices try to terrify me.
    Those without this relationship with God do not have discernment.
    SB21, crowdaddy, Gator 45/70 and 2 others like this.
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