One must think about proper sleeping arrangements out in wild, that’s for sure. I’ve never really found the right arrangement. A back out of shape is very serious. Old people, lol.
Oh yeah,I got my glasses. Do any of you recall kids that wore glasses in school? Sometimes nerds yes, but if you were involved in any way when they were broken.....It was like that show The Incredible Hulk! Run OMG! That’s me now, try me. Lol.
Yup. Me. Near nerd, but not quite, never knew what it was like to not need specs, been sporting them since 2 years old.
For me, it was Jr. High when I went Spring Skiing, without Googles for Spring Break...Came home with burnt Retinas, and Coronial issues.. Have worn glasses with High Astigmatism, and Color corrective Lenses ever since... going on 60+ years now... The Doc tells me that they now can implant new Cornias to fix the Astig but Color Correcting isn’t available quite yet, and it costs about 2.5kbucks per eye...
Same here , got eyes fixed 30 years ago ,, Next should be mouth , willy , tude, but the order is up for debate ! S
Just got over a bout with covid and lost 30 lbs and weak as a newborn almost. I have been pushing myself around the yard working but t's frustrating not being able to pick up things I normally picked up a year ago with little effort. I stop more often and rest and listen to the pulse in my tinnitus ears and realize I've got to slow down and accept this new normal. My blood pressure is good but my pulse rate gets over 100 just limbing a tree with a pole saw. arg. I m glad for the reserves I had put away years ago I really hate going to town, but I do miss a few things like movies and eating out, and mostly my friends and acquaintances I meet going out. I wonder if I am ever going to see these friends again?
Sorry to hear you caught this virus,, but glad to hear it sounds like you're on the mend. I do hope your new normal returns to what it was before. Im not liking this new normal thing our politicians are ramming down our throats.
Get well soon. I remember every doctor I visited in regards to my back saying “you’re going to have problems later in life.” Guess what? Problems. It’s mostly at night. That’s why sleeping on the ground (or in a tree) worries me a bit. Ouch!
My eyes are solid seeing at a distance, that I feel good about. I’m trying to drop a few pounds though. No more Breyer’s Natural Vanilla amongst a few other things. I’m walking with a weighted pack at lunch time too. I’ve heard almost every BS story anyway. At least mine are true, with slight embellishments for laughs. There’s the Red Trunks, White Stripe. The Million Dollar Da$h..........
20/30 here Of coarse driving around with ones head up ones azz texting is like letting Steve Wonder drive?
What did you treat yourself with ? Were all going to get this @arleigh All , as I feel I have had it as well , since I travel with many Pilots who fly all over the world , I fly on this rock only and move my buddies .. So Im on HCQ and Zn/ Vc-Vd stuff , no problem .. Sloth I'll let you know if the blue pills still work
The moment I realized I was sick I drank about 6-8 oz of colloidal silver. a day later I took a probiotic to reintroduce healthy bacteria to my digestion, seeing the silver would have killed it all as well. I make my own, colloidal silver @ about 40ppm. I didn't get nausea or vomiting or breathing issues or elevated temperature, but I became weak as a kitten lost my sense of taste and there was an unusual odor that accompanied me. This virus gets to your brain and does these things, Who knows what else it does. I lost 30 lbs but that was mostly muscle weight, and I am working on getting it back, but it is going to take some time. Losing one's sense of taste is bad enough, losing strenght is pretty bad as well. It is not an infringement on one's freedom to wear a mask or social distance or wash hands, You can't prove youre not infectious till you've been tested, but the testing does not make you impervious either, it is just a test, beyond that you can spread the virus by touching things other infected people touch and passing it on that way. Even if you get the antivirus you can still pass the virus. How many people still sneeze into their hand and go on handling things like door handles. Don't blame the government for restrictions you ignore anyway, They gave you a chance, probably knowing your rebellious nature, and what are you going to say when it finally comes around to you? I thought I was doing pretty good, except for the few restaurants eating outside and such, faithfully masking and keeping a distance but it only takes one compromise, Who knows where or when but it happened. Since it takes about two weeks from catching it to realizing it, if you've been in the public it doesn't take much. The reason I was out in public was that at the time I was taking a friend to dialysis every other day, and insisted on eating out afterward. I got friends begging me to go out and it hurts to say no but I have to, even though I am over it, I won't take the chance. I care about my friend, and even when I see them I wear a mask and they do too.
Do as YOU NEED Sir . I live my WORLD differently . to Been buy blow and hookers weekly ! Same straw !! 70 Yo Canuk , who teaches shooting to Cadets !!! Leader for 4H , nuts and bolts .. Kids in school are / have had enough !!! Outside is mask off , inside is mask on ?? School is a waste of tax for me , you teach SQUAT ,, Grow a set