Tucker Carlson: The great Texas climate catastrophe is heading your way.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by HK_User, Feb 16, 2021.

  1. Merkun

    Merkun furious dreamer

    Not necessarily defeat, but can attenuate. RTF directions.
    Gafarmboy and Gator 45/70 like this.
  2. T. Riley

    T. Riley Monkey+++

  3. T. Riley

    T. Riley Monkey+++

    Aransas Pass, Texas

    aransas pass.
  4. oldawg

    oldawg Monkey+++

    I can hear the snowbirds screeching all the way up here in Waco.
    HK_User likes this.
  5. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    What are those mostly? Specs, Mullets ,Reds ?
    HK_User likes this.
  6. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

    Doped up cold turtles everywhere.
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  7. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    I saw that in the news about the massive turtle rescues taking place, My hat is off to these people!
    TinyDreams likes this.
  8. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

    That's the reason we do it close up and personal, that's what it takes to do the job right.
    Same thing happened not long ago in the Gulf closer to you.
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  9. TnAndy

    TnAndy Senior Member Founding Member

    I'm thinking..."WOW...all that fertilizer !"
  10. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

    Going to Galveston and coming back with a load of what some call "Trash Fish" always amazed me with the end results in the Garden. Along with that is the available sea weed!
    TnAndy, enloopious and Gator 45/70 like this.
  11. T. Riley

    T. Riley Monkey+++

    What’s different about Texas? In New York, Portland or Chicago they would have stollen the water, vandalized the place and then burned it down.
    arleigh, Alf60, Gator 45/70 and 5 others like this.
  12. T. Riley

    T. Riley Monkey+++

    People in Texas are being sacrificed to the liberal Green god. At least 24 so far. If they had been gunned down democrats would be holding hearings.
    Gator 45/70, SB21 and enloopious like this.
  13. enloopious

    enloopious Rocket Surgeon

    Free fish!!! You can dry that fish and it will last for a long time.
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  14. TnAndy

    TnAndy Senior Member Founding Member

    I'd end up with every raccoon, possum, skunk, feral cat and black bear within a 30 mile radius...but I'd risk it...ahahahaaaa
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  15. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Told my ex, just once, when she was fussin' about the secretary's spread --
    "Acres and acres, and it's all mine." Not my finest attempt at a witticism.
    ditch witch and Gator 45/70 like this.
  16. T. Riley

    T. Riley Monkey+++

    Water tower in Pampa, Tx
    SB21, enloopious, TinyDreams and 4 others like this.
  17. TnAndy

    TnAndy Senior Member Founding Member

    "Ed, I TOLD you to stop over filling it !"
    SB21 and Gator 45/70 like this.
  18. T. Riley

    T. Riley Monkey+++

    February 15th 2021 From the Galvez Hotel and Spa. Once in a lifetime.

  19. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

    That wasn't actually Pampa, was outside of town at National Oil. Gages froze up and it just kept pumping and pumping. Space ball a town over did that same thing bout 5 years ago, turned a 9 square block area into a skating rink :D

  20. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    I've had separators freeze up to the point the level controllers wouldn't function.
    Had a couple of control panels freeze up as well, This is due to fatassism by not draining the water from the air supply.
    ditch witch likes this.
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