In Case you Missed this Charge of Treason

Discussion in 'Politics' started by HK_User, Sep 26, 2020.

  1. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Scientists have been studying the evidence, from the fossilized remains of tropical life found in the arctic regions from 10,000 years ago, to isotopes found on the moon and Earth that are only created by our star when it creates a super flare, and these events all coincide with the cyclical event dating back at least 5 times. It's only recently come back to our focus since some of the work was declassified, and there's still much more to uncover. As for dark matter, that's a well known farce among those who appreciate science for what it truly is, rather than it being a springboard for certain funding to chase the mythical matter which doesn't matter. We know this universe is an electric one, and the plasma and dust is easily pushed aside for something more elusive just to keep the dollars flowing. Just like everything else, our scientific arena is corrupted by greed and vanity.
    Hooray! The brave Patriots have the Leftists quaking in their boots. Left or right, it matters not. Think about it from the perspective of an advanced civilization instead of our own. If you intended to instill lasting peace and solidify humanity under one banner, would you take the road of "freedumb", where every Doritos eating idiot can do whatever they wish, or would you take a more heavy-handed approach? The idea of a New World Order is nothing new, it dates back to the time of Alexander and was followed by Rome and even the Third Reich, and it will not end in our lifetime, either. To an advanced species, we're insipid toddlers with nuclear toys. We have a long road ahead of us and we're not going to reach the end of it by spreading freedom, as much as it pains me to say so. It's no accident that democratic societies such as our own have been funding communist societies since the start. What happens when you kick over an ant hill? The ants get right back to work and build a better, stronger one. It doesn't matter how we end up at the final destination as long as we arrive. The Leftists have been building their base heavily these past four years as the corporate media demonized Trump. The purpose wasn't just to install their people in place, it was to further the divide between Left and Right. And given the choices already made by the Biden camp, they wish to incite more anger and resentment from the traditional right followers. Don't just see what is, try to see where it's all going. If the people are divided and too busy fighting with each other, the pressure will continue to be removed from those who make the decisions. They've consistently made a mockery of the American voting system, the Presidency is a circus, and the Hill is still a swamp that can never be drained. The Left will praise any clown in office as long as they hold their flag high and proud, just as the Right often does. Nobody is innocent in this fight, and everybody is wrong for supporting this false paradigm.

    It's really a "no brainer" at this point. Whether it be civil war or another World war, we will keep heading toward our own enslavement. Far too many sheep are worshiping at the altar of government, and the truth is they love being led around. If you tell them they are being led to slaughter, they turn against you and will not even see the facts which lay right in front of their noses because they are truly lost without their support system and complacent lifestyle. These are not a people who will risk life to sustain liberty, they will ignore your every plea and celebrate their leaders even as they are herded off to the slaughter house. Some call this the "normalization" phase.

    We've had the blueprint to freedom since the start, it's the Declaration of Independence. We're supposed to throw off this tyrannous "government" and start a new one, not keep taking part in the same insane circus hoping things will change for the better every four years.
  2. enloopious

    enloopious Rocket Surgeon

    So to me it seems like what you are saying is that if we took the initiative as individuals to walk away from all of this we could make some real progress? That is a brilliant idea! I have felt the same for quite some time but not able to put it into words. My first impression is that we would need to be located in the same place but maybe thats how it all started to begin with. Decentralize and unite world wide. Make it a grass roots movement. If you were to lay it out, how would it go?

    I would say in order to make sure people are on the same page they would have to join voluntarily. No begging people to join. Would people join a society that is completely independent of all leadership with no perks? All you get is hard work and freedom? I sure as hell would. Nobody should ever be higher than another no matter what. I think there is some real potential in this idea. I would gladly help you if you help me in return. Helping one of us helps all of us. If I buy you a gun and you grow me food to live without any record of who owes whom, then where is the advantage or disadvantage? If we all take care of each other and protect each other with no need to hide any technology, assets, food, money etc then there is no pointing fingers. No war with each other.

    What kind of rules would it have? Constitution? You would definitely want everyone to be united and 100% independent. So your choices are the group NWO having all the power or individuals being the top of the pyramid. The problem is that people are also the weak link. To avoid this what do you do? Make very specific rules or guidelines for joining and helping.

    Start today. Contribute to the idea because ideas or bulletproof. Can you have everything by letting go of everything? It seems to make sense on some philosophical level.

