Question that has bugged me forever...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by BTPost, Mar 6, 2021.

  1. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    What makes SUPER HEROS so fascinating to the Z Generation?
    flex, GOG, weaselrunner and 3 others like this.
  2. oil pan 4

    oil pan 4 Monkey+++

    They don't have any real heros.
    Zimmy, Sobospider, GOG and 8 others like this.
  3. TnAndy

    TnAndy Senior Member Founding Member

    A frighting number of them live in a virtual world.
    SB21, Seepalaces, Capt. Tyree and 5 others like this.
  4. snake6264

    snake6264 Combat flip flop douchebag

    its like when we had comic books they have movies
  5. hot diggity

    hot diggity Monkey+++ Site Supporter+++

    They know they'll never be one since they weren't born on an alien planet, in another dimension, or have parents who experiment with building super robots. Since they'll never achieve super hero status they just lay around and watch them.

    We played cowboys and indians, Army, or tried to be like The Rifleman after the cartoons were over on Saturday morning. We went outside and played in the dirt with our friends. We dug holes, caught frogs, pushed trucks around, making truck noises. We rode our bikes or shot at each other with BB guns. We didn't come back in until supper time, even in the winter. We actually had to walk to a friends house, knock on the door and ask a parent if their child could come out and play. We were unplugged, unmasked, and free.
    jim2, Gray Wolf, Zimmy and 14 others like this.
  6. Tempstar

    Tempstar Monkey+++

    I'll take imagination for $100 Alex.....
    I work for a TV station and see these kids come in fresh from college. They have absolutely no imagination what so ever. They know no history, have never watched the Rifleman or Dragnet or Blazing Saddles. Their minds have been shaped by video games and pop stars and, sadly, liberalism. They don't have a clue who Joe Foss or Chuck Yeager were and are amazed when I play some oldies rock videos because they like it but have never heard it before. Like Hot Diggity says, we had to make our fun not tune into it.
    jim2, GrayGhost, Yard Dart and 10 others like this.
  7. mysterymet

    mysterymet Monkey+++

    Since many of them were raised without religion and the human brain is hard wired to believe in something they believe in these fake super heroes.
    jim2, 3cyl, duane and 3 others like this.
  8. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    liberals have cultured people away from thinking.
    jim2, Tempstar, Seepalaces and 3 others like this.
  9. Meat

    Meat Monkey+++

    I loved all of the Super Heroes when I was A KID! My favorite was real though, Evel Knievel. Nobody really knows him these days. I took my son and his friend to one of these Marvel movies a number of years ago and could hardly sit through it, ridiculous times 10.
    jim2, GrayGhost, Yard Dart and 4 others like this.
  10. RouteClearance

    RouteClearance Monkey+++

    Here is what I cannot understand, the modern super hero movies and tv shows simply SUCK!!! They have a crapy plot that is a cliche that is repeated and repeated and repeated to no end. Hollywood over uses CGI, Every Star Wars film since The Phantom Menace has been awful. I have not seen the last three and have no interest in them. I did get into The Mandilorian series, but since Disney fired Gina Carano for simply stating the damned truth, well you know where Disney can take a flying leap from.

    As for the modern singers of today,,,, I would like to hear what Taylor Swift, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, which by the way have been the most vocal never Trumper’s sound like with out Auto-Tune. In a nut shell, holly weird is so worried about the digital age and how easy it is to steal copy right movies and music. Well holly weird, your crap you put out is worthless and not worth stealing.
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2021
    jim2, SB21, Seepalaces and 4 others like this.
  11. Merkun

    Merkun furious dreamer

    Alleged singers. I do NOT understand the repeat a phrase at least 8 times in 2 minutes genre. Not to mention the talentless arrangements of synthesizers.

    I (fortunately and deliberately) don't get to see many "pop" music vids, but those I do see by accident strike me as gyrations for the sake of demonstrating gyrations not singing, which damn near has to be dubbed since no human can do both at the same time.
    jim2 and Seepalaces like this.
  12. Macgyver

    Macgyver Monkey+

    In my early years we went to school said the pledge of allegiance and were schooled in how to think. I believe the pledge was stopped around 1965 it has slowly gone down hill sense. In 1967 or 68 I took my gun to school and shot in the rifle range was on the Rotc rifle team. Sadly today they only teach students what to think not how to think.
    jim2, SB21, Seepalaces and 1 other person like this.
  13. mysterymet

    mysterymet Monkey+++

    We were saying the pledge before school in the 80’s through early 90’s.
  14. Thunder5Ranch

    Thunder5Ranch Monkey+++

    It started with PONG and kids loving to sit for endless hours in a trance watching a monochrome pixel bounce back and forth on a black and white TV. Got worse by magnitudes of order with ATARI, evolved further with the advent of the early home PCs, When the first really useful computers hit homes with the amazing 200MMX, Early Direct X and a 14.4 modem you were moving at warp speed in the virtual and game world........ then 1996 and the 33.6 modem then 1998 and the rise of the 56k modems and ever faster pentiums to now and the 4 and 5G networks, home computers that are amazingly fast Smart Phones with more computing power than 1000 1990s computers combined and virtual worlds that are seamless and fluid. These virtual world have evolved into a very large number of peoples real worlds and the closest thing to actual reality is living vicariously through those of us still anchored in the physical real world. At the same time the old message boards and early forums devolved into todays social media and became a part of the virtual existence of a large swath of humanity where nothing is real out side that which is digital and on a screen. A ever increasing number of people that work in the real world for the sole purpose of being able to exist in the virtual world. Super Heroes are just another extension of this new virtual reality and living life through others or artificial constructs like super heroes.

