Sometimes folk feel uncomfortable accepting genuine positive affirmations (praise) because they feel they don't deserve it, or because they have been socialised into being modest about their abilities / contributions and avoiding the limelight...and heaven forbid...stealing the limelight from others... Then, there's imposter syndrome.... Feel like a fraud? Overcoming Imposter Syndrome Impostor Syndrome: Facing Fears of Inadequacy and Self-Doubt Of course the opposite side of that coin (Imposter Syndrome) is the Dunning-Kruger Effect An expert on human blind spots gives advice on how to think
For some, praise and criticism in private can be just as confronting. Much also depends upon what the 'praise' is, and how it is handled in a team context. Recognition is not intrinsically good or is contextual.
Lol, He hasn't reached the age of I don't give 2 flips or 1 flop what others think, He's gonna know one day soon !
I had a job interview once. There were four applicants and guess what place I finished? Yup. Two applicants wouldn’t take their drug test for some strange reason. The 3rd place guy was flown in from Tennessee, he said “Hell nah!” The 4th place guy helped to turn the place around quite honestly once he was given a shot.
I don't think I compare myself to others, for the most part, I don't want to be like others. Not that I'm perfect, but I know that other people have their own faults and personally I don't envy them. There is only one person that I strive to please and that is God. I live my life with things I have to do from day to day, but when my heavenly Father has a task for me, that becomes THE priority. Edison went through hundreds of failures before discovering how to make the lightbulb, but few people take that into consideration. Christians go through hundreds of failures trying to grasp the truths in the bible and their relationship with God, success is the one that doesn't give up. Not weighing against what others had accomplished but what Jesus instructed and what God expects out of this relationship on a personal level. With our things we have a standard we expect of them, like our guns for instance. If you did every thing you know to improve the accuracy of your gun and you still can't hit a soup can at 30 feet, is the gun worth keeping? Are you going to bet your life on a gun that is this inaccurate? Not me. We have a tolerance level that we expect of things and people we associate with, and it varies with trust, not necessarily identity. I have had friends from every economic status in the spectrum, the very rich to the very poor, good people and some not so good on both ends, I was well aware of their successes and failures, and did not want to emulate them.
Oh mai lai, You're about to hit the leavemeandmyfamilyalone age or Iwillcutyour'reheadoffandwizzdownthatthroatage It's an interesting time to be alive !
I have that switch. Lol. There was that time in California, minding our business by the pool.................