Stag Arms, Covid, growing national debt, and general paranoia

Discussion in 'Tin Foil Hat Lounge' started by Thunder5Ranch, Mar 14, 2021.

  1. Thunder5Ranch

    Thunder5Ranch Monkey+++

    Thing most reasonable people have a recent growing sense of concern or impending doom with hard left turn the USA has taken. Me? I have this unshakeable feeling that something big and bad is quickly moving this way and is potentially going to be hiding around every corner very soon. No idea what *It* is out of the multiple possibilities or if *IT* is all or many of those possibilities bundled up in one package. More Covid stuff....... the Growing trillions to the debt with many trillions more of debt promised that devalues the dollar more with each new piece of legislation. Or perhaps I am just letting the general sense of paranoia trigger my own survival instincts.

    I have been eyeballing a couple of Stag Arms pieces for a while at a local mom n pop gun shop a 15 and 10 Still not a fan of the AR platform but after getting the pair of Springfield AR-10s a while back it has grown on me a bit. So the shop owner calls me this morning and says "If you want one or both, you better come get them!" So I dick around for a hour debating whether I should really spend $2700 on two more weapons that I don't really need........ and decide what the hell why not and hop in the truck and get there to find literally every gun in the store with a sold tag hanging from the trigger guard. Including my future stags :( He had just finished the paperwork and background check on the buyer 10 minutes before I pulled in. SO I had a pot of coffee with the owner instead and learned that starting Tuesday the run on his shop began and by Friday he was down 85% of his 500 gun inventory. At the end of Saturday he had to Sig 1911s and the two Stags Left. He also told me that the local RK closest to us had gotten 4 Springfield AR-10s and 4 AR-15s as well as 2 stag 15s and 2 Stag 10s. SO he calls the gun barn and yep they have 1 of each of the Stags Left and none of the Springfields.

    So at this point it grown from I kind of want them to, OK I am going to get them..... to I MUST HAVE THEM!!! So I say ask them to hold them for me please and I will be there in the 35-40 minutes it takes to get from here to there. To which they say sure.

    Now I was just in RK Friday before last picking up two more of those Rock Island 200s I have came to like so much. Their gun rack and case was full then. A week later they had 7 pistols in the case and 5 rifles and two shotguns on the rack. With my new Stags being two of the Rifles. The 15 was $990 and the 10 was $1700........ While filling out the form on the computer the entire system crashed right as I was checking NO I AM NOT A ILLEGAL ALIEN!!!! In my mind at that point was THE FORCES OF THE UNIVERSE ARE CONSPIRING TO NOT LET ME OBTAIN THESE RIFLES!!!! Then the system came back up and I had to start over and passed the back ground check, paid for the rifles, 6 sixty round mags, two 60 round drums and ten 30 round regular old polymer mags......... a couple of scopes, some grips, two tripods and set of jumper cables...... Hey I don't get to town often these days, so gotta make it count when I do.

    Pre Covid and the summer of violent love and rioting MRS T5R Would have been in my ear for a solid two Months with this purchase. Post Covid and the Summer of Love she is always asking me "DO WE HAVE ENOUGH GUNS??? DO WE HAVE ENOUGH BULLETS??? I THINK WE SHOULD GET MORE GUNS AND BULLETS!!!!" Thought getting two more of the Rock Islands and spending way too much on 1500 more rounds of .38s would calm her down. Nooooooooo she was all but pushing me out the door to get to the gun shop this morning.

    Personally I would like more REAL GALILS but Good luck finding anything other than the parts bin Golani Sporters now days........ for anything resembling a reasonable price. There is something to be said for the simplicity of the AR Platform and the fact that any mental midget can break them down and reassemble them in pretty short order. And the AR Weight is a feather compared to the Galil being a concrete block.

    Best I can figure on the run on the guns this time is the Democrats are great gun salesmen with their gun control bills.

    When I got home with the report that yes we have yet another AR10 and AR15 (First AR15 I have ever owned) Mrs. T5R says "Well I feel better now and we should not need any more new guns for a while!" As I walked away I mumbled "I should hope so we have enough guns now to arm half a company of soldiers and enough ammo to fight a small war!" .............. "WHAT DID YOU SAY?" ........ Nothing dear just that yep we should be in good shape now.