    Eliminate government. Walk away from it. We don't need war, salvery, envy, leaders, followers, weak people, etc. We don't need gov looking over us constantly. We can take care of ourselves. Its not because we can't do it, its because people constantly ask for permission. Lets do it. Now is the time. If not now, then never. I wont post anything about this online but I have already done much of what I talk about over the last 20 years. So far so good.
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  3. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    The future reality, if it ever comes to pass for humanity, won't necessarily be pleasant. And it would almost certainly have to be a militaristic society. Since the military alone doesn't pay the bills, it would need persistent funding, which is where the corporations come into play. The "military industrial complex" is the keystone of the operation. Simply making war with each other isn't beneficial in the long run, so a new enemy must be discovered as well. This makes the "enemy" extra-terrestrial by default. And there's no sense at all doing any of this if there's no money to be made, so society must have some kind of decadent, selfish base of people who will choose to exist simply to feed off the hard work of others. The upper class always tend to be the most lucrative, with extravagance to spare. As for the rest of the people, when closing the wealth gap proves to no longer be essential, they can become one working class in this militaristic/corporate society. People require discipline and order, because without it they will just fall into bad habits. On the philosophical side of things, people are inherently flawed, and thus anything created by them will also tend to be flawed in some way. Therefore, a social responsibility network will need to be in place, one on the level we've never seen before. Now, assuming all wars between humans have run their course, the population is relatively in check and many billions have died, the corporations hold all the power and the military is fully integrated into society functioning as its support center, progress can finally be made. It ought to be obvious that bad people exist, greed and the lust for power won't simply go away. Just as most people today do not fully understand how secret societies work and how ownership of the money supply really has been the key method to maintain control over a society, even in a futuristic cashless society I have been describing, the very core of its operation must also be structured and maintained in similar fashion.
    An individual alone may possess the aptitude to be proficient and wise, even brilliant and remarkable. But, groups of people tend to be quite stupid. I speak not only about herd mentality, but the many pitfalls of normalcy bias and complacency. Although it may be true that we don't require government at all, the sheep of this world do very much require guidance and support. However, everything I've described earlier really leaves no place for what we would call "government", but a centralized panel of citizenry would be required to maintain the illusion of control resting in the hands of the people. Even the dumb people of the world tend to not think kindly about being told they are beneath others, and so the people will always have their illusions. Let them believe they have choices, that their voice and opinion matters. At the end of the day we're all going to end up at the same destination.
    It's already gone. The trick was to integrate the corporations into every facet of our lives and only maintain the illusion of government.
    Gator 45/70 and johnbb like this.
  4. enloopious

    enloopious Rocket Surgeon

    I think we are already there in more ways than one. What the free and independent people of the world need to move forward united is complete division. If you make a way for the smart, proficient, wise, brilliant and remarkable people to become self sufficient and yet united we may have something we have never seen before, true independence as both a people and a planet. These are horrible times but also an opportunity. Lets build a system that can run in any environment. Create the idea and release it on the world grass roots style, just like Bitcoin.

    This is why the future free society would not have groups. You are either free or you are not. A group takes away freedoms so don't have them. You can't stop people from joining into groups but you can also educate against them. We are one. We are all unique and independent but also united by being sovereign. Eliminate the herd. If we all focused our energy into one person to make them completely independent from all of the gears of the machine, what would it take? I think I might have an answer or even most of an answer. Probably 80% if not more.

    How do you get out of the money trap? We all know that fiat currency is evil. The solution is not to stop using it, it is to convert it. Create a one way system to get it from paper fiat to a pure form of energy like Bitcoin and eventually Monero or Zcash. These are available right now and completely untraceable. You could take your paycheck or business and convert your cash and income to one of these. If your business is profitable and you turn all profits into energy forms of money you not only dodge the hyperinflation coming but you make money as it happens.

    How do you sustain yourself with food and water? If you have no money there are lots of ways to eat and drink that are listed elsewhere on these boards.

    How do you get out of the war trap? Fight the machine by peaceful noncompliance. Walk away. The MIC needs us to pay them. With out that they dry up and shrivel.
    How do you get out of the housing trap? Have you ever heard of allodial title?
    How do you get out of the possessions trap? What do you really need? Hint: its not a widescreen TV.
    How do you get out of the work trap, the family trap, etc... Turn them into assets. People are starting to figure this one out all over the place.

    If you think about it most everything is a trap in your own head. Just a small bit of thought creates the answer. The problem is that people don't like the answer, or even fear it, and that is that you need to change but also not knowing of a trap makes it impossible to find an answer. If you don't change what you do you will always get the same results but worse than that, bad people will find your weaknesses and exploit them. It happens all the time and gets worse and worse by the day in so many ways. There are enemies out there right now hunting us for sport and profit. We MUST become the sheep dogs. Being neither sheep nor wolves.