    LOL I hate release day of a new popular video game or movie, 3/4ths of the hired hands mysteriously call in sick on those days. Amazingly the 45+ Year olds are present and all healthy and working........ OK not all but most. This new world and the overall quality of of people is a large part of the reason I decided a few weeks back to start winding the business down to selling on the hoof custom butcher hogs and steers, and the other raw farm stuff. I am going to keep my two best seasonal hired hands on a 64 year old and a 67 year old that exist in the real world and lose the headache of hiring younger people that are worth $1 per hour or less and soon having to pay them $15 under the States min wage law and people might be physically present but are not really here. Plus my two old farts want cash under the table and I pay them $20 per hour because they generate $60 per hour in revenue. And they are physically and mentally here and fully aware of what is going on around them, NOT physically here with their head in the cloud living life as Ironman or the Black Panther in their virtual reality or hiding between a tractor and baler next to a spinning PTO shaft staying connected to their real world via their smart phone and oblivious to the spinning PTO shaft in their baggy ass clothes running a high risk of getting wrapped around said PTO shaft.

    It is a sad reality but employers have largely turned into day cares for adult children that live and exist in virtual fantasy worlds. And are mandated to pay them more for very often near zero productivity,
    flex, jim2, Mountainman and 6 others like this.
  15. UncleMorgan

    UncleMorgan I like peeling bananas and (occasionally) people.

    I have to say--I agree with you all. I think there is no single reason Gen Z is largely divorced from Reality. Part of it has to do with the video games that are deliberately designed to be as addictive as possible. Part of it has to to with the Hollywood/Democrazi/Commie-Liberal brainwash administered with every TV show, commercial, movie, and news report.

    I think Generation Z was lost when they were counter-educated in our communist-controlled public schools.

    They didn't stand a chance.

    Knowing what I know now, if I had kids I'd be living where home schooling is the only option. and there isn't any Cable.
    flex, jim2, SB21 and 5 others like this.
  16. Meat

    Meat Monkey+++

    I remember vividly mowing a lawn and receiving 7 bucks. Mrs Ennis said “tell Mr Ennis I only give you 5 if he asks.” Next thing I know the 7 is completely gone, Donkey Kong. I remember leaving the corner store full of adrenaline and effin broke, feeling like an idiot. I’d repeat it a week later. Addicting as heck and your reward was putting your initials in the top ten, Yay! My own kid did play the war video game but it faded thank God. Too busy wrestling perhaps. :D
    jim2, Yard Dart, SB21 and 1 other person like this.
  17. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Thank you all, for your posts... It has given me a lot to think about...
    Seepalaces likes this.
  18. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    I'll take Lack of involved parenting for $300 Alex (RIP)

    Most family units today have both parents working (IF both parents are even in the home). They use the TeeVee/PC/tablet as a baby sitter. Even if "dad" is in the home, he may be so toasted after working all day - he just plops in front of the tube, then hits the rack. Weekends? Maybe drag the kids out someplace the parents want to go...maybe.

    I was lucky. Had a Father that worked with our whole tribe, if not gently. Went to Church each Sunday. Stepping out of (a very well defined) line got a correction (verbal to physical) - if Pop saw something wrong, he would point it out and tell us the why it is was 'wrong'.

    Dad busted ass so mom could stay home and raise the kiddos - she finally went to work after the youngest was in 3rd grade - even then working as a 'lunch lady' so as to be home as the rest of the tribe took off to school/work; and was home when we will made it back to Fort Defiant.
    Yeah, we were "poor" - but always had clean (if patched) clothes to wear, food to eat and a rood overhead.

    OTOH, I had absolutely no doubt that if anyone messed with our family - all Hell would break loose. As it did several times. The local schools hated to see Pop him coming...

    Mom and dad smoked, drank beer and (horror) played cards with their friends in the house - in front of kiddos.Yet everyone turned out OK.

    We got his support for the activities he approved of...
    Example - when I was barely 13, my older brother and I wanted to take a 50 mile hike up and down the Santa Catalina mountains north of Tucson.
    We showed Pop the map, our gear and a general plan of attack. He just nodded. He dropped us off at the head of Sabino Canyon and agreed on the time we could count on for pickup.
    Three days later he was there waiting for us. Treated it like it was no big - even tho we ran late. Had some cold water and cookies for us to chow down on the ride home.

    Who needs make-believe "Superheros" ? I worked with and was around combat Vets from WWII and ROK for most of the time growing up. Same for my time in the Scouts (back in the day when they still cut down trees etc)

    BTW - ever take a good look at these so-called Superheros of today? They force themselves on others, they are always 'right' and god help you if they decide to administer 'justice'. No thanks.

  19. 3M-TA3

    3M-TA3 Cold Wet Monkey

    it all started when guys kept wearing their Spiderman underoos past the age of 8. It wwas not a surprise when they hit puberty that they were more into "action figures" and video games and not fast cars and faster women when they hit 16.
  20. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    My Generation had comic books but they never interested me, neither did Superman or any of the other characters. My heroes were usually played by John Wayne, Humphrey Bogart, Clint Eastwood, Lauren Bacall...I don't think about them as heroes but their characters portrayed traits that I believe to be honorable and worthy of emulation. I wanted to become a human that would face adversity with such steadfast determination, never questioning my motives, never taking the easy way out. I learned the writer's definition of character, honor, bravery, and determination from people that pretended to be someone else for a was the writer that told the story, the director that brought it to life on the screen. My super heroes all write.
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