    Ahhh we have came a long way since our first date and the look of horror when she saw the big black scary gun hanging on my wall and asked "Do you really need something that dangerous hanging on the wall!?!?!?!?!" She even likes my pits and pit mixes now days.
  2. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    The AR 15 is the barbie doll for men.....
    You will be forever buying new parts to trick her out... have fun!!!
  3. Merkun

    Merkun furious dreamer

    I have a very good, very religious friend that does NOT proselitize, ever, but has taken to a close examination of Revelations. If pushed, said friend will draw comparisons to surprises lying around. The worry is increasing in this nekka da woods.
    Dont, Oddcaliber, mysterymet and 3 others like this.
  4. Thunder5Ranch

    Thunder5Ranch Monkey+++

    Or Mr Potato Head :)

    I will keep it pretty basic with the exception of the high capacity 60 and 100 round mags, LOL I am not the guy that feels the need to have spinner rims on my rifles.
  5. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    But a nice optic....maybe....LOL
  6. JrOrtiz

    JrOrtiz Monkey

    I can't see a positive outcome. Was talking to a childhood friend who is a lifelong resident of San Francisco. Loved the city. I love the city, fun bars, great restaurants and, and great socializing. NYC and san fran have the best looking women in the country.

    Anyways, he describes the city as dystopian and then went on to talk about how we were warned years ago. He is an attorney and truly a city boy, so justifiably worried about his future. The upside, his father and brother are well heeled if things go bad. This is another liberal like myself that has never voted Democrat. He sees things lining up. We both learned about how things were going to get; him by Jeff Rense and me by Alex Jones. Those guys led us on different paths to the same destination.

    My city, Albuquerque is headed the same way. Once the government payments stop its game on here. In my neighborhood, next door the young man age 25 is an alex Jones listener. Last February my neighbor directly across the street, had a armored van (well aware what they look like) drop off a regular size box that needed a dolly to move. Across from him, my neighbor directly across sold 1000 .223 rounds to a police officer whom I know.

    My point. Lots of people are worried, lots of people are aware. Things are too open to hide or ignore. It's no longer conspiracy, its reality for many recently woke.

    *I like using terms the far left uses. If offends I will quit doing it. It's my juvenile sense of humor
    Oddcaliber, Thunder5Ranch and duane like this.
  7. BenP

    BenP Monkey++

    The United States are no longer united, we have 93 members of the communist party in congress. The divide tearing this country apart cannot be bridged and we are heading toward a civil war or a soviet style breakup or both. Washington is drunk with power and it seems they believe 'We The People' can be legislated into submission and forced to give up our rights. The only thing I cannot decide is if they know they are causing a civil war and have a plan to bring the people to heel or they are so arrogant they believe Americans will just roll over and willingly hand over their rights.

    The picture you have painted with the gun stores is exactly the same here. The gun stores simply roll the pallets of ammo out onto the sales floor and people pick the clean within an hour. Also the feeling you have of impending doom is shared among many.

    It makes me sad to think of the suffering that people will endure if this becomes a hot war. I fear the America of the future will not resemble the America of the past.
  8. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    We prepare for what may come...... either it be from the left right or center....One does not rest in these times, just prepare for what may come. It is all we can do.......
    Most have been preparing for years.... as we have seen this track for some time.
    Others are just playing catch up... either way, you are right!!
  9. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    I wonder where T5R is going to get all the .308NATO to fill up all those MAGs?
  10. duane

    duane Monkey+++

    In my mind the straw that may well break the camel's back was the last covid bill. $1400 to most people as a bribe, the payment per child on top of welfare etc, the continued payment of "unemployment insurance" to those who haven't ever held a real job, bailing out the teachers unions, the state debts, funding every leftest dream, open borders, making all the new "citizens" out of the illegals, all of the above have created a situation where the left has to continue to deliver to their base. Universal rights for the "poor" and people of color now include free housing, free medical care, free education, universal basic income, and first crack at all jobs and goodies. Next it will be payment for our white past sins and the destruction of our heritage.

    Meanwhile if HR1 is passed, and there is 24 hour demand for it on the national media, it will mean doing away with the secret ballot and giving the parties weeks to find "voters" and making it illegal to require that the voters identify themselves as meeting any registered voters criteria, giving voting rights to those in prison, etc, it would give the left such a base in the cities, and in many states, the cities dominate the state, so in fact the left will control the national government and many of the state governments. The actions so far this term have proven that if they can in any way get their own way, any cooperation is out. Many of the actions that are changing our whole society and system of government are being taken by executive orders, actions taken by the various department in the government to insure racial equality, to protect the environment, etc , bills passed without 1 republican vote in favor, 1200 page laws arriving in front of congress and passed a few hours later with no time to really find out what they are doing and who benefits.