    Don't like my answers? Come up with better ones.
  5. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    The idea is we're all a part of this social experiment, and with it comes certain responsibilities to each other. The concept of individual freedom does not leave room for social contracts to exist, which would be a primary driving force in a futuristic society.
    Again, the concept of personal freedom and liberty are noble in theory, but highly impractical for an advanced civilization. At some point we will have to come to the crossroads of leaving those ways behind or suffering the consequences. Let's say humanity has a starship capable of taking a few thousand people into space and colonizing another planet. I know it's a far off concept, just bear with me. Will they want to take with them groups of people who are wholly focused on personal freedom or should they take people who will benefit the group? I guess the bottom line is if we're divided, not much progress can be accomplished. There's always a chance that a more freedom oriented society could advance, but it will take much longer, and time is not a friend to us. We cannot forget the time crunch.
    Ganado and Gator 45/70 like this.
  6. oldman11

    oldman11 Monkey+++

    “Broker”,sometimes I can understand you,and this is not one of those times. But I think you are a little ahead of yourself on this. I don’t think as a country we can come to grips with that way of thinking. We would have to change everything that as United States citizen have been brought up believing in. We are going to have to change slowly or we will not change but will destroy ourselves in the process. I’m just a eighth grade dropout,what do I know? I know we are on the wrong path to be great again . I never thought we would have a presidential race like this one,outright stolen and the dimocrat party will say so their self’s.we are not the socialist states of America,and not the communist states of America for sure. We are the United States of America and be proud of it,it’s the only one on earth. Would you have ever thought you would see the military in Washington helping to seat a candidate that stole the presidential race? Me either. I don’t know what’s it’s going to take but I know for sure we are headed in the wrong direction. Why do you think the dimocrat party wants to do away with the constitution 2a right to keep and bear arms? The military needs to take over running the country until we can have another election and elect a honest candidate that don’t believe in stealing votes just to get your way. Mark my words we are headed for some dark times ahead and it’s not going easy staying United. Keep the constitution the way our forefathers wrote it,they knew what they were doing don’t you think?
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  7. enloopious

    enloopious Rocket Surgeon

    I don't think that personal freedom makes you one way or the other. We are all already free, we just don't realize it. Our ability to contract is unlimited but what is a contract. Its just an agreement between 2 or more people. Not everyone wants to go to space and not everyone wants to stay on earth. You can make it happen with a very small number of the right people. If you pull down the BS and propaganda and fear and all that other crap you are left with 2 or more people working towards a common goal. That goal gets accomplished based on the amount of people who support it. Your argument for a space faring society doesn't prove to me a need for one world government. A company is just a larger scale version with fear, control, threats, loss of pay, etc. I think of it like the militia, they don't have the same motivation that organized military usually have... unless it comes from within. There are cases of the militia defeating organized armies. We should be able to use the best and most effective parts from all of history to make something new and better. Again you are stuck with the people being the weak link. You must focus on the individual to have any chance. One world government kills that ambition, they keep us on this planet so they can rule us. They chop any tall crops so that we are all uniform. We can divide and unite as free individuals.

    I think you agree with me when I say that your futuristic society would require physical fighting. As training but also as a way to keep people honest. I think it should be encouraged. With out it you have fearful people who are easy to manipulate by fear. If the people are not afraid of anything then they will gravitate towards a free society naturally. Tyranny needs people to be afraid to work. A pandemic is THE perfect example. Using that type of fictitious scenario you could get people to submit to anything including ridiculous face masks that don't work, Vaccines that kill people, and even anal swabs in the airports. There's no limit to the amount of insane nonsensical things you can get someone to do if they are afraid.

    I also think that people should fight mentally and spiritually. Only by combat on all three fronts can we grow stronger. Debates like these, legal and lawful challenges etc. Test people constantly and they grow stronger. The problem today is that we don't have the tools or even the info to make these things happen. The only reason I have done it myself is because I am crazy and like to be prepared. Who looks up things like allodial title? Its not even in dictionaries anymore. Not only did I find it but I also found 170 acres of land sitting in the allodium from my great grandfather just waiting for me or another of his descendants to come get it. This wouldn't even mean much to your average person but to anyone who knows what the allodium is it means a lot.

    Can you and should you take away the greed factor? Probably not but it is an issue so get rid of fiction. Make it so there are no corporations. They shouldn't exist anyway. If one man or woman owns a business and they die, so too, should the business. Whether that is by natural means or dividing it up between kids it shouldn't matter. Death is a natural part of life and MUST be a natural part of business. It keeps companies honest but also from joining government as a corporation.

    We should all break down what world we want to live in and then go do it! Get rid of corporations. Get rid of laws. Get rid of government. Just walk away from them. If you can figure out how to make that happen then everyone would RUN full speed to join you just like they are doing with bitcoin. Prove me wrong.
  8. Merkun

    Merkun furious dreamer

    Or know how to use it.
    Brokor, Ganado and enloopious like this.
  9. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    [LMAO] Please forgive me for playing Devil's advocate. I am merely delivering a message from the Übermensch.

  10. enloopious

    enloopious Rocket Surgeon

    Cruisin Sloth likes this.
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