People's Rights - Organization to defend your rights from gov't overreach

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by toolbelt99, Mar 9, 2021.

  1. toolbelt99

    toolbelt99 Monkey

    I just found out about a grassroots organization that helps neighbors stand together and defend themselves from gov't overreach.

    The gov't is becoming more and more tyrannical and authoritarian. It's going to be important to have groups like this to stand together to protect ourselves from the gov't. It's very difficult to protect yourself and your family alone. But if you have a group of 50 people standing up for you, your voice is more likely to be heard:

    People's Rights - Claim, Use, Defend
    HK_User likes this.
  2. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    Do your research.... just say'n.
    There are a lot of ways to collect opposition research.... including setting up fake sites to get users to join, thinking the are joining a like minded outfit. Sometimes that is not the case.... watch your six when joining groups... especially new groups with limited details IMO. ;)
  3. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    For one, they do not note the 2A right to bear arms.... very vague language in their post.


    Because you have a right to life, you have a right to defend that life, no matter what it takes. You also have a responsibility to come to the defense of others; your family, neighbors and even complete strangers. Why? Because if something or someone is threatening them, it could very well threaten you next. Your safety and well being are ultimately your responsibility.
    Seacowboys and Oddcaliber like this.
  4. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    YD is passing out some really good advice here. It became quite obvious this pass election that the amount of false narrative from false media sites was absolutely astounding! And, more astounding is given the amount and content could only of come from a very large and well funded organization. Now, we find out things like the possibility of even applications like SIGNAL were made specifically by government organizations for the purpose of backdooring citizens. A perfect 'Honey Trap.' To be blunt, MANY of these websites are now made by entities specifically to gather intelligence - period. I am NOT saying this is one just saying to be damn careful now and going into the future.

    What has happened during election in North Idaho and since and is now gather more and more are people are organizing locally...and I hope this is happening in your AO also. It's especially amazing here because most people like to be left alone - that's why they move to North Idaho...but not now. People are reaching out to each other, exchanging ideas, giving each other assistance when required and preparing for the worse. Just this past week, I was invited to join another new group. And, for another one, they asked for and received my assistance to get a bunch of them, trained, tested and FCC licensed. Things are happening here and I pray to God it's happening around the country as well.

    Our local Sheriffs are law abiding and have sworn to uphold the Constitution. We have some real fire-breathers in our State Representatives and the pendulum is starting to swing our way. In another post, I referenced our Second Amendment Preservation Act (SAPA) version 2.0 which will nullify attempts by the Feds to restrict our 2A rights. Sadly, we're stuck with a weak-tea governor who has enjoyed suckling the Federal Covid money so-much-so that he refuses to call off the State of Emergency but it's coming and his days are numbered.

    Anyway, after they stole the election, I was horribly depressed but now wonder if this might not have been for the best. Why? People cannot ignore what is happening. Hell, gasoline has gone up from $2 to almost $3 since Joey got into office, less than 2 months! And, it was reported that America will once again will NOT be energy self-sufficient for 2021 and the out years as we now import more than we export - tied once again to the Mideast (btw OPEC and Russia shut off the taps so expect shortage soon). It took us 35+ years to become self-sufficient and only 2 months to go back to status quo... Are Southern border is about to be overran... And, things will get worse. A lot worse. And, people will finally say - enough.
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2021
    Altoidfishfins and Yard Dart like this.
  5. Altoidfishfins

    Altoidfishfins Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Long as people get what is perceived as "free" money they will always vote for the Communists, until that money becomes virtually worthless and then it's too late.

    Sorry but I have little faith any more in the overall intelligence of the majority of American voters.
    mysterymet and oldawg like this.
  6. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Yes, some definitely will...but I believe, totally, that we actually won the election - meaning - many more citizens 'got it,' they understand and can see what is happening, and those out number the Leftists that want nothing more than 'free money' and to tear the country apart.

    Biden's and his cronies actions are starting not to resonate so well even with the left...and he just got started. But, he has 2 full combat divisions guarding his a$$ now while he pushes through some more lunacy Bills and Executive Orders. Yeah, he's not even warmed up yet...
  7. JrOrtiz

    JrOrtiz Monkey

    I too was depressed after the election. Things are turning bad quickly.
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