    The actions occurring are nothing new, the same tactic has been used in dozens of countries over the last couple hundred years and the outcome, one party socialist government with a base at first of takers, morphs into a small elite who run the country for their benefit and in the end tolerate no dissent from anyone. China, Russia, Nazi Germany, much of Africa, many governments in South America, the examples are legion and the results in every case have been bad, but never let a good crisis go to waste, and the old dream of this time we are going to get it right, have always over ruled common sense.

    The single best description of our present political situation again comes from books, we are entering a period in our history that is a weird combination of "Animal Farm", with the democrats taking on the role of the pigs, and "1984" with the mass media and high tech social media deciding what is true and what we should believe.

    The next big push by the left , already taken place in most of the world, is to disarm any dissenters and allow the state to have absolute control.
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2021
  11. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    You cannot find a gun or ammo to feed it here, and even the second hand stuff is way WAY over priced, and bottom rung! If you didn't get what you needed by this time last year, your more or less screwed!
    Have a buddy who is not a gun guy asking me last year what he should think about getting u gave him my standard answer and he seemed pleased with that, only to find out that he waited too long and was going to have to cough up almost 3 times the normal amount, or do with out Same with the ammo for 1 AR and 1200 rounds worth of good ammo, he spent dn near $2000 to get $900 worth of kit, and that's not even counting mags and all the other stuff, figuring he spent another grand to get hisself a basic one rifle battery, and this isn't counting a pistol with mags and ammo to learn and practice with, or a good holster and then getting his carry permit all during the Rona lockdowns! At least he is now armed and kinda knows what he is doing, but I feel he is going to be one of those who will wait till things go way off the rails and become desperate before he does what he needs to, and that's gonna suck for all! As long as he takes a bunch of the bastards with him, that's about all I can hope for!
    Wife somehow scored a big bag of .300 win mag brass for me, the one I never seem to have enough of, I don't know who she had to sleep with to get it, but ether way, I'm happy!

    No, the wife didn't sleep with anyone she reached out to a couple of buddies and begged the brass from them!
  12. RouteClearance

    RouteClearance Monkey+++

    In a sense, there are a lot of people that I simply cannot feel sorry for, like, we had four good years to get what we needed. Instead, they became complacent and took it as a given that President Trump would win a second term. During his term, two of the biggest names in the AR world, DPMS and Bushmaster went under along with their parent company Remington Arms.
    To think that a Stag Arms AR that was selling south of $500 a year and a half ago is now going for over a grand,,, and let us not even begin to cover the ammo problem that is now expected to be this way for the next year or longer, and that is if the bidum administration’s proposed gun laws are shot down by the Senate, if they are not, then things will go south a lot quicker.

    If this country is not experiencing a major civil out break of violence by the end of the year, then color me surprised. Our economy cannot withstand the COVID lock downs with tens of thousands of small businesses going under and the unrestrained spending of our .gov by creating money out of thin air will result in a rapid runaway of inflation. Spicy times are quickly approaching. Keep your powder dry and know that Rule 303(308) is fast approaching.
  13. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    I have lots of ammo Ura-Ki, what's she look like?
  14. Thunder5Ranch

    Thunder5Ranch Monkey+++

    T5R got 99 problems but ammo ain't one :)
  15. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    And here we go.....down that rabbit-hole lol...
    Oddcaliber and Ura-Ki like this.
  16. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    Who cares, let's put it this way, she is well qualified to work at Hooters in all respects, and would have had Hugh Hefner chasing her around!
    You got .300 win mag, we got a trade!
    Yard Dart, Dont, Gator 45/70 and 3 others like this.
  17. Thunder5Ranch

    Thunder5Ranch Monkey+++

    LOL rough choice with ammo out performing gold and silver :)
  18. JrOrtiz

    JrOrtiz Monkey

    It is great she is willing to take one for the team. She's a keeper.

    *all respect intended
    Gator 45/70 and Ura-Ki like this.
  19. mysterymet

    mysterymet Monkey+++

    I might have some .300 win mag but it depends on your rock hard abs Ura-Ki
    Yard Dart, Dont, Gator 45/70 and 2 others like this.
  20. Oddcaliber

    Oddcaliber Monkey+++

    Went to the gun show last Saturday. They did have ammo, very over priced ammo! I'm going to concentrate on food and meds for the time being. Don't see ammo coming down in price anytime soon.
    Yard Dart and Gator 45/70 like this.
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